264 research outputs found

    First-year composition and transfer: a quantitative study

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    The present study investigated the effect of writing pedagogy on transfer by examining the effect of pedagogical orientation (WAC/WID or ‘traditional’) on content-area grades. Participants were 1,052 undergraduates from 17 schools throughout the United States. Hypothesis was that the WAC/WID orientation would lead to higher transfer levels as measured by participants’ higher content-area performance. Composition grades were collected in year one; content-area grades where collected in year two. Propensity scores were calculated to stratify the groups and minimize selection bias of writing-class assignment, thereby allowing quasi-causal inference. An ANOVA was performed on the resulting 2-by-5 stratified data. Results indicated that students who completed the WAC/WID composition classes received significantly higher content grades than those in the ‘traditional’ writing classes. The results confirmed the hypothesis

    Enterprise architecture documentation and representation : a pragmatic documentation framework

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    Osa yrityksistĂ€ on kaikkialle niiden toimintaan leviĂ€vĂ€n informaatioteknologian ja niiden toimintaympĂ€ristön muutosvauhdin seurauksena kasvanut ulos aikaisemmista informaatioteknologian johtamiskĂ€ytĂ€nnöistÀÀn. Seuraavana ratkaisuna nĂ€ille yrityksille suositellaan yritysarkkitehtuuria. Valitettavasti vakiintuneet yritysarkkitehtuurikehykset ja etenkin niiden dokumentointikĂ€ytĂ€nnöt eivĂ€t vielĂ€ ole riittĂ€vĂ€llĂ€ tasolla. Niiden lĂ€hestymistapa on melko teknisesti orientoitunut – ainakin menetelmĂ€mielessĂ€ ellei myös sisĂ€llön suhteen. TĂ€stĂ€ johtuen monet yritysarkkitehtuurihankkeet, vaikka olisivat tuottaneet valtavan mÀÀrĂ€n malleja ja arkkitehtuuridokumentaatiota, ovat kĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€ lisĂ€nneet hyvin vĂ€hĂ€n organisaation kykyĂ€ strategisesti kehittÀÀ sen informaatiojĂ€rjestelmien ominaisuuksia ja laatua. TĂ€mĂ€ työ tutkii yritysarkkitehtuuridokumentaation optimaalista rakennetta ja muotoa edellĂ€ mainitun kyvyn kannalta. Tutkimuksen lĂ€htökohdaksi esitellÀÀn kahden case-projektin kohtaamia esteitĂ€ ja vaikeuksia. EsiteltĂ€vĂ€n uudenlaisen dokumentointikehyksen, joka on tĂ€mĂ€n työn pÀÀasiallinen kontribuutio, osoitetaan myöhemmin vĂ€lttĂ€vĂ€n kyseiset hankaluudet. Sen rakenne on suhteellisen pienten dokumentaation osien verkko, jossa kullakin osalla on selkeĂ€ fyysinen vastine. Dokumentointimuotona kehys kĂ€yttÀÀ lĂ€hes yksinomaan arkkitehtonisia periaatteita.As a consequence of information technology's pervasive role in businesses nowadays and the rate of change businesses experience in their operating environment, many organizations have outgrown from their former IT management practices. Enterprise architecture is promoted to them as the next solution. Unfortunately, the established enterprise architecture frameworks and especially their documentation conventions are clearly not up to the task, yet. Their approach is rather technically oriented – at least method-wise, if not content-wise too. Consequently, many enterprise architecture initiatives although having produced vast volumes of models and architecture documents, have actually added very little to organization's capability to strategically advance the properties and qualities of its information systems. This thesis studies the optimal structure and form of enterprise architecture documentation from the point of view of the above capability. As a starting point for the study the hurdles and difficulties faced by two case projects are reported. The presented novel documentation framework, which is the main contribution of this work, is later shown to avoid these complications. It is structured as a mesh of relatively small pieces of documentation, each piece having a distinct physical counterpart. As a documentation form, the framework uses almost exclusively architectural principles

    ENG 3903-001: Women\u27s Bodies/Women\u27s Stories and the Birth of a Nation

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    Tema ovog diplomskog rada je analiza sastava dviju biljnih vrsta iz roda Micromeria. Taj rod spada u porodicu usnača (Lamiaceae) zbog čega ima karakterističan cvat. Na listovima vrsta Micromeria kerneri i Micromeria juliana nalaze se ĆŸljezdane dlake koje stvaraju sekundarne metabolite. Provedena je analiza eteričnog ulja biljaka s lokaliteta Pijavičino i rezultati su prikazani pomoću kromatograma, tablice s spojevima i grafičkog prikaza. Najzastupljeniji spojevi u sastavu eteričnog ulja ovih biljaka su seskviterpenski hidrokarbonati i oksigenirani seskviterpeni. Temeljem rezultata utvrđena je srodnost ovih dviju biljnih vrsta. 64 stranice/LIV stranica, 28 slika, 2 tablice, 44 literaturnih navoda, jezik izvorniThe theme of this paper is the analysis of two species in the genus Micromeria. The genus is a part of the Lamiaceae family, giving it the characteristic inflorescence. The leaves of Micromeria kerneri and Micromeria juliana contain glandular hairs that produce secondary metabolites. An analysis of the oil composition of plants from location of Pijavičino has been conducted and the results are shown as chromatograms, tables and charts. The most common compounds in the oil compostion of these two plants were sesquiterpenic hydrocarbonates and oxygenated sesquiterpenes. Based on the results of this research, cognation of these plants has been justified

    ENG 3903-001: Women\u27s Bodies/Women\u27s Stories and the Birth of a Nation

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    ENG 4850-001: Studies in Third-World Literature

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    ENG 4850-001: Third World Literature

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    ENG 4850-001: Third World Literature

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    ENG 2011-001: Literature, the Self, and the World--Fiction

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    UNO Website-GenEd Committee-English and Writing

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    The work of the university is to construct and share knowledge. Because this work is done largely by means of the written word, it is important for students to gain control over written language Proficiency in reading, research, and written expression is essential for professional success and effective citizenship. Fundamental academic skills, consisting of English & Writing, Public Speaking and Mathematics coursework, comprise 15 hours of your general education requirements. Students must complete nine credit hours of English & Writing coursework. The nine credit hours include English 1150 and English 1160 (students may test out of one or both courses), and one additional advanced writing course or equivalent set of writing-intensive courses The advanced or writing-intensive courses are determined by the academic program. The foundational writing courses (Composition I and Composition 11) provide instruction m general academic literacy while advanced writing and writing-intensive courses, preferably token in the student\u27s major, introduce research and language practices specific to the disciplines
