8 research outputs found

    Success factors of ERP project management: a literature review

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    Os ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) são aplicações informáticas que permitem às organizações integrar os seus processos de negócio, suportando informação relevante a todos os níveis da gestão. Estas aplicações devem refletir a estratégia da organização e do negócio. Embora os ERP possibilitem a obtenção de diversas vantagens competitivas, os projetos deste tipo de aplicações nem sempre têm sido sinónimo de “sucesso”. Neste artigo é apresentada uma revisão de literatura sobre os fatores de sucesso da gestão de projetos de implementação de ERP. Com o resultado desta revisão, procura-se contribuir para a redução do risco de insucesso dos projetos.Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are software applications that enable companies to integrate business processes and manage information at all managerial levels. These systems should reflect the strategy of the organization and of the business. Although ERP bring several competitive advantages for organizations, the implementation of this type of systems, unfortunately has not of always been synonymous of “success”. This article presents a literature review on the success factors of ERP project management. This review aims to contribute to reduce the risk of failure of projects.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013

    A New Dualistic CIO Toolbox: Towards Ambidexterity in the Digital Business Transformation

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    By transferring organizational learning concepts into the IT context, this paper provides a new behavior oriented foundation for managing IT organizations in the digital business transformation. As a practical contribution, the paper introduces a new management toolbox which supports Chief Information Officers (CIOs) to lead their Information Technology (IT) organizations towards ambidexterity in the digital business transformation. The organizational ambidexterity is required for the digital business transformation in order to contribute innovativeness while simultaneously assuring effective operational IT environment. The toolbox is constructed using the systematic concept analysis and the concept derivation methods to convert the organizational learning concepts into the dualistic CIO toolbox. The toolbox includes a set of traditional Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to assure operational effectiveness and a set of leadership principles to enable an innovative and experimental organizational behaviour. The application of the new dualistic CIO toolbox is illustrated through hypothetical cases

    Do KPIs used by CIOs Decelerate Digital Business Transformation? The Case of ITIL

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    This study provides a critical assessment of the current KPI-driven steering practices carried out by Chief Information Officers (CIOs). It explores how the use of ITIL KPIs affect the IT Service Management (ITSM) organization’s learning behavior and how this behavior impacts on Digital Business Transformation. The results indicate that, when used to steer the ITSM organization, ITIL KPIs will reduce the organization’s willingness to transform the current ITSM environment (i.e. current processes, work routines, services, policies and technologies) into the digital era. The findings suggest that, in order to successfully manage Digital Business Transformation, CIOs will need new types of management techniques which would endorse the organization’s norm-challenging and innovative learning abilities but also assure the operative effectiveness of the ITSM environment

    Gestão de fatores de sucesso em projetos de tecnologias e sistemas de informação: processos e ferramentas

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoÉ um facto que o sucesso de uma organização está intimamente ligado ao sucesso dos projetos que empreende. Ao longo dos últimos anos o tema “sucesso” tem suscitado o interesse de muitas organizações e investigadores. No entanto, apesar de serem vários os trabalhos focados na identificação de fatores de sucesso, são poucos aqueles que se focam no seu processo de gestão. A presente dissertação tem por finalidade: 1) realizar uma caracterização do estado da arte no que concerne a processos e ferramentas para a gestão de fatores de sucesso; 2) propor um processo e uma ferramenta para a gestão de fatores de sucesso em projetos de tecnologias e sistemas de informação. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho foi utilizada a metodologia Design Science Research. O principal contributo foi a caraterização e a definição de uma ferramenta de suporte para gestão de fatores de sucesso em projetos de tecnologias e sistemas de informação.It is a fact that the success of an organization is closely linked to the success of the projects that it undertakes. Over the last few years the theme of "success" has attracted the interest of many organizations and researchers. However, although there are several works focused on identifying success factors, few are focused on the management process. The present dissertation aims to: 1) carry out a characterization of the state of the art regarding to processes and tools for the management of success factors; 2) to propose a process and a tool for the management of success factors in information systems projects. For the development of the work was used the methodology Design Science Research. The main contribution is the characterization and definition of a tool for supporting the success factors management in technology and information systems projects

