4 research outputs found

    Understanding the Impact of Service Failure and Recovery Justice on Consumers’ Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention

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    This research attempts to explore the impacts of different types of justice and their interactions on the satisfaction toward service failure recovery. We attempt to classify justices into hygiene, motivator, or asymmetric variable, based on the concept of asymmetric effect and two factors theory proposed by Herzberg. Specifically, we predict that procedural and distributive justices are hygiene or performance factor and interpersonal justice is motivator. In addition, based on expectancy-disconfirmation theory (EDT), we also attempt to understand the interaction between paired justices by arguing that motivator can generate more effect when hygiene factor or performance factors meet initial expectation. An experiment, with 3x2x2 between-subjects factorial design consisting of three factors to represent different levels of justice provided by online retailer, will be conducted to test the proposed hypotheses. A two-step approach will be used to (1) confirmation the types (hygiene, performance, or motivator) that each justice dimension belongs to, (2) understand the impact of each justice on satisfaction, and (3) test whether motivator will generate more effect when hygiene and performance factor are satisfied


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    Este estudo buscou compreender a influência da co-criação de valor e do sentimento de pertença no comportamento de satisfação de consumidores luso-brasileiros em plataformas de crowdfunding, em contexto de produtos culturais. O método utilizado foi o descritivo, com estatística descritiva para obtenção das frequências. Foi procedido o teste U de Mann-Whitney para análise das variáveis, a partir dos dados levantados junto a 200 apoiadores encontrados nas principais plataformas de crowdfunding do Brasil e de Portugal: o Catarse e o PPL, respectivamente, entre os meses de julho e outubro de 2014. A confiabilidade da escala se deu pela teoria de resposta ao item – TRI. O teste U de Mann-Whitney foi fundamental para atender ao objetivo desta pesquisa, identificando quais os antecedents que mais influenciam na satisfação dos apoiadores em plataformas de crowdfunding. Na literatura, seis variáveis exibiram importância na relação com esse tipo específico de consumidor que é ao mesmo tempo apoiador: confiança, benefício não-monetário, co-desenvolvimento, recompensa, co-criação de valor e sentimento de pertença. Conclui-se então que nas plataformas brasileiras ou portuguesas, pessoas ou empresas que busquem as plataformas de crowdfunding como forma de financiamento devem priorizar os esforços no gerenciamento dos antecedentes da satisfação, com foco no sentimento de pertença e na co-criação de valor, pois desta forma tornarão os apoiadores satisfeitos e até mesmo propensos a fazer novos investimentos. O consumo colaborativo exerce um grande fascínio tanto para os apoiadores quanto para os realizadores, abrindo portas para novos rumos de atuação do marketing digital. É de relevância mencionar, pelo que foi discutido e observado neste estudo, que o crowdfunding aponta para o futuro do consumo, onde, mediante a convergência das mídias e de uma maior oxigenação do mercado, será exigida uma participação cada vez mais próxima e ativa do consumidor, no processo de elaboração, criação e investimento de novos produtos

    Crowdfunding: Analysis of Satisfaction and Loyalty Behaviors of Brazilian Consumers in The Context of Cultural Products

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    Este estudo buscou mensurar a relação do uso de plataformas de crowdfunding na conquista da lealdade e satisfação de consumidores brasileiros, em contexto de produtos culturais disponíveis nas plataformas específicas de consumo colaborativo na web. O termo crowdfunding é usado para designar plataformas de financiamento coletivo destinadas à concretização de projetos. O referencial teórico apresenta esclarecimentos sobre produtos culturais, lealdade, satisfação e consumo colaborativo na web. A abordagem metodológica adotada foi a pesquisa descritiva apoiada com levantamento de dados coletados junto aos apoiadores brasileiros na principal plataforma de crowdfunding desse país, o Catarse. O método de análise foi descritivo, com estatística descritiva para obtenção das frequências, e testes não paramétricos das hipóteses. Concluiu-se, a partir das análises realizadas, que existe uma clara relação entre o uso de plataformas de crowdfunding e a conquista da lealdade e satisfação dos consumidores brasileiros, motivada pelas características e particularidades que permeiam o consumo colaborativo de produtos culturais nas redes sociais.This study aims to measure the relationship between the use of crowdfunding platforms in the achievement of the loyalty and satisfaction of Brazilian consumers, in the context of cultural products available in the specific platforms of collaborative consumption on the web, the crowdfunding experience. The term crowdfunding is used to designate collective financing platforms for the realization of projects. The theoretical framework presents clarifications about cultural products, loyalty, satisfaction and collaborative consumption on the web. The methodological approach adopted was the descriptive research supported by the collection of data collected from Brazilian supporters on the main crowdfunding platform of that country, Catarse. The method of analysis was descriptive, with descriptive statistics to obtain the frequencies, and non-parametric tests of the hypotheses. It was concluded from the analyzes carried out that there is a clear relationship between the use of crowdfunding platforms and the achievement of loyalty and satisfaction of Brazilian consumers, motivated by the characteristics and particularities that permeate the collaborative consumption of cultural products in social networks

    Determinants of IS continuance: the use of mobile computing services by field service staff in a South African mandatory setting

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    M.Com (Information Systems) by Research 8/31/2015 Research report submitted to the University of Witwatersrand in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Commerce (Information Systems)Rugged mobile computing devices have enhanced durability and protection, thus allowing these devices to be used in the field as opposed to the office. These rugged mobile computing devices provide organisations with the ability to extend their information system services to their field staff, such as delivery persons, transport drivers and field technicians. Bhattacherjee's (2001) IS continuance model appears to fall short in explaining IS continuance in the context of field service staff who often perform repetitive tasks as part of their job as opposed to doing more complex tasks as performed by office bound knowledge workers. An IS continuance-based study in a South African organisation, where field service staff use rugged mobile devices, will improve our understanding of user behaviour towards technology within the body of IS knowledge. This study makes a contribution to theory by demonstrating that the core IS Continuance model by Bhattacherjee (2001), can be extended to include additional constructs to better predict IS continuance. This study proposes and tests an extension of Bhattacherjee’s (2001) IS continuance model, which explains the determinants of IS continuance intention in terms of affective and cognitive factors. The cognitive factors are task technology fit, perceived service availability, result demonstrability and the affective factor is the construct of familiarity. The study is carried out in a mandatory setting within the context of field technicians (working for a South African utility organisation) using application services on rugged mobile devices. To date, most IS continuance studies appear to have been carried out in a voluntary setting or an academic institution setting and very few of them have been conducted in organisations (mandatory settings). A structured questionnaire with closed questions was developed to capture field data from 144 participants on each of the study’s variables The hypotheses were tested using both parametric and non-parametric correlation and regression statistical analyses. The independent variables of perceived post-usage usefulness, familiarity and satisfaction explain approximately 51% of the variance in IS continuance intention. One of the key findings of the research is that perceived post usage usefulness loses its significance in the presence of Familiarity in predicting IS continuance intention. Thus, familiarity (affective factor) is the stronger predictor of IS continuance intention as opposed to the cognitive factors. In summary, this study showed that the affective factor is a stronger predictor of IS continuance intention than the cognitive factors, thus providing a richer understanding of IS continuance and a foundation for future research. Thus, in addition to methodological and contextual contributions, this study also contributes to theory