8,570 research outputs found

    Modified quasi-orthogonal space-time block coding in distributed wireless networks

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    Cooperative networks have developed as a useful technique that can achieve the same advantage as multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) wireless systems such as spatial diversity, whilst resolving the difficulties of co-located multiple antennas at individual nodes and avoiding the effect of path-loss and shadowing. Spatial diversity in cooperative networks is known as cooperative diversity, and can enhance system reliability without sacrificing the scarce bandwidth resource or consuming more transmit power. It enables single-antenna terminals in a wireless relay network to share their antennas to form a virtual antenna array on the basis of their distributed locations. However, there remain technical challenges to maximize the benefit of cooperative communications, e.g. data rate, asynchronous transmission and outage. In this thesis, therefore, firstly, a modified distributed quasi-orthogonal space-time block coding (M-D-QO-STBC) scheme with increased code gain distance (CGD) for one-way and two-way amplify-and-forward wireless relay networks is proposed. This modified code is designed from set partitioning a larger codebook formed from two quasi-orthogonal space time block codes with different signal rotations then the subcodes are combined and pruned to arrive at the modified codebook with the desired rate in order to increase the CGD. Moreover, for higher rate codes the code distance is maximized by using a genetic algorithm to search for the optimum rotation matrix. This scheme has very good performance and significant coding gain over existing codes such as the open-loop and closed-loop QO-STBC schemes. In addition, the topic of outage probability analysis in the context of multi-relay selection from NN available relay nodes for one-way amplify-and-forward cooperative relay networks is considered together with the best relay selection, the NthN^{th} relay selection and best four relay selection in two-way amplify-and-forward cooperative relay networks. The relay selection is performed either on the basis of a max-min strategy or one based on maximizing exact end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio. Furthermore, in this thesis, robust schemes for cooperative relays based on the M-D-QO-STBC scheme for both one-way and two-way asynchronous cooperative relay networks are considered to overcome the issue of a synchronism in wireless cooperative relay networks. In particular, an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) data structure is employed with cyclic prefix (CP) insertion at the source in the one-way cooperative relay network and at the two terminal nodes in the two-way cooperative network to combat the effects of time asynchronism. As such, this technique can effectively cope with the effects of timing errors. Finally, outage probability performance of a proposed amplify-and-forward cooperative cognitive relay network is evaluated and the cognitive relays are assumed to exploit an overlay approach. A closed form expression for the outage probability for multi-relay selection cooperation over Rayleigh frequency flat fading channels is derived for perfect and imperfect spectrum acquisitions. Furthermore, the M-QO-STBC scheme is also proposed for use in wireless cognitive relay networks. MATLAB and Maple software based simulations are employed throughout the thesis to support the analytical results and assess the performance of new algorithms and methods

    Novel transmission schemes for application in two-way cooperative relay wireless communication networks

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    Recently, cooperative relay networks have emerged as an attractive communications technique that can generate a new form of spatial diversity which is known as cooperative diversity, that can enhance system reliability without sacrificing the scarce bandwidth resource or consuming more transmit power. To achieve cooperative diversity single-antenna terminals in a wireless relay network typically share their antennas to form a virtual antenna array on the basis of their distributed locations. As such, the same diversity gains as in multi-input multi-output systems can be achieved without requiring multiple-antenna terminals. However, there remain technical challenges to maximize the benefit of cooperative communications, e.g. data rate, asynchronous transmission, interference and outage. Therefore, the focus of this thesis is to exploit cooperative relay networks within two-way transmission schemes. Such schemes have the potential to double the data rate as compared to one-way transmission schemes. Firstly, a new approach to two-way cooperative communications via extended distributed orthogonal space-time block coding (E-DOSTBC) based on phase rotation feedback is proposed with four relay nodes. This scheme can achieve full cooperative diversity and full transmission rate in addition to array gain. Then, distributed orthogonal space-time block coding (DOSTBC) is applied within an asynchronous two-way cooperative wireless relay network using two relay nodes. A parallel interference cancelation (PIC) detection scheme with low structural and computational complexity is applied at the terminal nodes in order to overcome the effect of imperfect synchronization among the cooperative relay nodes. Next, a DOSTBC scheme based on cooperative orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) type transmission is proposed for flat fading channels which can overcome imperfect synchronization in the network. As such, this technique can effectively cope with the effects of fading and timing errors. Moreover, to increase the end-to-end data rate, a closed-loop EDOSTBC approach using through a three-time slot framework is proposed. A full interference cancelation scheme with OFDM and cyclic prefix type transmission is used in a two-hop cooperative four relay network with asynchronism in the both hops to achieve full data rate and completely cancel the timing error. The topic of outage probability analysis in the context of multi-relay selection for one-way cooperative amplify and forward networks is then considered. Local measurements of the instantaneous channel conditions are used to select the best single and best two relays from a number of available relays. Asymptotical conventional polices are provided to select the best single and two relays from a number of available relays. Finally, the outage probability of a two-way amplify and forward relay network with best and Mth relay selection is analyzed. The relay selection is performed either on the basis of a max-min strategy or one based on maximizing exact end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio. MATLAB and Maple software based simulations are employed throughout the thesis to support the analytical results and assess the performance of new algorithms and methods

