9 research outputs found

    Does Your Business Process Management (Still) Fit the Market? – A Dynamic Capability Perspective on BPM Strategy Development

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    Business Process Management (BPM) can be viewed as a set of techniques to integrate, build, and reconfigure an organization‟s business processes for the purpose achieving a fit with the market environment. While business processes are rather stable in low-dynamic markets, the frequency, quality, and importance of business process change amplifies with an increase in environmental dynamics. Taking the public sector example, we recognize that market dynamics can change over time (market dynamic shift), here: increase. We show that existing designs of BPM might not be able to cope with the mounting frequency and quality of business process change (market-BPM-misfit). On the basis of a qualitative in-depth case study, we provide evidence that a major cause for such misfit lies in ineffective (second order) organizational learning. We contribute to the literature by applying the Resource-Based View and Dynamic Capability framework to the case of BPM in order to better understand shifts in market dynamics and their consequences for BPM effectiveness. Practitioners find a proposal for identifying, understanding, and reacting to a market-BPM-misfit and for developing market-oriented BPM strategy

    Mejora metodológica de procesos de negocio mediante el uso intensivo de BI y KM

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    Las organizaciones actuales se esfuerzan por gestionar y mejorar sus procesos utilizando BPM (Gestión de procesos de negocio) como marco de referencia. En este contexto ha tomado fundamental importancia la gestión de conocimiento (KM, Knowledge Management) ya que es necesario formalizar y capitalizar el mismo dentro de la organización, de manera de incrementar las posibilidades de mejora. En este artículo presentamos una propuesta donde se hace un uso intensivo de mecanismos de BI como agentes facilitadores para la generación y difusión del conocimiento, a través del uso de una metodología de mejora de procesos existente en la literatura actual basada en un ciclo de generación de conocimiento alimentado por fuentes formales y no formales dentro la organización.Eje: Ingeniería de softwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Business Process Governance: Theorizing and Empirical Application

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    Studies by Gartner (2010) or McKinsey (2008) suggest univocally that improving business processes is the undisputednumber one priority for organizations world-wide. Hence, organizations need adequate capabilities for Business ProcessManagement (BPM). However, these capabilities do not necessarily need to be developed in the organization itself – aninclusion using other sourcing structures (e.g. cooperation/network or market instead of hierarchy) is possible as well. Thispaper builds upon an understanding of BPM as a dynamic capability and a well-known distinction of governance strategies(market, cooperation, hierarchy) to develop a business process governance framework. Using an extensive case study weinitially test this framework in a European PRODUCTION company. Therefore, we make the following contributions: 1)development of a BPM theory that integrates dynamic capability and governance theory, 2) a model for understandingsourcing strategies in BPM, and 3) empirically sound factors explaining sourcing strategies in BPM. Our results suggest thatorganizations facing a low dynamic market environment do not employ dedicated resources for business process change butrely on ad-hoc measures. Moreover, they gather these resources mostly internally (hierarchical governance). The paper endswith implications for both research and practice, limitations, and potential avenues for future research

    How to Evaluate the Practical Relevance of Business Process Compliance Checking Approaches?

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    To comply with legal regulations becomes a more and more challenging task for companies of all industry sectors. In particular business processes have to comply with legal requirements. Its checking and control lead to tedious tasks for compliance managers. In order to reduce the compliance management effort special checking approaches have been developed that enable an automatic check of processes regarding their compliance with laws and regulations. Until now, these approaches appear in research but lack in practical evaluation. To close this gap an evaluation method based on the technology acceptance model and focus group sessions as well as its application is presented in this paper

