7 research outputs found

    Indexed-channel estimation under frequency and time-selective fading channels in high-mobility systems

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    Index modulation (IM) techniques have been employed in different communication systems to improve bandwidth efficiency by carrying additional information bits. In high-mobility communication systems and under both time-selective and frequency-selective fading channels with Doppler spread, channel variations can be tracked by employing pilot-aided channel estimation with minimum mean-squared error estimation. However, inserting pilot symbols among information symbols reduces the system's spectral efficiency in pilot-aided channel estimation schemes. We propose pilot-aided channel estimation with zero-pilot symbols and an energy detection scheme to tackle this issue. Part of the information bit-stream is conveyed by the indices of zero-pilot symbols leading to an increase in the system's spectral efficiency. We used an energy detector at the receiver to detect the transmitted zero-pilot symbols. This paper examines the impacts of diversity order on the zero-pilot symbol detection error probability and the mean-squared of error estimation. The impacts of pilot symbols number and the zero-pilot symbol number on the mean-squared error of the minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) estimator and the system error performance are also investigated in this paper

    Quadrature spatial modulation aided single-input multiple-output-media based modulation: application to cooperative network and golden code orthogonal super-symbol systems.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.SIMO-MBM (single-input multiple-output media-based modulation) overcomes the limitations of SIMO (single-input multiple-output) systems by reducing the number of antennas required to achieve a high data rate and improved error performance. In this thesis, the quadrature dimension of the spatial constellation is used to improve the overall error performance of the conventional SIMO-MBM and to achieve a higher data rate by decomposing the amplitude/phase modulation (APM) symbol into real and imaginary components, similar to quadrature spatial modulation (QSM). The average bit error probability of the proposed technique is expressed using a lower bound approach and validated using the results of Monte Carlo simulation (MCS). The proposed system also investigates the effect of antenna correlation in combination with channel amplitude to select a sub-optimal mirror activation pattern. The results of MCS show a 3.5dB improvement at 10b/s/Hz with m =2 and a 7dB improvement at 12b/s/Hz with =2 over the traditional SIMO-MBM scheme. The effect of imperfect channel estimation on the proposed scheme is investigated, with a trade-off of 2dB in coding gain due to channel estimation errors. Cooperative Networking (CN) improves wireless network reliability, link quality, and spectrum efficiency by collaborating among nodes. The decode and forward relaying technique is used in this thesis to investigate the performance of QSM aided SIMO-MBM in a Cooperative Network (CN). This technique uses two source nodes that simultaneously transmit a unique message block on the same time slot to the relay node, which then decodes the received message block from both transmitting nodes before re-encoding and re-transmitting the decoded message block in the next time slot to the destinations in order to significantly improve the QSM aided SIMO-MBM’s error performance. Using network coding (NC) techniques, each Node can decode the data of the other Node. To enhance network performance, complexity, robustness, and minimize delays, data is encoded and decoded in NC; algebraic techniques are applied to the detected message to collect the various transmissions. The proposed scheme's theoretical average error probability was defined using a lower bound technique, and the results of Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) validated the result. The MCS results achieved exhibit a significant improvement of 8 dB at 6 b/s/Hz and 12 dB at 8 b/s/Hz over the conventional QSM aided SIMO-MBM scheme. The media-based modulation (MBM) technique can achieve significant throughput, increase spectrum efficiency, and improve bit-error-rate performance (BER). In this thesis, the use of MBM in single-input multiple-output systems is examined using radio frequency (RF) mirrors and Golden code (GC-SIMO). The goal is to lower the system's hardware complexity by maximizing the linear relationship between RF mirrors and spectral efficiency in MBM in order to achieve a high data rate with less hardware complexity. The GC scheme's encoder uses orthogonal pairs of the super-symbol, each transmitted via a separate RF mirror at a different time slot to achieve full rate full diversity. In the results of MCS obtained, at a BER of 10−5, the GC-SIMO-MBM exhibits a significant performance of approximately 7dB and 6.5 dB SNR gain for 4 b/s/Hz and 6 b/s/Hz, respectively, compared to GC-SIMO. The proposed scheme's derived theoretical average error probability is validated by the results of the Monte Carlo simulation