    무선 쀑계 λ„€νŠΈμ›Œν¬μ—μ„œ μ‹ ν˜ΈλŒ€μž‘μŒλΉ„μ˜ λˆ„μ λΆ„ν¬ν•¨μˆ˜ 기반 쀑계기 선택 κΈ°λ²•μ˜ μ„±λŠ₯ 뢄석

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    ν•™μœ„λ…Όλ¬Έ (박사)-- μ„œμšΈλŒ€ν•™κ΅ λŒ€ν•™μ› : 전기·컴퓨터곡학뢀, 2015. 8. μ΄μž¬ν™.무선 쀑계 κΈ°μˆ μ€ μ°¨μ„ΈλŒ€ 무선톡신 μ‹œμŠ€ν…œμ—μ„œ μš”κ΅¬λ˜λŠ” 높은 μ„œλΉ„μŠ€ ν’ˆμ§ˆ 및 데이터 전솑λ₯  달성을 μœ„ν•΄ 고렀되고 μžˆλŠ” λŒ€ν‘œμ μΈ 기술 쀑 ν•˜λ‚˜μ΄λ‹€. 무선 쀑계 기술이 κ°–κ³  μžˆλŠ” λ‹€μ–‘ν•œ μž₯점으둜 인해 ν˜„μž¬κΉŒμ§€ IEEE 802.16j 및 3GPP LTE-Advanced λ“±μ˜ 무선톡신 μ‹œμŠ€ν…œ ν‘œμ€€μ— λ°˜μ˜λ˜κΈ°λ„ ν•˜μ˜€λ‹€. μ‹€μ§ˆμ μœΌλ‘œ 두 λ…Έλ“œ 사이 μ±„λ„μ˜ 톡계적 νŠΉμ„±μ€ κ·Έλ“€μ˜ μœ„μΉ˜μ— 따라 달라지기 λ•Œλ¬Έμ— 각 μ±„λ„λ“€μ˜ 톡계적 νŠΉμ„±μ€ μ„œλ‘œ λ™μΌν•˜μ§€ μ•Šλ‹€. 각 μ±„λ„λ“€μ˜ 톡계적 νŠΉμ„±μ΄ λ™μΌν•˜μ§€ μ•Šμ„ λ•Œ, 무선 쀑계 κΈ°μˆ μ—μ„œ κ°€μž₯ μœ μš©ν•œ 기법 쀑 ν•˜λ‚˜μΈ 쀑계기 선택 기법은 νŠΉμ • 쀑계기듀이 더 자주 μ„ νƒλ˜λŠ” λ“±μ˜ 곡정성 문제λ₯Ό μœ λ°œμ‹œν‚¬ 수 μžˆλ‹€. 특히, 이 λ¬Έμ œλŠ” μ œν•œλœ 배터리λ₯Ό 가진 μ€‘κ³„κΈ°λ“€λ‘œ κ΅¬μ„±λœ λ„€νŠΈμ›Œν¬μ—μ„œ λ„€νŠΈμ›Œν¬μ˜ 수λͺ…을 μ€„μ΄κ²Œ ν•˜λŠ” μš”μΈμ΄ 될 수 μžˆλ‹€. λ”°λΌμ„œ μ΄λŸ¬ν•œ λ„€νŠΈμ›Œν¬μ—μ„œλŠ” μ‚¬μš©μžλ“€μ˜ 톡신 신뒰도 뿐만 μ•„λ‹ˆλΌ, μ€‘κ³„κΈ°μ—μ„œμ˜ 선택 곡정성도 ν•¨κ»˜ κ³ λ €ν•  ν•„μš”κ°€ μžˆλ‹€. λ³Έ λ…Όλ¬Έμ—μ„œλŠ” 무선 쀑계 λ„€νŠΈμ›Œν¬μ—μ„œ μ‚¬μš©μžλ“€μ˜ 톡신 신뒰도와 쀑계기 κ°„μ˜ 선택 곡정성을 ν•¨κ»˜ κ³ λ €ν•˜κΈ° μœ„ν•΄ μˆ˜μ‹  μ‹ ν˜ΈλŒ€μž‘μŒλΉ„μ˜ λˆ„μ λΆ„ν¬ν•¨μˆ˜λ₯Ό 기반으둜 ν•˜λŠ” μƒˆλ‘œμš΄ 쀑계기 선택 기법을 μ œμ•ˆν•œλ‹€. μ£Όμš”ν•œ 연ꡬ κ²°κ³ΌλŠ” λ‹€μŒκ³Ό κ°™λ‹€. λ¨Όμ €, λ‚˜μΉ΄κ°€λ―Έ-m νŽ˜μ΄λ”© 채널 ν™˜κ²½μ„ 가진 일방ν–₯ 쀑계 λ„€νŠΈμ›Œν¬λ₯Ό μœ„ν•œ ν”„λ‘œμ•‘ν‹°λΈŒ(proactive) 및 λ¦¬μ•‘ν‹°λΈŒ(reactive) λ°©μ‹μ˜ μˆ˜μ‹  μ‹ ν˜ΈλŒ€μž‘μŒλΉ„ λˆ„μ λΆ„ν¬ν•¨μˆ˜ 기반 쀑계기 선택 기법을 μ œμ•ˆν•œλ‹€. 각각의 쀑계기 선택 기법을 μœ„ν•΄ 쀑계기 선택 ν™•λ₯ μ„ μœ λ„ν•˜μ—¬ μ œμ•ˆλœ 각 쀑계기 선택 κΈ°λ²•λ“€μ˜ 평균 쀑계기 곡정성을 λΆ„μ„ν•œλ‹€. λ˜ν•œ 각 선택 기법에 λŒ€ν•œ 뢈λŠ₯ ν™•λ₯ μ„ μˆ˜μ‹μœΌλ‘œ μœ λ„ν•˜κ³ , μœ λ„ν•œ 뢈λŠ₯ ν™•λ₯ μ„ 점근적 ν‘œν˜„μœΌλ‘œ λ‚˜νƒ€λ‚΄μ–΄ 각 기법듀이 얻을 수 μžˆλŠ” λ‹€μ΄λ²„μ‹œν‹° 차수λ₯Ό λΆ„μ„ν•œλ‹€. λͺ¨μ˜μ‹€ν—˜μ„ 톡해 얻어진 평균 쀑계기 곡정성과 뢈λŠ₯ ν™•λ₯ μ΄ μœ λ„ν•œ 평균 쀑계기 곡정성 및 뢈λŠ₯ ν™•λ₯  κ°’κ³Ό μΌμΉ˜ν•¨μ„ ν™•μΈν•œλ‹€. 그리고 μ œμ•ˆλœ 기법이 쀑계기듀 사이에 곡정성을 μ™„λ²½ν•˜κ²Œ 보μž₯ν•˜κ³  λ„€νŠΈμ›Œν¬ 수λͺ…을 μ¦κ°€μ‹œν‚€λ©°, λ‹€μ΄λ²„μ‹œν‹° μ°¨μˆ˜κ°€ μ€‘κ³„κΈ°μ˜ μˆ˜μ™€ νŽ˜μ΄λ”© νŒŒλΌλ―Έν„° m 값에 따라 달라짐을 ν™•μΈν•œλ‹€. λ‘˜μ§Έ, λ‚˜μΉ΄κ°€λ―Έ-m νŽ˜μ΄λ”© 채널 ν™˜κ²½μ„ 가진 μ–‘λ°©ν–₯ 쀑계 λ„€νŠΈμ›Œν¬λ₯Ό μœ„ν•œ ν”„λ‘œμ•‘ν‹°λΈŒ 및 λ¦¬μ•‘ν‹°λΈŒ λ°©μ‹μ˜ μˆ˜μ‹  μ‹ ν˜ΈλŒ€μž‘μŒλΉ„ λˆ„μ λΆ„ν¬ν•¨μˆ˜ 기반 쀑계기 선택 기법을 μ œμ•ˆν•œλ‹€. μ œμ•ˆλœ ν”„λ‘œμ•‘ν‹°λΈŒ λ°©μ‹μ˜ 쀑계기 선택 기법에 λŒ€ν•΄μ„œλŠ” μ •ν™•ν•œ 쀑계기 선택 ν™•λ₯ μ˜ μœ λ„λ₯Ό 톡해 평균 쀑계기 곡정성을 λΆ„μ„ν•œλ‹€. μ œμ•ˆλœ λ¦¬μ•‘ν‹°λΈŒ λ°©μ‹μ˜ 쀑계기 선택 기법에 λŒ€ν•΄μ„œλŠ” 쀑계기 선택 ν™•λ₯ μ˜ 적뢄 및 근사 ν‘œν˜„μ„ μœ λ„ν•˜μ—¬ 평균 쀑계기 곡정성을 λΆ„μ„ν•œλ‹€. λ˜ν•œ 각 선택 기법에 λŒ€ν•œ 뢈λŠ₯ ν™•λ₯ μ„ μˆ˜μ‹μœΌλ‘œ μœ λ„ν•˜κ³ , μœ λ„ν•œ 뢈λŠ₯ ν™•λ₯ μ„ 점근적 ν‘œν˜„μœΌλ‘œ λ‚˜νƒ€λ‚΄μ–΄ 각 기법듀이 얻을 수 μžˆλŠ” λ‹€μ΄λ²„μ‹œν‹° 차수λ₯Ό λΆ„μ„ν•œλ‹€. λͺ¨μ˜μ‹€ν—˜μ„ 톡해 얻어진 평균 쀑계기 곡정성과 뢈λŠ₯ ν™•λ₯ μ΄ μœ λ„ν•œ 평균 쀑계기 곡정성 및 뢈λŠ₯ ν™•λ₯  κ°’κ³Ό μΌμΉ˜ν•¨μ„ ν™•μΈν•œλ‹€. 