    A perspetiva das capacidades dinâmicas nas organizações públicas de saúde

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    A Gestão Estratégica representa um campo de investigação multidisciplinar que tem evoluído rapidamente com várias teorias e abordagens nas últimas décadas. Foram as críticas à Teoria dos Recursos e Capacidades que levou Teece e Pisano (1994) a apresentar a perpetiva das Capacidade Dinâmicas (CD), tornando-se uma das abordagens mais notórias no campo da gestão estratégica, contudo ainda hoje difícil de mensurar e operacionalizar do ponto de vista prático e com grande fragilidade ao nível da concetualização teórica. Em todos os setores, público ou privado, o contexto atual das organizações caracteriza-se por transformações tecnológicas, económicas, políticas, sociais e culturais, que afetam as relações entre países e empresas. No setor público, o fator político e os seus ciclos políticos estão presentes numa dimensão superior, assim como a responsabilidade social e humana na área da saúde permite diferenciar o nosso ambiente de estudo, de todos os restantes. Neste ambiente de transformações constantes, podemos considerar que todas as Organizações de Saúde do setor público sentem, diariamente, a necessidade de inovar e responder à procura, com tecnologia cada vez mais diferenciada e com a necessidade de se posicionar no mercado, melhorando a perspetiva do utente em relação ao serviço prestado. As CD são renovadas de modo a responder às mudanças de ambiente, devendo as organizações reunirem capacidades para sustentar um bom desempenho, por isso, as CD têm um papel essencial no desempenho das organizações. Vários estudos referem a falta de eficiência do sistema de saúde, não só a nível nacional como em muitos dos países mais desenvolvidos, causando um acentuado crescimento dos custos com a saúde. A presente investigação procura estudar as CD nas organizações de Saúde Públicas, visando desenvolver um mapeamento de indicadores que permitam identificar, caracterizar e mensurar as CD existentes nas organizações de Saúde, assim como contribuir para um conhecimento mais alargado e sistematizado neste campo de conhecimento. A Tese é constituida por três partes: A primeira parte é composta pela introdução, na qual é feito um enquadrado do tema, objetivos de investigação, metodologia e estrutura da tese. A segunda parte é subdividida por cinco capítulos: O primeiro estudo (Capítulo 2), intitulado Mensuração e Sistematização das Capacidades Dinâmicas - Revisão Sistemática da Literatura, tem como objetivo principal efetuar uma revisão sistemática da literatura de forma a avaliar a pesquisa empírica realizada sobre as CD, com intenção de contribuir para a identificação e mensuração das CD e sugerir recomendações para estudos futuros. Para tal, foi realizada uma pesquisa no ISI/Web of Science, sobre CD, onde foi possível identificar as variáveis que podem mensurar as CD do ponto de vista empírico. O segundo estudo (Capítulo 3), intitulado Capacidades Dinâmicas no Setor Público, tem como objetivo identificar, através de uma revisão sistemática da literatura, as CD no âmbito das organizações do setor público e contribuir para um conhecimento mais alargado e sistematizado neste campo. Foi efetuada uma pesquisa no Web of Science (WoS) e SCOPUS, que permitiu a grupar a literatura em três grandes dimensões do conhecimento e Aprendizagem; e Cadeia de Abastecimento e Tecnologias de Informação. O terceiro estudo (Capítulo 4), intitulado Capacidades Dinâmicas de Aprendizagem nas Organizações de Saúde – Abordagem Qualitativa aos Gestores Logísticos, tem como objetivo principal compreender, com base nos gestores logísticos das organizações de saúde, de que forma as Capacidade Dinâmicas de Aprendizagem (CDA) acrescentam eficiência às organizações de saúde, procurando a melhoria organizacional. Foi escolhida, uma abordagem qualitativa, com recurso à entrevista, baseada em quatro organizações de saúde. Os resultados sugerem que, nas diferentes organizações do setor da saúde, as CDA acrescentam eficiência de forma muito díspar e diferenciada. O quarto estudo (Capítulo 5), intitulado Desempenho das Organizações de Saúde Portuguesas: Uma Abordagem Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), tem como principal objetivo medir o desempenho das Organizações de Saúde utilizando a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Recorre-se a dados secundários, disponibilizados pelos vários departamentos do ministério da saúde português, para uma análise de eficiência das organizações de saúde. Os resultados desta investigação evidenciam que as organizações de saúde da região norte são mais eficientes e que o grupo de Unidades Locais de Saúde (ULS) são as estruturas menos eficientes na área hospitalar. Com este estudo, pretendeu-se contribuir para uma resposta a alguns gaps identificados na literatura, assim como compreender as CD relativamente à interferência de recursos sobre o desempenho. O quinto e último estudo (Capítulo 6), intitulado Capacidades Dinâmicas no Setor da Saúde Público Português, tem como principais objetivos identificar e caraterizar as CD existentes nas organizações do setor público da saúde através do levantamento das áreas relacionadas com as CD incidentes nas organizações de Saúde, contribuindo para um conhecimento mais alargado e sistematizado as várias relações existentes das várias das diferentes CD. Para tal, foram aplicados questionários a 245 profissionais com cargos de liderança e chefia em organizações de Saúde de Portugal Continental. A população em estudo é constituída por 90 Organizações de Saúde, subdivididas por Agrupamentos de Centros de Saúde, Hospitais Públicos Empresariais e Unidades Locais de Saúde. Por fim, a terceira parte apresenta as conclusões gerais da Tese, implicações teóricas e práticas e as linhas de investigação futuras. Com os dados obtidos foi possível constatar, de entre outras conclusões, que o conhecimento potencia a inovação e que Capacidades Marketing, Tecnologia e Operações estão associadas à Inovação. Como contributos destaca-se o facto de o estudo contribuir para a identificação das relações das várias capacidades, vinculando a importância do conhecimento na gestão da inovação e por sua vez nas CD. Além disso, foi construída uma estrutura que permite explorar a relação entre os vários constructos, com