4 research outputs found

    Artificial Fingerprinting for Generative Models: {R}ooting Deepfake Attribution in Training Data

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    General GAN-generated image detection by data augmentation in fingerprint domain

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    In this work, we investigate improving the generalizability of GAN-generated image detectors by performing data augmentation in the fingerprint domain. Specifically, we first separate the fingerprints and contents of the GAN-generated images using an autoencoder based GAN fingerprint extractor, followed by random perturbations of the fingerprints. Then the original fingerprints are substituted with the perturbed fingerprints and added to the original contents, to produce images that are visually invariant but with distinct fingerprints. The perturbed images can successfully imitate images generated by different GANs to improve the generalization of the detectors, which is demonstrated by the spectra visualization. To our knowledge, we are the first to conduct data augmentation in the fingerprint domain. Our work explores a novel prospect that is distinct from previous works on spatial and frequency domain augmentation. Extensive cross-GAN experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method compared to the state-of-the-art methods in detecting fake images generated by unknown GANs

    Human-Centric Deep Generative Models: The Blessing and The Curse

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    Over the past years, deep neural networks have achieved significant progress in a wide range of real-world applications. In particular, my research puts a focused lens in deep generative models, a neural network solution that proves effective in visual (re)creation. But is generative modeling a niche topic that should be researched on its own? My answer is critically no. In the thesis, I present the two sides of deep generative models, their blessing and their curse to human beings. Regarding what can deep generative models do for us, I demonstrate the improvement in performance and steerability of visual (re)creation. Regarding what can we do for deep generative models, my answer is to mitigate the security concerns of DeepFakes and improve minority inclusion of deep generative models. For the performance of deep generative models, I probe on applying attention modules and dual contrastive loss to generative adversarial networks (GANs), which pushes photorealistic image generation to a new state of the art. For the steerability, I introduce Texture Mixer, a simple yet effective approach to achieve steerable texture synthesis and blending. For the security, my research spans over a series of GAN fingerprinting solutions that enable the detection and attribution of GAN-generated image misuse. For the inclusion, I investigate the biased misbehavior of generative models and present my solution in enhancing the minority inclusion of GAN models over underrepresented image attributes. All in all, I propose to project actionable insights to the applications of deep generative models, and finally contribute to human-generator interaction

    Towards private and robust machine learning for information security

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    Many problems in information security are pattern recognition problems. For example, determining if a digital communication can be trusted amounts to certifying that the communication does not carry malicious or secret content, which can be distilled into the problem of recognising the difference between benign and malicious content. At a high level, machine learning is the study of how patterns are formed within data, and how learning these patterns generalises beyond the potentially limited data pool at a practitioner’s disposal, and so has become a powerful tool in information security. In this work, we study the benefits machine learning can bring to two problems in information security. Firstly, we show that machine learning can be used to detect which websites are visited by an internet user over an encrypted connection. By analysing timing and packet size information of encrypted network traffic, we train a machine learning model that predicts the target website given a stream of encrypted network traffic, even if browsing is performed over an anonymous communication network. Secondly, in addition to studying how machine learning can be used to design attacks, we study how it can be used to solve the problem of hiding information within a cover medium, such as an image or an audio recording, which is commonly referred to as steganography. How well an algorithm can hide information within a cover medium amounts to how well the algorithm models and exploits areas of redundancy. This can again be reduced to a pattern recognition problem, and so we apply machine learning to design a steganographic algorithm that efficiently hides a secret message with an image. Following this, we proceed with discussions surrounding why machine learning is not a panacea for information security, and can be an attack vector in and of itself. We show that machine learning can leak private and sensitive information about the data it used to learn, and how malicious actors can exploit vulnerabilities in these learning algorithms to compel them to exhibit adversarial behaviours. Finally, we examine the problem of the disconnect between image recognition systems learned by humans and by machine learning models. While human classification of an image is relatively robust to noise, machine learning models do not possess this property. We show how an attacker can cause targeted misclassifications against an entire data distribution by exploiting this property, and go onto introduce a mitigation that ameliorates this undesirable trait of machine learning