    Channel Estimation and Equalization for Cooperative Communication

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    The revolutionary concept of space-time coding introduced in the last decade has demonstrated that the deployment of multiple antennas at the transmitter allows for simultaneous increase in throughput and reliability because of the additional degrees of freedom offered by the spatial dimension of the wireless channel. However, the use of antenna arrays is not practical for deployment in some practical scenarios, e. g. , sensor networks, due to space and power limitations. A new form of realizing transmit diversity has been recently introduced under the name of user cooperation or cooperative diversity. The basic idea behind cooperative diversity rests on the observation that in a wireless environment, the signal transmitted by the source node is overheard by other nodes, which can be defined as "partners" or "relays". The source and its partners can jointly process and transmit their information, creating a "virtual antenna array" and therefore emulating transmit diversity. Most of the ongoing research efforts in cooperative diversity assume frequency flat channels with perfect channel knowledge. However, in practical scenarios, e. g. broadband wireless networks, these assumptions do not apply. Frequency-selective fading and imperfect channel knowledge should be considered as a more realistic channel model. The development of equalization and channel estimation algorithms play a crucial element in the design of digital receivers as their accuracy determine the overall performance. This dissertation creates a framework for designing and analyzing various time and frequency domain equalization schemes, i. e. distributed time reversal (D-TR) STBC, distributed single carrier frequency domain (D-SC-FDE) STBC, and distributed orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (D-OFDM) STBC schemes, for broadband cooperative communication systems. Exploiting the orthogonally embedded in D-STBCs, we were able to maintain low-decoding complexity for all underlying schemes, thus, making them excellent candidates for practical scenarios, such as multi-media broadband communication systems. Furthermore, we propose and analyze various non-coherent and channel estimation algorithms to improve the quality and reliability of wireless communication networks. Specifically, we derive a non-coherent decoding rule which can be implemented in practice by a Viterbi-type algorithm. We demonstrate through the derivation of a pairwise error probability expression that the proposed non-coherent detector guarantees full diversity. Although this decoding rule has been derived assuming quasi-static channels, its inherent channel tracking capability allows its deployment over time-varying channels with a promising performance as a sub-optimal solution. As a possible alternative to non-coherent detection, we also investigate the performance of mismatched-coherent receiver, i. e. , coherent detection with imperfect channel estimation. Our performance analysis demonstrates that the mismatched-coherent receiver is able to collect the full diversity as its non-coherent competitor over quasi-static channels. Finally, we investigate and analyze the effect of multiple antennas deployment at the cooperating terminals assuming different relaying techniques. We derive pairwise error probability expressions quantifying analytically the impact of multiple antenna deployment at the source, relay and/or destination terminals on the diversity order for each of the relaying methods under consideration

    Fundamental Tradeoff Between Doppler Diversity and Channel Estimation Errors in SIMO High Mobility Communication Systems

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    Simulation of space-time processing techniques for wireless communications

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    119 p.Space-Time and "Turbo" processing are two of the most explored concepts in recent wireless communication research. Theoretically, "space-time" processing is a method to increase the possible capacity by exploiting the rich multi-path nature of fading wireless environments while "turbo" coding is a technique to approach the Shannon capacity limit. The combination of these two concepts provides a practical way to increase the channel capacity over a wireless channel. Our objective is to construct simulation models for characterizing the performance of space-time and turbo processing systems. Firstly, the concept of space-time block codes (STBC) and generalized orthogonal designs was reviewed. Simulations results show the theoretical ML decoding error bounds, effects of transmit/receive diversity and channel estimation errors. Secondly, we review Turbo codes and iterative decoding with a simple early stopping criterion. Simulations results show the performance of iterative decoding using Log-MAP algorithm with iteration control. Thirdly, a serial concatenation of outer turbo codes and inner STBC combines the merits of both coding techniques, achieving improved performance with transmit/receive diversity and iterative decoding. Lastly, the system capacity was increased with multi-user interference cancellation (IC) techniques that exploit the orthogonal structure of STBC. For a case of two cochannel users, zero forcing (ZF) and minimum mean squared error (MMSE) IC schemes are compared. The MMSE IC scheme is generalized for K cochannel users. This improves the overall capacity and reduces the number of receive antennas to K, as compared to classical IC techniques. The concatenated Turbo-STBC coding concept was applied to the generalized MMSE IC scheme and simulations shows linear improvement in capacity with increased cochannel users. This result was previously not achievable with STBC. The resultant hybrid coding framework has immense potential to increase data rates and capacity of the physical layer interface in next generation wireless communication systems.​Master of Science (Communications Engineering