uma abordagem inovadora nas organizações de saúde.Strategic Management represents a field of multidisciplinary research that has evolved rapidly with several theories and approaches in the last decades. It was the criticisms of the Theory of Resources and Capabilities that led Teece and Pisano (1994) to present the perspective of Dynamic Capabilities (DC), becoming one of the most notorious approaches in the field of strategic management, however today it is still difficult to measure and to operationalize from a practical point of view and with major flaw in terms of theoretical conceptualization. In all sectors, whether public or private, the present-day context of organizations is characterized by technological, economic, political, social and cultural changes, which affect the relationships between countries and companies. In the public sector, the political factor and its cycles are present in a higher dimension, just as the social and human responsibility in the healthcare area allows us to differentiate our study environment from all the others. In this ever-changing environment, we can consider that all Health Organizations in the public sector, daily feel the need to innovate and respond to demand, with increasingly differentiated technology and the need to position themselves in the market, improving the perspective of the user in relation to the service provided. The DCs are renewed in order to respond to changes in the environment, so the institutions must have the capacity to keep up the good performance. One must conclude that the DCs have an essential role in the performance of the institutions. Several studies report the inefficiency of the healthcare system, not only at the national level but in many of the developed countries, causing a sharp increase in healthcare costs. The on-going investigation seeks to study the DCs in Public Healthcare Institutions, aiming to develop a mapping of indicators that allow to identify, characterize and measure the existing DCs in Healthcare Institutions, as well as to contribute to a broader and systematized knowledge in this field of knowledge. The Thesis consists of three parts: The first part is the introduction, in which the theme, research objectives, methodology and structure of the thesis are framed. The second part is subdivided into five chapters: The first study (Chapter 2), entitled Measurement and Systematization of Dynamic Capabilities - Systematic Literature Review, has as the main objective to carry out a systematic literature review in order to evaluate the empirical research done on the DC, with the goal of contributing to the identification and measurement of DC and of making recommendations for future studies. To this end, a survey was conducted at ISI / Web of Science, on DC, where it was possible to tag the variables that can measure DC from an empirical point of view. The second study (Chapter 3), entitled Dynamic Capabilities in the Public Sector, aims to identify, through a systematic literature review, DCs within the scope of public sector organizations and contribute to a broader and more systematic knowledge in this field. Research was carried out on the Web of Science (WoS) and SCOPUS, which allowed the literature to be grouped in three major dimensions around DCs in the public sector: Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Intellectual capital, Knowledge management and Learning; and Supply Chain and Information Technologies. The third study (Chapter 4), entitled Dynamic Learning Capabilities in Healthcare Organizations - Qualitative Approach to Logistic Managers, has the main objective of understanding, based on the logistic managers of healthcare organizations, how Dynamic Learning Capabilities (DLC) add on efficiency to such organizations, seeking organizational improvement. A qualitative approach was chosen, using an interview, on the basis of four health organizations. The results suggest that in the different organizations in the healthcare industry, the DLCs add efficiency in a very different and differentiated way. The fourth study (Chapter 5), entitled Performance of the Portuguese Health Institutions (HI): A Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Approach, has as main focus to measure the performance of Health Institutions (HI) using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Secondary data made available by the various departments of the Portuguese Ministry of Health are used to analyze the efficiency of health organizations. The results of this investigation show that the health organizations in the northern region are more efficient and that the group of Local Healthcare Units (ULS) are the least efficient structures in the hospital area. With this study, it was intended to contribute to a response to some gaps identified in the literature, as well as to understand the DLCs regarding the interference of resources on performance. The fifth and last study (Chapter 6), entitled Dynamic Capabilities in the Portuguese Public Health Sector, has as main objectives to identify and characterize the existing DCs in public health sector organizations by surveying the areas related to the DCs, incidents in organizations of health, contributing to a broader and systematized knowledge of the various existing relationships of the several of the different DCs. To do so, questionnaires were applied to 245 professionals with leadership positions in Healthcare Institutions in mainland Portugal. The study population consists of 90 Healthcare Units, subdivided by Groups of Healthcare Centers, Public Business Hospitals and Local Healthcare Units. Finally, the third part presents the general conclusions of the Thesis, theoretical and practical implications and future lines of investigation. With the data obtained, it was possible to verify, among other conclusions, that knowledge enhances innovation and that Marketing, Technology and Operations Capabilities are associated with Innovation. As contributions, we highlight the fact that the study contributes to the identification of the relationships of the various capacities, linking the importance of knowledge in the management of innovation and, in turn, in the DCs. In addition, a structure was built to explore the relationship between the various constructs, with an innovative approach in healthcare organizations

