7 research outputs found

    A formal approach to exploring the interrogator's perspective in the Turing test

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    My aim in this paper is to use a formal approach to the Turing test. This approach is based on a tool developed within Inferential Erotetic Logic, so called erotetic search scenarios. First, I reconstruct the setting of the Turing test proposed by A.M. Turing. On this basis, I build a model of the test using erotetic search scenarios framework. I use the model to investigate one of the most interesting issues of the TT setting – the interrogator’s perspective and role in the test

    Beyond Static Datasets: A Deep Interaction Approach to LLM Evaluation

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have made progress in various real-world tasks, which stimulates requirements for the evaluation of LLMs. Existing LLM evaluation methods are mainly supervised signal-based which depends on static datasets and cannot evaluate the ability of LLMs in dynamic real-world scenarios where deep interaction widely exists. Other LLM evaluation methods are human-based which are costly and time-consuming and are incapable of large-scale evaluation of LLMs. To address the issues above, we propose a novel Deep Interaction-based LLM-evaluation framework. In our proposed framework, LLMs' performances in real-world domains can be evaluated from their deep interaction with other LLMs in elaborately designed evaluation tasks. Furthermore, our proposed framework is a general evaluation method that can be applied to a host of real-world tasks such as machine translation and code generation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method through extensive experiments on four elaborately designed evaluation tasks

    De FrameNet à la Théorie Sens-Texte : conversion et correspondance

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    Ce projet se dĂ©cline en deux parties. Dans un premier temps, il s’agit de dĂ©velopper une mĂ©thode de conversion automatique des textes annotĂ©s selon la sĂ©mantique des cadres dans FrameNet en reprĂ©sentations sĂ©mantiques de la ThĂ©orie Sens-Texte, afin de dĂ©velopper davantage de ressources informatiques pour assurer le dĂ©veloppement de diffĂ©rents projets, notamment le rĂ©alisateur de textes GenDR. Dans un second temps, cette conversion sera mise Ă  profit pour effectuer une analyse comparative entre les deux formalismes. Nous retiendrons que ces formalismes ne sont pas incompatibles, mais diffĂšrent par leurs niveaux de granularitĂ© et leurs objectifs propres. Nous tracerons quelques parallĂšles entre les fonctions lexicales et les relations entre cadres, et proposerons une mise en commun des formalismes afin de les enrichir.This project is divided in two main parts. Firstly, a method allowing for an automatic conversion of FrameNet's Semantics-based text annotations into semantic representations, according to the Meaning-Text Theory framework, will be presented. This method will lead to an increased set of data usable to develop and improve various Meaning-Text Theory-based projects, including GenDR, a text realizer. Secondly, the conversion task will be used to do a comparative analysis of the two frameworks. We will conclude that the two frameworks are not incompatible, but differ in their granularity and goals. We will also draw parallels between the lexical functions and frame- to-frame relationships, and make some suggestions regarding changes to the frameworks in order to enrich them

    Does the Turing Test Demonstrate Intelligence or Not?

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    The Turing Test has served as a defining inspiration throughout the early history of artificial intelligence research. Its centrality arises in part because verbal behavior indistinguishable from that of humans seems like an incontrovertibl