그리고 μ œμ•ˆλœ 기법이 쀑계기듀 사이에 곡정성을 μ™„λ²½ν•˜κ²Œ 보μž₯ν•˜κ³  λ„€νŠΈμ›Œν¬ 수λͺ…을 μ¦κ°€μ‹œν‚€λ©°, λ‹€μ΄λ²„μ‹œν‹° μ°¨μˆ˜κ°€ μ€‘κ³„κΈ°μ˜ μˆ˜μ™€ νŽ˜μ΄λ”© νŒŒλΌλ―Έν„° m 값에 따라 달라짐을 ν™•μΈν•œλ‹€.Wireless relay technology is one of the most promising technologies for the future communication systems which provide coverage extension and better quality of service (QoS) such as higher data rate and lower outage probability with few excessive network loads. Due to its advantages, it has been adopted in wireless standards such as IEEE 802.16j and 3GPP LTE-Advanced. In practice, since statistics of the channel between any two nodes vary depending on their locations, they are not identical which means that channels can experience different fading. When statistics of the channel are not identical, relay selection, which is one of the most useful techniques for wireless relay technology, can cause fairness problem that particular relays are selected more frequently than other relays. Especially, this problem can cause reduction of lifetime in the network with multiple relays having limited battery power. In this network, it is needed to focus on selection fairness for relays as well as reliability at end-users. In this dissertation, to focus on both selection fairness for relays and reliability at end-users, we propose novel relay selection schemes based on cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) in wireless relay networks. The dissertation consists of two main results. First, we propose the proactive and the reactive relay selection schemes based on CDFs of SNRs for one-way relay networks over Nakagami-m fading channels. If a relay is selected before the source transmission, it is called as proactive relay selection. Otherwise, if a relay is selected after the source transmission, it is called as reactive relay selection. For both the proactive and the reactive relay selection schemes, we analyze average relay fairness by deriving relay selection probability. For the proactive relay selection scheme, we obtain diversity order by deriving the integral and asymptotic expressions for outage probability. Also, for the reactive relay selection scheme, we obtain diversity order by deriving the exact closed-form and asymptotic expressions for outage probability. Numerical results show that the analytical results of the proposed schemes match the simulation results well. It is shown that the proposed schemes guarantee strict fairness among relays and extend network lifetime. Also, it is shown that diversity order depends on the number of relays and fading severity parameters. Second, we propose the proactive and the reactive relay selection schemes based on CDFs of SNRs for two-way relay networks over Nakagami-m fading channels. For the proactive relay selection scheme, we analyze average relay fairness by deriving relay selection probability. Also, we analyze diversity order by deriving the integral and asymptotic expressions for outage probability. For the reactive relay selection scheme, we analyze average relay fairness by deriving the integral and asymptotic expressions for relay selection probability. Also, we obtain diversity order by deriving the asymptotic expression for outage probability. Numerical results show that the analytical results of the proposed schemes match the simulation results well. It is shown that the proposed schemes guarantee strict fairness among relays and extend network