16 research outputs found

    Using fractals and power laws to predict the location of mineral deposits

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    Around the world the mineral exploration industry is interested in getting that small increase in probability measure on the earth's surface of where the next large undiscovered deposit might be found. In particular WMC Resources Ltd has operations world wide looking for just that edge in the detection of very large deposits of, for example, gold. Since the pioneering work of Mandelbrot, geologists have been familiar with the concept of fractals and self similarity over a few orders of magnitude for geological features. This includes the location and size of deposits within a particular mineral province. Fractal dimensions have been computed for such provinces and similarities of these aggregated measures between provinces have been noted. This paper explores the possibility of making use of known information to attempt the inverse process. That is, from lesser dimensional measures of a mineral province, for example, fractal dimension or more generally multi-fractal measures, is it possible to infer, even with small increase in probability, where the unknown (preferably large) deposits might be located

    Resume, Eulogy, Education and Future

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    Will the current trend of the Industrial Age, focused on profits, greed, material wealth, and mass consumption continue? Inequality and polarization, which are seen in today’s world, are ranked as the top drivers of global risks. Unequal community threatens democracy. Communities with greater inequality are more violent, have more people in prisons, more mental illness, lower life expectancy etc.. On the other hand, communities with greater equality have higher abundance and lower stress. Among eleven factors most important for classroom learning, social and emotional factors accounted for eight. Our emotional and social IQ developed over millennia of living in groups will continue to be one of the vital assets that give human workers necessary tools for creating and building a world of 21st century. Today’s education system is based on the model which was essential for industrial era and mass production. With fast technological development the approach to teaching should be changed. We need new curriculums for new skills and new learning concepts. The aim of the article is to raise awareness regarding the planet’s and mankind’s future and to stress the importance of education and designation between résumé virtues and the eulogy virtues

    Search Engine Optimization Algorithms for Page Ranking: Comparative Study

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    Every second, the number of visitors increase day by day due to the fast growing of World Wide Web. Till this day there are more than 11.3 billion web pages in the World Wide Web. In the modern era of technology and advance computation, world page ranking become a common feature of modern retrieval system. However, any query in search engine will display both relevant and irrelevant data that can cause overhead to the search engine and will affect the page ranking process. A new optimization technique is needed to improve the existing search engine optimization in increasing the page ranking. This paper presents a comparative study of different page ranking algorithms for search engine optimization. Also it explores some improvements that are needed to overcome the current problem in this field. The simulation result’s analysis clearly shows that there is a need of new optimization technique. This new technique must reduce the complexity and user overhead by displaying only related data which will reduce overheading in search engine

    Hampton Roads Sea Level Rise Preparedness and Resilience Intergovernmental Pilot Project. Phase 2 Report: Recommendations, Accomplishments and Lessons Learned

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    Executive Summary After two years, the Hampton Roads Sea level Rise and Resilience Intergovernmental Planning Pilot Project (Intergovernmental Pilot Project or IPP), convened at Old Dominion University, has come to a successful close. Although the conclusion of the project is different than originally imagined by the drafters of the IPP Charter, the process in and of itself brought hundreds of stakeholders together, built lasting and ongoing relationships, and produced many workable recommendations for the region that can be accomplished by a variety of partnerships. The key deliverables include a whole of government mitigation and adaptation planning process and an integrated regional recommendation, both which can serve as a template for other regions. Additionally the IPP demonstrated a new role for an urban campus to act as a community convener, matching focused research and curriculum development with public service across the university and the region. Initiated in June 2014, the IPP was an effort to use the knowledge, skills and expertise of all regional stakeholders to create a framework or template for intergovernmental strategic planning that could be used outside the region; and, to implement that integrated strategy in Hampton Roads, Virginia, creating an effective and efficient method for planning holistically for sea level rise and recurrent flooding. This “Whole of Government and Community” effort would not have been successful without the hundreds of stakeholders and volunteer leaders from across all levels of government, academia, and the community who participated out of a sense of duty to their community and commitment to the collaboration. Knowing water knows no jurisdictional bounds, a high level of intergovernmental collaboration is necessary to develop integrated regional solutions and implement effective sea level rise preparedness and resilience strategies. Additionally, the wider community in Hampton Roads recognizes that they too will be affected by not only sea level rise itself, but also the adaptation strategies implemented in preparation. Executive Summary Phase 2 Report: Recommendations, Accomplishments and Lessons Learned Executive Summary 11 Phase 1 of the project, from June 2014 through June 2015, saw the drafting and signing of a Charter, the recruitment of a steering committee, a host of events, and the development of working group and advisory committees comprised of subject matter experts. Phase 2, from June 2015 through June 2016, included heavy discussion with regard to ongoing strategies for intergovernmental collaboration as well as research, a number of case studies carried out by committees and working groups, and the careful development of recommendations for the region. The IPP concludes successfully with a series of recommendations from each working group and committee as well as a final resolution drafted by the Legal Working Group and containing the consensus views of steering committee members. Though the recommendations vary in specificity and subject area, a few themes are clear. In order to move forward regionally, local stakeholders need to maintain, institutionalize and build relationships with each other in order to facilitate effective collaboration and information sharing. Institutionalizing these relationships and partnerships is key, as people shift positions throughout their careers. Additionally, while more data is needed, the methods by which that data is integrated and shared are equally important. Further, some form of the Whole of Government and Community approach that focuses on the watershed as opposed to jurisdictional boundaries is essential to accomplishing the recommendations set forth in this report. The IPP has been a success because of the dedicated volunteers committed to a resilient Hampton Roads. During the last two years, this project advanced regional adaptation through the evaluation and recommendation of a future governance structure, the development of working group and committee recommendations, building public awareness, building awareness of the need for federal agency involvement locally and building relationships among numerous organizations involved in the Pilot Project. All of this work, which in pieces may be specific only to a unique circumstance or area, when taken as a whole, brings foundational change. It builds on previous work accomplished by other leaders in the Hampton Roads region and should be leveraged in the future to accelerate regional adaptation