    Network e-Volution

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    Modern society is a network society permeated by information technology (IT). As a result of innovations in IT, enormous amounts of information can be communicated to a larger number of recipients faster than ever before. The evolution of networks is heavily influenced by the extensive use of IT, which has enabled co-evolving advanced quantitative and qualitative forms of networking. Although several networks have been formed with the aim to reduce or deal with uncertainty through faster and broader access to information, it is in fact IT that has created new kinds of uncertainty. For instance, although digital information integration in supply chains has made production planning more robust, it has at the same time intensified mutual dependencies, thereby actually increasing the level of uncertainty. The aim of this working paper is to investigate the aspects of evolving networks and uncertainty in networks at the cutting edges of different types of networks and from the perspective of different layers defining these networks

    Incorporating business process management, business ontology and business architecture in medication management quality

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    Managers and care providers in the health sector are expected to deliver safe, efficient and effective services within a resource constrained, complex system. Services are provided through execution of multiple processes. Healthcare organizations tend to be structured in functional based silos with process improvement efforts often focused on individual processes within the discrete silos. This silo based improvement approach fails to take into account upstream and downstream processes executed and managed in other silos. A patient’s journey will typically include processes from multiple silos and therefore, improvement efforts need to focus on end-to-end processes if the goal is to deliver a positive patient experience. In order to optimize processes in a complex adaptive system like healthcare and to effect meaningful change a combination of management disciplines is required. This research explored the use of Business Process Management (BPM), Business Architecture (BA) and Business Process Management Ontology (BPMO) as a comprehensive, integrated approach to design, redesign, evaluate, improve and monitor the safety, efficiency and effectiveness of medication management processes in a multi-site healthcare organization. The contribution of the research was threefold. First, identified benefits of applying BPM, BPMO and BA to increase organization capacity and improve the end-to-end process of medication management; second, demonstrated the application of an ontology and the business layer of enterprise architecture used in other sectors could be successfully utilized in the healthcare sector; and third, developed a process reference model for medication management processes in acute care and long term care facilities.Business Process ManagementBusiness ArchitectureBusiness Ontologymedication managementquality improvemen