    A Configurational Approach to Examining the Influence of Information Technology Management and Governance on Organization Performance

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    Information technology (IT) is becoming an increasingly crucial part of modern organizations. This dissertation includes two essays that examine how effective IT management and decision-making structure are associated with better organizational performance. The first essay examines the complementarity between IT management and human resource (HR) management capabilities and discusses the mechanisms through which these two capabilities jointly lead to better organizational performance. The unique contribution of this study is the use of direct measures of IT management and HR management capabilities to estimate their joint impact on organizational performance. Furthermore, I disaggregate HR capability into two specific dimensions: (1) work systems such as employee performance management systems and hiring and promotion systems, and (2) employee learning and development. The main results confirm the complementarity between IT management and both HR management dimensions, and show that work systems more positively moderates the impact of IT management on organizational performance based on financial and market measures. The study is supplemented with a configurational analysis that examines the complex relationships between the organizational capabilities and explain how the complementarity between IT management, work systems, and employee learning varies across sectors and relies also on the presence and absence of other capabilities such as leadership and strategic planning. The study compares the results of the conventional and configurational methods and highlights the unique insights derived from each approach. The second essay discusses the optimal IT reporting structure in a firm, that is, whether the IT head should report to the chief executive officer or some other executive. This study proposes that there are several factors that determine the optimal IT reporting structure such as firm size, industry, IT investment intensity, and whether IT is viewed as strategic to the firm. The study argues that the relationship between these factors and the optimal IT reporting structure is too complex to be represented by linear models that rely on the correlation-based approach. Instead, there is a need to study configurations that lead to better performance based on different combinations of firm-level and industry-level conditions. The study uses a novel configurational approach and a corresponding method, the fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis, to determine the optimal IT reporting structure of different configurations. The study results shed light on the complex relationship between IT reporting structure and the conditions defining various firm configurations. Together the two essays provide new insights on how successful IT management and governance structure lead to organizational success

    The assessment of the relationship between information technology (IT) and airport performance

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    The evolution of the airport business is demonstrated by airports that are adopting new business strategies and commercial models, which allow them to be, for example, service providers instead of real-estate managers, with the focus on cost reduction and increasing non-aeronautical (commercial) revenues. Information technology (IT) can be used by airports to achieve their business goals, such as enhancing performance by delivering cost reductions and generating additional revenue streams. Airports operate in an increasingly competitive and dynamic market, with the aim of attracting a larger share of hub traffic from neighbouring airports. Therefore, financial and operational performance will be key elements for airlines when choosing a new airport destination. The research shows that airports are more focused on passenger satisfaction, resulting in airport performance indicators that have the passenger at its operational core and performance targets (e.g. Airport Service Quality passenger satisfaction survey). IT plays an important role in increasing airport performance through the automation of processes such as the deployment of common-use check-in desks and self-service check-in kiosks. Studies of other industries have shown evidence that IT impacts firm performance, but there have been few studies related to the airport industry. Thus, the aim of this research is to assess the relationship between IT and airport performance, and it proposes a conceptual framework to assess the relationship between IT and airport performance by drawing from studies in other industries. Two methodologies were used in this research, the first one was the case study, and the second one was the online survey. The case studies consisted of 16 faceto- face interviews with senior staff representing two airports in Asia, one airport in Australia, and one airport in Europe. The case studies result show that there is a relationship between IT and airport performance ... [cont.]