    Implementasi Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK) Terhadap Ekspor Kayu Indonesia ke Uni Eropa

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    Isu lingkungan menjadi isu yang menarik dan sering dibicarakan. Masyarakat mulai peduli terhadap beberapa kerusakan lingkungan dan ekosistem yang terjadi. Tingginya permintaan akan hasil hutan, khususnya kayu, di pasar lokal, nasional, dan internasional berkontribusi pada kegiatan pembalakan liar. Indonesia dan Uni Eropa menjalin kerja sama intensif melalui perjanjian FLEGT-VPA untuk menangani masalah pembalakan liar. Pemerintah Indonesia telah mendahului FLEGT UE dalam menanggapi masalah pembalakan liar dengan menerapkan suatu sistem pelacakan dan pemantauan secara efektif yang disebut dengan Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu. SVLK menjadi jaminan kelestarian pengelolaan hutan. Skema SVLK sendiri merupakan tanggapan pemerintah sebagai bentuk good forest governance terkait dengan pengelolaan hutan lestari, dengan melibatkan para pemangku kepentingan dalam pelaksanaannya. Maka dari itu penelitian ini akan memfokuskan implementasi realisasi sistem SVLK yang disusun oleh para multi-stakeholder dan berdampak pada tata kelola hutan lestari di Indonesia serta berpengaruh pada fungsi pasar kayu Indonesia ke UE. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep diplomasi ekonomi, melalui keterlibatan menteri, aktor non-negara, transparansi, dan Institusi Internasional dalam melihat pengaruh SVLK pada ekspor kayu Indonesia ke UE. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya suatu regulasi yang disusun pemerintah dengan para multi-stakeholder telah membawa dampak terhadap good forest governance di Indonesia. Implementasi SVLK menunjukkan bahwa selain dari masalah global yang dihadapi Indonesia terkait pembalakan liar, membuat UE lebih menyesuaikan bahkan memperbolehkan kayu yang akan masuk pasar UE tidak perlu melewati due dillgence. Terlihat dari motif pemerintah dengan adanya SVLK dijadikan sebagai alat diplomasi ekonomi Indonesia untuk bisa memasuki akses pasar UE melalui kerangka kerja FLEGT-VPA. Secara aspek ekonomi melalui sistem SVLK terdapat peningkatan pada fungsi pasar ekspor. Dalam hal perdagangan SVLK telah mengubah fungsi pasar kayu Indonesia ke UE. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini metode kualitatif deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Kata kunci: SVLK, FELGT-VPA, Ekspor Kayu, Good Forest Governance, Diplomasi Ekonomi/ Environmental issue has been an interesting topic and has been talked about a lot. People have been aware of the environment and ecosystem damage. The high demand of forest products, especially woods in local, national and international markets contributed to illegal logging. Indonesia and European Union built an intensive cooperation through FLEGT-VPA agreement to handle the problems of illegal logging. The Indonesian government has preceded the FLEGT UE by implementing an effective tracking and monitoring system that is called Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK). SVLK assured the sustainability of forest management. The SVLK scheme itself was a government response as a form of good forest governance in relation to sustainable forest management, and it involved authorities in its implementation. Therefore, this study focused on the realisation of SVLK implementation that was arranged by multi-stakeholders and affected the Indonesian market function to the EU. This study implements the economic diplomacy, through the involvement of minister, non-state actors, transparency and international institutions in looking at the influence of SVLK on Indonesian wood exports to the EU. The results of this study indicate that the existence of a regulation prepared by the government with multi-stakeholders has an impact on good forest governance in Indonesia. The implementation of the SVLK shows that apart from the global problems faced by Indonesia related to logging, it makes the EU more adaptable and even allows wood that will enter the EU market not to have to go through difficulties. It can be seen from the government's motive that the SVLK is used as a tool for Indonesia's economic diplomacy to gain access to the EU market through the FLEGT-VPA framework. From the economic aspect, through the SVLK system, there is an increase in the function of the export market. In terms of trade, SVLK has changed the function of the Indonesian timber market to the EU. Methods used in this study is qualitative descriptive analysis method with interview and documentation approach. Keywords: SVLK, FLEGT-VPA, Wood Export, Good Forest Governance, Economic Diplomacy

