221 research outputs found

    High Performance Sparse Multivariate Polynomials: Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms

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    Polynomials may be represented sparsely in an effort to conserve memory usage and provide a succinct and natural representation. Moreover, polynomials which are themselves sparse – have very few non-zero terms – will have wasted memory and computation time if represented, and operated on, densely. This waste is exacerbated as the number of variables increases. We provide practical implementations of sparse multivariate data structures focused on data locality and cache complexity. We look to develop high-performance algorithms and implementations of fundamental polynomial operations, using these sparse data structures, such as arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) and interpolation. We revisit a sparse arithmetic scheme introduced by Johnson in 1974, adapting and optimizing these algorithms for modern computer architectures, with our implementations over the integers and rational numbers vastly outperforming the current wide-spread implementations. We develop a new algorithm for sparse pseudo-division based on the sparse polynomial division algorithm, with very encouraging results. Polynomial interpolation is explored through univariate, dense multivariate, and sparse multivariate methods. Arithmetic and interpolation together form a solid high-performance foundation from which many higher-level and more interesting algorithms can be built

    Bressoud-Subbarao type weighted partition identities for a generalized divisor function

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    In 1984, Bressoud and Subbarao obtained an interesting weighted partition identity for a generalized divisor function, by means of combinatorial arguments. Recently, the last three named authors found an analytic proof of the aforementioned identity of Bressoud and Subbarao starting from a qq-series identity of Ramanujan. In the present paper, we revisit the combinatorial arguments of Bressoud and Subbarao, and derive a more general weighted partition identity. Furthermore, with the help of a fractional differential operator, we establish a few more Bressoud-Subbarao type weighted partition identities beginning from an identity of Andrews, Garvan and Liang. We also found a one-variable generalization of an identity of Uchimura related to Bell polynomials.Comment: 18 pages, Comments are welcome

    On the kkth smallest part of a partition into distinct parts

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    A classic theorem of Uchimura states that the difference between the sum of the smallest parts of the partitions of nn into an odd number of distinct parts and the corresponding sum for an even number of distinct parts is equal to the number of divisors of nn. In this article, we initiate the study of the kkth smallest part of a partition π\pi into distinct parts of any integer nn, namely sk(π)s_k(\pi). Using sk(π)s_k(\pi), we generalize the above result for the kkth smallest parts of partitions for any positive integer kk and show its connection with divisor functions for general kk and derive interesting special cases. We also study weighted partitions involving sk(π)s_k(\pi) with another parameter zz, which helps us obtain several new combinatorial and analytical results. Finally, we prove sum-of-tails identities associated with the weighted partition function involving sk(π)s_k(\pi)

    Incremental triangulation by way of edge swapping and local optimization

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    This document is intended to serve as an installation, usage, and basic theory guide for the two dimensional triangulation software 'HARLEY' written for the Silicon Graphics IRIS workstation. This code consists of an incremental triangulation algorithm based on point insertion and local edge swapping. Using this basic strategy, several types of triangulations can be produced depending on user selected options. For example, local edge swapping criteria can be chosen which minimizes the maximum interior angle (a MinMax triangulation) or which maximizes the minimum interior angle (a MaxMin or Delaunay triangulation). It should be noted that the MinMax triangulation is generally only locally optical (not globally optimal) in this measure. The MaxMin triangulation, however, is both locally and globally optical. In addition, Steiner triangulations can be constructed by inserting new sites at triangle circumcenters followed by edge swapping based on the MaxMin criteria. Incremental insertion of sites also provides flexibility in choosing cell refinement criteria. A dynamic heap structure has been implemented in the code so that once a refinement measure is specified (i.e., maximum aspect ratio or some measure of a solution gradient for the solution adaptive grid generation) the cell with the largest value of this measure is continually removed from the top of the heap and refined. The heap refinement strategy allows the user to specify either the number of cells desired or refine the mesh until all cell refinement measures satisfy a user specified tolerance level. Since the dynamic heap structure is constantly updated, the algorithm always refines the particular cell in the mesh with the largest refinement criteria value. The code allows the user to: triangulate a cloud of prespecified points (sites), triangulate a set of prespecified interior points constrained by prespecified boundary curve(s), Steiner triangulate the interior/exterior of prespecified boundary curve(s), refine existing triangulations based on solution error measures, and partition meshes based on the Cuthill-McKee, spectral, and coordinate bisection strategies

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationToday's smartphones house private and confidential data ubiquitously. Mobile apps running on the devices can leak sensitive information by accident or intentionally. To understand application behaviors before running a program, we need to statically analyze it, tracking what data are accessed, where sensitive data ow, and what operations are performed with the data. However, automated identification of malicious behaviors in Android apps is challenging: First, there is a primary challenge in analyzing object-oriented programs precisely, soundly and efficiently, especially in the presence of exceptions. Second, there is an Android-specific challenge|asynchronous execution of multiple entry points. Third, the maliciousness of any given behavior is application-dependent and subject to human judgment. In this work, I develop a generic, highly precise static analysis of object-oriented code with multiple entry points, on which I construct an eective malware identification system with a human in the loop. Specically, I develop a new analysis-pushdown exception-ow analysis, to generalize the analysis of normal control flows and exceptional flows in object-oriented programs. To rene points-to information, I generalize abstract garbage collection to object-oriented programs and enhance it with liveness analysis for even better precision. To tackle Android-specic challenges, I develop multientry point saturation to approximate the eect of arbitrary asynchronous events. To apply the analysis techniques to security, I develop a static taint- ow analysis to track and propagate tainted sensitive data in the push-down exception-flow framework. To accelerate the speed of static analysis, I develop a compact and ecient encoding scheme, called G odel hashes, and integrate it into the analysis framework. All the techniques are realized and evaluated in a system, named AnaDroid. AnaDroid is designed with a human in the loop to specify analysis conguration, properties of interest and then to make the nal judgment and identify where the maliciousness is, based on analysis results. The analysis results include control- ow graphs highlighting suspiciousness, permission and risk-ranking reports. The experiments show that AnaDroid can lead to precise and fast identication of common classes of Android malware
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