lifetime. Also, it is shown that diversity order depends on the number of relays and fading severity parameters.Contents Abstract i 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background and Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.1.1 Diversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.1.2 Wireless Relay Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2 Outline of Dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.3 Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 Relay Selection Based on CDFs of SNRs for One-Way Relay Networks 14 2.1 System Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.1.1 Proactive CDF-Based Relay Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.1.2 Reactive CDF-Based Relay Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.2 Performance Analysis of Proactive CDF-Based Relay Selection . . . . 22 2.2.1 Average Relay Fairness Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.2.2 Outage Probability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.3 Performance Analysis of Reactive CDF-Based Relay Selection . . . . 34 2.3.1 Average Relay Fairness Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.3.2 Outage Probability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2.4 Numerical Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.4.1 Average Relay Fairness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.4.2 Network Lifetime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 2.4.3 Outage Probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 2.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 3 Relay Selection Based on CDFs of SNRs for Two-Way Relay Networks 66 3.1 System Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 3.1.1 Proactive CDF-based Relay Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 3.1.2 Reactive CDF-based Relay Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 3.2 Performance Analysis of Proactive CDF-Based Relay Selection . . . . 73 3.2.1 Average Relay Fairness Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 3.2.2 Outage Probability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 3.3 Performance Analysis of Reactive CDF-Based Relay Selection . . . . 82 3.3.1 Average Relay Fairness Anlaysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 3.3.2 Outage Probability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 3.4 Numerical Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 3.4.1 Average Relay Fairness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 3.4.2 Network Lifetime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 3.4.3 Outage Probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 3.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 4 Conclusion 116 4.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 4.2 Possible Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 4.2.1 Device-to-Device (D2D) Communications . . . . . . . . . . . 118 4.2.2 Low Power Body Sensor Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 4.3 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Bibliography 122 Korean Abstract 139Docto

