177 research outputs found

    Staying Alive! Training High-Risk Teams for Self Correction

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    Research examining teams working in high-risk operations has been lacking. The present symposium showcases research on team training that helps to optimize team performance in environments characterized by life or death situations arising spontaneously after long periods of mundane activity by pulling experts from diverse areas of industry: space flight, health care, and medical simulation

    Productivity in Knowledge Worker Teams

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    The use of Information and Communication Technologies in work pro- cesses has not brought the expected productivity improvement. Some studies even suggest that the always-on model decreases productivity. This article proposes work teams as a new unit for knowledge worker productivity analysis in organizations. Organizations? ability to adopt new analysis measures is analyzed in three case studies

    CCTFv1: Computational Modeling of Cyber Team Formation Strategies

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    Rooted in collaborative efforts, cybersecurity spans the scope of cyber competitions and warfare. Despite extensive research into team strategy in sports and project management, empirical study in cyber-security is minimal. This gap motivates this paper, which presents the Collaborative Cyber Team Formation (CCTF) Simulation Framework. Using Agent-Based Modeling, we delve into the dynamics of team creation and output. We focus on exposing the impact of structural dynamics on performance while controlling other variables carefully. Our findings highlight the importance of strategic team formations, an aspect often overlooked in corporate cybersecurity and cyber competition teams


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    Tujuan –Penelitian kinerja kelompok masih relatif sedikit dilakukan sebagai objek penelitian. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kinerja kelompok berdasarkan Teori Pertukaran Sosial. Desain/Metodologi/Pendekatan - Populasi penelitian ini adalah 113 program studi ilmu-ilmu sosial di perguruan tinggi swasta dan perguruan tinggi, dan ada 105 program studi yang memenuhi syarat sebagai data. Sedangkan objek penelitian kelompok terdiri dari ketua dan sekretaris jurusan. Model penelitian menggunakan model sensus. Anteseden meliputi persepsi dukungan organisasi, keadilan distributif, dan konsekuensi kinerja kelompok. Temuan - Hasil menunjukkan bahwa persepsi dukungan organisasional berperan signifikan memprediksi kinerja kelompok, dan keadilan distributif tidak berperan memprediksi kinerja kelompok. Orisinalitas – Masih perlu dilakukan penelitian dengan objek penelitian kelompok, dan penelitian yang dilakukan ini dapat menambah referensi bagi penelitian dengan data kelompok selanjutnya

    The Role of Individual Characteristics on Insider Abuse Intentions

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    Insiders represent a major threat to the security of an organization’s information resources (Warkentin & Willison, 2009; Stanton et al., 2005). Previous research has explored the role of protection motivation or of deterrence in promoting compliant behavior, but these factors have not been studied together. Furthermore, other individual differences, such as the Big Five personality factors may serve as critical influences on cybersecurity compliance. In this study we use a factorial survey approach to identify key components of secure insider behavior. We obtained 201 observations from a diverse sample of employees. The results of this effort will enable us to develop psychological profiles of individual employees so that we may create personalized cybersecurity training protocols that meet the unique needs of each employee profile, appealing to the proper set of motivations for each. Findings of the present study are presented, and the long-term project goal is discussed

    Are Team Building Interventions Still Relevant?

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    Team building intervention is one form of intervention that is very popular in the world of organizational development practice. But unfortunately, empirically reported results often show inconsistency. This is because team building does not yet have a widely agreed theoretical construct. The inconsistency of the theoretical constructs that underlie the preparation of the modules used makes it difficult for researchers to evaluate the effectiveness of this intervention. This article attempts to offer a theoretical study of the formulation of team building and team training based on previously written articles. The formulation of the development intervention team described in this article is expected to be the theoretical basis for team development interventions in the next practical realm so that they can be more accountable in terms of concepts and methods to be able to provide more consistent results. Furthermore, it is necessary to prove empirically whether this formulation can be proven to improve various components of the team effectiveness indicators in field studies. Intervensi team building merupakan salah satu bentuk intervensi yang sangat popular dalam dunia praktek pengembangan organsasi. Namun sayangnya, secara empiris hasil yang dilaporkan kerap menunjukkan ketidakkonsistenan. Hal tersebut disebabkan team building belum memiliki konstruk teoritik yang disepakati secara meluas. Ketidakkonsistenan konstruk teoritik yang melandasi penyusunan modul yang digunakan menyebabkan sulit bagi peneliti untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas intervensi ini. Artikel ini berusaha untuk menawarkan studi teoritis mengenai rumusan team building dan team training yang didasarkan pada artikel-artikel yang telah dituliskan sebelumnya. Rumusan team development intervention yang dipaparkan dalam artikel ini diharapkan dapat menjadi  dasar teoritik bagi intervensi-intervensi pengembangan tim di ranah praktis berikutnya agar dapat lebih dipertanggungjawabkan secara konsep maupun dan metode sehingga mampu memberikan hasil yang lebih konsisten. Selanjutnya, perlu pembuktian secara empiris apakah rumusan ini dapat terbukti meningkatkan berbagai komponen indikator efektivitas tim dalam studi lapangan

