4,370 research outputs found

    Towards Multi-Language Recipe Personalisation and Recommendation

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    Multi-language recipe personalisation and recommendation is an under-explored field of information retrieval in academic and production systems. The existing gaps in our current understanding are numerous, even on fundamental questions such as whether consistent and high-quality recipe recommendation can be delivered across languages. In this paper, we introduce the multi-language recipe recommendation setting and present grounding results that will help to establish the potential and absolute value of future work in this area. Our work draws on several billion events from millions of recipes and users from Arabic, English, Indonesian, Russian, and Spanish. We represent recipes using a combination of normalised ingredients, standardised skills and image embeddings obtained without human intervention. In modelling, we take a classical approach based on optimising an embedded bi-linear user-item metric space towards the interactions that most strongly elicit cooking intent. For users without interaction histories, a bespoke content-based cold-start model that predicts context and recipe affinity is introduced. We show that our approach to personalisation is stable and easily scales to new languages. A robust cross-validation campaign is employed and consistently rejects baseline models and representations, strongly favouring those we propose. Our results are presented in a language-oriented (as opposed to model-oriented) fashion to emphasise the language-based goals of this work. We believe that this is the first large-scale work that comprehensively considers the value and potential of multi-language recipe recommendation and personalisation as well as delivering scalable and reliable models.Comment: 5 table

    New Grand Narratives—The Metaphysical Worldview of \u3cem\u3eAvatar\u3c/em\u3e and \u3cem\u3eCloud Atlas\u3c/em\u3e

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    Referring to the films Avatar (2009) and Cloud Atlas (2012), the author will demonstrate that a new era of metaphysical holism follows Postmodernism. These films celebrate a resurrection of the flesh with 3-D technology and a reincarnation of souls with the aesthetic technique of morphing. However apocalyptic their visions of the future might be, and however much they might seem to worship technical megalomania, they are also and again conveying a resounding ethical message and a taste of Utopia

    Civil Society, Cleavage Structures, and Democracy in Germany

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    This article analyses the consequences of recent changes in cleavage structures in German society for civil society, democracy, and social cohesion. It argues that the emergence of a new 'demarcation-integration' cleavage has politicised civil society in Germany in several ways. As a result, the role of civil society for the future development of German democracy has become highly ambivalent. The article is organised into four parts. First, recent transformations in political conflict structures in Western European countries are outlined. Second, the article presents data on the manifestation of this conflict in Germany after the so-called 'refugee crisis.' Third, the consequences of these new conflicts on civil society are analysed. Fourth, the relationship between civil society and democracy is discussed. The article concludes with suggestions for future research

    The Jin revisited: new assessment of Jurchen emperors

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    The Wall in the Mind - Revisited Stable Differences in the Political Cultures of Western and Eastern Germany

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    Do lasting differences in the political cultures of social subgroups call into question the legitimacy of democracy? This danger has been discussed for three decades now, always in the run up to German Unity Day, which marks the reunification of Germany in 1990. Is there still a 'wall in people's minds', as postulated in the late 1990s? This article examines the question comparatively and over time: Do political cultures and their main political attitudes still differ between Western and Eastern Germany 30 years after reunification? And, if so, to what extent? Using an extended concept of political support, we analyse East-West differences by drawing on different data material from representative surveys. What we show that there is no deficit of legitimacy in Eastern Germany in terms of democracy. Nevertheless, there are consistent East-West differences in terms of people's satisfaction with democracy as it is currently practised. These differences can be explained neither by existing socio-economic and socio-structural inequalities between Eastern and Western Germany, and nor by feelings of nostalgia for socialism. Rather, they are due to a combination of feelings of disadvantage, of a lack of recognition, and corresponding narratives that can draw on objective manifestations of inequality

    Rookie Mistakes: Errors in Fan-created Finnish Subtitles in YouTube Videos

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    Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman aiheena ovat YouTuben suomenkieliset tekstitykset. YouTuben tekstitykset perustuvat pitkälti vapaaehtoisuuteen, videontekijöiden omaan aktiivisuuteen ja katsojien kiinnostukseen, ja niitä voidaankin pitää fanikääntämisen uusimpana muotona. Akateeminen tutkimus on tähän mennessä painottunut teksittämisen yhteisölliseen luonteeseen, mutta laadullista tutkimusta YouTube-käännöksistä ei ainakaan laajassa mittakaavassa ole tehty. Tutkittavat tekstitykset kerättiin brittiläisen, Suomessa asuvan youtubettaja Dave Cadin videoista, koska hänen materiaalinsa oli minulle jo ennestään tuttu ja hänen kohdeyleisönsä on lähes kokonaan suomenkielinen. Tekstitykset koottiin 17 videosta, ja niille suoritettiin virheanalyysi. Koska tekstitysten laadun tutkimiseen ei ole virallisia ohjeita, muokkasin tutkimukseen sopivat kriteerit suomen kielen kieliopin sekä suomalaisten tekstitysstandardien pohjalta. Virheet luokiteltiin kielioppi-, käännös-, oikeinkirjoitus- sekä teknisiin virheisiin. Tekstityksissä oli virheitä kaikista näistä kategorioista, mutta varsinaisia kielioppi- ja käännösvirheitä oli odotettua vähemmän. Sitä vastoin oikeinkirjoitusvirheet, etenkin puuttuvat pisteet virkkeiden lopuissa olivat tutkimuksessa yliedustettuina. Teknisistä virheistä korostuivat liian pitkät tekstitykset, mutta ne olivat amatöörikääntäjiltä odotettavissa. Tutkimukseni osoitti, että toisin kuin ehkä voitaisiin olettaa, amatöörikäännösten ongelmat eivät korostu käännös- tai kielioppivirheissä vaan oikeinkirjoitusvirheissä. Osasyynä tähän saattaa olla Internet-viestinnässä, joka etenkin englanninkielisessä viestinnässä suosii välimerkitöntä kirjoitusmuotoa, jossa usein myös isot alkukirjaimet jäävät pois. Tekniset virheet taas selittyvät amatöörikääntäjien tietämättömyydellä. Esimerkiksi liian pitkiä tekstityksiä voitaisiin vähentää lisäämällä YouTuben tekstitystyökaluun ohjeistuksia merkkimääristä