    The assessment of the relationship between information technology (IT) and airport performance

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    The evolution of the airport business is demonstrated by airports that are adopting new business strategies and commercial models, which allow them to be, for example, service providers instead of real-estate managers, with the focus on cost reduction and increasing non-aeronautical (commercial) revenues. Information technology (IT) can be used by airports to achieve their business goals, such as enhancing performance by delivering cost reductions and generating additional revenue streams. Airports operate in an increasingly competitive and dynamic market, with the aim of attracting a larger share of hub traffic from neighbouring airports. Therefore, financial and operational performance will be key elements for airlines when choosing a new airport destination. The research shows that airports are more focused on passenger satisfaction, resulting in airport performance indicators that have the passenger at its operational core and performance targets (e.g. Airport Service Quality passenger satisfaction survey). IT plays an important role in increasing airport performance through the automation of processes such as the deployment of common-use check-in desks and self-service check-in kiosks. Studies of other industries have shown evidence that IT impacts firm performance, but there have been few studies related to the airport industry. Thus, the aim of this research is to assess the relationship between IT and airport performance, and it proposes a conceptual framework to assess the relationship between IT and airport performance by drawing from studies in other industries. Two methodologies were used in this research, the first one was the case study, and the second one was the online survey. The case studies consisted of 16 faceto- face interviews with senior staff representing two airports in Asia, one airport in Australia, and one airport in Europe. The case studies result show that there is a relationship between IT and airport performance ... [cont.]

    Information Technology Project Success in Saudi Arabian Public Organisations: Chief Information Officers’ Perceptions

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    Projects are highly critical to the survival and business continuity of any organisation. These include many IT projects that are highly important for effectively and efficiently managing business processes, data, information, and knowledge to achieve organisational goals. Success of any project is dependent on many factors, ranging from technical, organisational, and behavioural factors. The main objective of this research is to investigate and develop the success model of IT projects in Saudi Arabian public organisations from the CIO perspectives. Accordingly, this research seeks to develop the research conceptual framework of IT project success, by identifying the relevant critical success factors (CSF) of IT projects, identifying the criteria for project success (PSC), examining the measurement model through relationship between CSF and PSC, and subsequently examining the possible relationships between the focus variables (CSF and PSC) and CIO demographics, organisational, and IT characteristics. To achieve these objectives, the research employs deductive approach using questionnaire surveys method, and utilization of both descriptive and inferential analyses. The literature review and exploratory analysis phase, assisted the researcher to develop the research conceptual framework by identifying the shortlisted CSF constructs. These CSFs are: top management support and commitment, strategic planning, project management, project team competency, communication management, stakeholders’ management, partners and suppliers management, and training and education. The PSC constructs are identified with six items comprising of criteria from conventional project management (triple constraint) and IS success model. The factor analysis led the criteria to be categorized into project short term success called project management success (PMS) and long-term success called project success (PS). In the next analysis phase, descriptive analysis was performed to identify the characteristics of organisations (type, size), IT (governance, budget), the CIOs such age, gender, CIO type, etc. Subsequently, the reliability test was performed to ensure the reliability and validity of the constructs measured in the study using structural modelling (PLS). Accordingly, the effect of CIO characteristics on the CSF and PSC was checked using ANOVA, and the results indicate that most of the characteristics have weak or no significant influence with either CSF or PSC. Therefore, these demographic characteristics are not moderating the effect of CSF and PSC in the analysis that follows. Further analysis using the PLS bootstrap procedure was conducted to test the project success model by verifying the measurement model as well as the impact of CSF (independent variables) on PSC (dependent variables). The results show that top management support, project management availability and stakeholder management had significant effect on the project success (PS). Whereas, project management availability also led to project success through the short-term project management success (PMS). Both PS and PMS are considered important and significant criteria for project success. The results also indicate that there is a strong reliability of the measurement model, as well as a strong contribution of the composite of all the eight factors in project success. Such A significant result is also attributed to a few critical success factor constructs, which are predominantly by top management support, project management availability and stakeholder management availability. Findings from this research are considered highly important as few researchers have investigated project success from the CIOs point of view. Their collective perceptions can be used more objectively and accurately by organisations to ensure the success of IT projects and to ensure the success of their IT strategic goals