    Feedback as intervention for team learning in virtual teams: the role of team cohesion and personality

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    Scholars and practitioners agree that virtual teams (VTs) have become commonplace in today's digital workplace. Relevant literature argues that learning constitutes a significant contributor to team member satisfaction and performance, and that, at least in face-to-face teams, team cohesion fosters team learning. Given the additional challenges VTs face, e.g. geographical dispersion, which are likely have a negative influence on cohesion, in this paper we shed light on the relationship between team cohesion and team learning. We adopted a quantitative approach and studied 54 VTs in our quest to understand the role of feedback in mediating this relationship and, more specifically, the role of personality traits in moderating the indirect effect of team feedback and guided reflection intervention on TL through team cohesion within the VT context. Our findings highlight the importance of considering aspects related to the team composition when devising intervention strategies for VTs, and provide empirical support for an interactionist model between personality and emergent states such as cohesion. Implications for theory and practice are also discussed


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    Exploring varieties of knowledge in safe work practices - an ethnographic study of surgical teams

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Within existing research in health and medicine, the nature of knowledge on how teams conduct safe work practices has yet to be properly explored.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We address this concern by exploring the varieties in which knowledge is expressed during interdisciplinary surgical operations. Specifically, the study was conducted in a surgical section of a Norwegian regional general hospital, between January and April of 2010, by means of an ethnographic design combining detailed non-participant observations, conversations and semi-structured interviews.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Based on an analysis of the gathered data, we identify three particular themes in how knowledge is expressed by operating room personnel: (i) the ability and variety individuals demonstrate in handling multiple sources of information, before reaching a particular decision, (ii) the variety of ways awareness or anticipation of future events is expressed, and (iii) the different ways sudden and unexpected situations are handled by the individual team members.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that these facets of knowledge bring different insights into how safe work practices are achieved at an individual and team level in surgical operations, thus adding to the existing understanding of the nature of knowledge in safe work practices in surgical operations. Future research should focus on exploring and documenting the relationships between various elements of knowledge and safe work practices, in different surgical settings and countries.</p

    Emerg Med J

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    OBJECTIVEWe investigated the association between teammate familiarity and workplace injury in the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) setting.METHODSWe abstracted a mean of 29-months of shift records and Occupational Safety Health Administration injury logs from 14 EMS organizations with 37 total bases located in four U.S. Census regions. Total teammate familiarity was calculated for each dyad as the total number of times a clinician dyad worked together over the study period. We used negative binomial regression to examine differences in injury incidence rate ratios (IRR) by familiarity.RESULTSWe analyzed 715,826 shift records, representing 4,197 EMS clinicians and 60,701 unique dyads. We determined the mean shifts per dyad was (5.9, SD 19.7), and quartiles of familiarity were 1 shift worked together over the study period, 2\ue2\u20ac\u201c3 shifts, 4\ue2\u20ac\u201c9 shifts, and \ue2\u2030\ua510 shifts worked together. More than half of all dyads worked one shift together (53.9%, n=32,739), 24.8% of dyads 2\ue2\u20ac\u201c3 shifts, 11.8% worked 4\ue2\u20ac\u201c9 shifts, and 9.6% worked \ue2\u2030\ua510 shifts. The overall incidence rate of injury across all organizations was 17.5 per 100 FTE, range 4.7 to 85.6 per 100 FTE. The raw injury rate was 33.5 per 100 FTEs for dyads with one shift of total familiarity, 14.2 for 2\ue2\u20ac\u201c3 shifts, 8.3 for 4\ue2\u20ac\u201c9 shifts, and 0.3 for \ue2\u2030\ua510 shifts. Negative binomial regression confirmed that dyads with \ue2\u2030\ua510 shifts had the lowest incidence of injury (IRR=0.03; 95%CI 0.02\ue2\u20ac\u201c0.04).CONCLUSIONSFamiliarity between teammates varies in the EMS setting, and less familiarity is associated with greater incidence of workplace injury.KL2 TR000146/TR/NCATS NIH HHS/United StatesR21 OH010025/OH/NIOSH CDC HHS/United States1R21OH010025-01A1/OH/NIOSH CDC HHS/United States2017-05-23T00:00:00Z26614096PMC544184