    Autonomous migration of vertual machines for maximizing resource utilization

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    Virtualization of computing resources enables multiple virtual machines to run on a physical machine. When many virtual machines are deployed on a cluster of PCs, some physical machines will inevitably experience overload while others are under-utilized over time due to varying computational demands. This computational imbalance across the cluster undermines the very purpose of maximizing resource utilization through virtualization. To solve this imbalance problem, virtual machine migration has been introduced, where a virtual machine on a heavily loaded physical machine is selected and moved to a lightly loaded physical machine. The selection of the source virtual machine and the destination physical machine is based on a single fixed threshold value. Key to such threshold-based VM migration is to determine when to move which VM to what physical machine, since wrong or inadequate decisions can cause unnecessary migrations that would adversely affect the overall performance. The fixed threshold may not necessarily work for different computing infrastructures. Finding the optimal threshold is critical. In this research, a virtual machine migration framework is presented that autonomously finds and adjusts variable thresholds at runtime for different computing requirements to improve and maximize the utilization of computing resources. Central to this approach is the previous history of migrations and their effects before and after each migration in terms of standard deviation of utilization. To broaden this research, a proactive learning methodology is introduced that not only accumulates the past history of computing patterns and resulting migration decisions but more importantly searches all possibilities for the most suitable decisions. This research demonstrates through experimental results that the learning approach autonomously finds thresholds close to the optimal ones for different computing scenarios and that such varying thresholds yield an optimal number of VM migrations for maximizing resource utilization. The proposed framework is set up on a cluster of 8 and 16 PCs, each of which has multiple User-Mode Linux (UML)-based virtual machines. An extensive set of benchmark programs is deployed to closely resemble a real-world computing environment. Experimental results indicate that the proposed framework indeed autonomously finds thresholds close to the optimal ones for different computing scenarios, balances the load across the cluster through autonomous VM migration, and improves the overall performance of the dynamically changing computing environment

    Building high-performance web-caching servers

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    Classification of Sentimental Reviews Using Natural Language Processing Concepts and Machine Learning Techniques

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    Natural language processing (NLP) is the hypothetically motivated scope of computational strategies for representing and analyzing naturally occurring text at many levels of textual analysis for the goal of attaining automatic language processing system for multiple tasks and applications. One of the most import applications of natural language processing from industry perspective is sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis is the most eminent branch of NLP because of its capability to classify any textual document to either as positive or negative polarity. With the proliferation of World Wide Web, huge textual unstructured data in form of tweets, messages, articles, social networking discussions, reviews of products and movies are available so as to extract right information from the large pool. Thus, a need is felt to analyze this data to bring out some hidden facts based on the intention of the author of the text. The intention can be either criticism (negative) of product and movie review or it can be admiration (positive). Although, The intention can vary from strongly positive to positive and strongly negative to negative. This thesis completely focuses on classification of movie reviews in either as positive or negative review using machine learning techniques like Support Vector Machine(SVM), K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN) and Naive Bayes (NB) classifier. Further, a N-gram Model has been proposed where the documents are classified based on unigram, bigram and trigram composition of words in a sentence. Two dataset are considered for this study; one is a labeled polarity dataset where each movie review is either labeled as positive or negative and other one is IMDb movie reviews dataset. Finally, the prediction accuracy of above mentioned machine learning algorithms in different manipulations of same dataset is studied and a comparative analysis has been made for critical examination