5 research outputs found

    DoQA : accessing domain-specific FAQs via conversational QA

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    The goal of this work is to build conversational Question Answering (QA) interfaces for the large body of domain-specific information available in FAQ sites. We present DoQA, a dataset with 2,437 dialogues and 10,917 QA pairs. The dialogues are collected from three Stack Exchange sites using the Wizard of Oz method with crowdsourcing. Compared to previous work, DoQA comprises well-defined information needs, leading to more coherent and natural conversations with less factoid questions and is multi-domain. In addition, we introduce a more realistic information retrieval (IR) scenario where the system needs to find the answer in any of the FAQ documents. The results of an existing, strong, system show that, thanks to transfer learning from a Wikipedia QA dataset and fine tuning on a single FAQ domain, it is possible to build high quality conversational QA systems for FAQs without in-domain training data. The good results carry over into the more challenging IR scenario. In both cases, there is still ample room for improvement, as indicated by the higher human upperbound

    NORMY: Non-Uniform History Modeling for Open Retrieval Conversational Question Answering

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    Open Retrieval Conversational Question Answering (OrConvQA) answers a question given a conversation as context and a document collection. A typical OrConvQA pipeline consists of three modules: a Retriever to retrieve relevant documents from the collection, a Reranker to rerank them given the question and the context, and a Reader to extract an answer span. The conversational turns can provide valuable context to answer the final query. State-of-the-art OrConvQA systems use the same history modeling for all three modules of the pipeline. We hypothesize this as suboptimal. Specifically, we argue that a broader context is needed in the first modules of the pipeline to not miss relevant documents, while a narrower context is needed in the last modules to identify the exact answer span. We propose NORMY, the first unsupervised non-uniform history modeling pipeline which generates the best conversational history for each module. We further propose a novel Retriever for NORMY, which employs keyphrase extraction on the conversation history, and leverages passages retrieved in previous turns as additional context. We also created a new dataset for OrConvQA, by expanding the doc2dial dataset. We implemented various state-of-the-art history modeling techniques and comprehensively evaluated them separately for each module of the pipeline on three datasets: OR-QUAC, our doc2dial extension, and ConvMix. Our extensive experiments show that NORMY outperforms the state-of-the-art in the individual modules and in the end-to-end system.Comment: Accepted for publication at IEEE ICSC 202

    Leveraging Feedback in Conversational Question Answering Systems

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    172 p.Tesi honen helburua martxan jarri eta geroko sistemek gizakiekin duten elkarregina erabiltzeada, gizakien feedbacka sistementzako ikasketa eta egokitzapen seinale bezala erabiliz.Elkarrizketa sistemek martxan jartzerakoan jasaten duten domeinu aldaketan jartzen dugufokua. Helburu honetarako, feedback bitar esplizituaren kasua aztertzen dugu, hau baitagizakientzat feedbacka emateko seinale errazena.Sistemak martxan jarri eta gero hobetzeko, lehenik eta behin DoQA izeneko galdera-erantzunmotako elkarriketez osatutako datu multzo bat eraiki dugu. Datu multzo honekcrowdsourcing bidez jasotako 2.437 dialogo ditu. Aurreko lanekin konparatuz gero, DoQAkbenetazko informazio beharrak islatzen ditu, datu multzo barneko elkarrizketak naturalagoaketa koherenteagoak izanik. Datu multzo sortu eta gero, feedback-weighted learning (FWL)izeneko algoritmo bat diseinatu dugu, feedback bitarra bakarrik erabiliz aurretikentrenatutako sistema gainbegiratu bat hobetzeko gai dena. Azkenik, algoritmo honen mugakaztertzen ditugu jasotako feedbacka zaratatsua den kasuetarako eta FWL moldatzen dugueszenatoki zaratsuari aurre egiteko. Kasu honetan lortzen ditugun emaitza negatiboakerakusten dute erabiltzaileetatik jasotako feedback zaratsua modelatzearen erronka, hauebaztea oraindik ikerkuntza galdera ireki bat delarik