    Relay Selection with Network Coding in Two-Way Relay Channels

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    In this paper, we consider the design of joint network coding (NC)and relay selection (RS) in two-way relay channels. In the proposed schemes, two users first sequentially broadcast their respective information to all the relays. We propose two RS schemes, a single relay selection with NC and a dual relay selection with NC. For both schemes, the selected relay(s) perform NC on the received signals sent from the two users and forward them to both users. The proposed schemes are analyzed and the exact bit error rate (BER) expressions are derived and verified through Monte Carlo simulations. It is shown that the dual relay selection with NC outperforms other considered relay selection schemes in two-way relay channels. The results also reveal that the proposed NC relay selection schemes provide a selection gain compared to a NC scheme with no relay selection, and a network coding gain relative to a conventional relay selection scheme with no NC.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Optimal Relay Selection for Physical-Layer Security in Cooperative Wireless Networks

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    In this paper, we explore the physical-layer security in cooperative wireless networks with multiple relays where both amplify-and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF) protocols are considered. We propose the AF and DF based optimal relay selection (i.e., AFbORS and DFbORS) schemes to improve the wireless security against eavesdropping attack. For the purpose of comparison, we examine the traditional AFbORS and DFbORS schemes, denoted by T-AFbORS and TDFbORS, respectively. We also investigate a so-called multiple relay combining (MRC) framework and present the traditional AF and DF based MRC schemes, called T-AFbMRC and TDFbMRC, where multiple relays participate in forwarding the source signal to destination which then combines its received signals from the multiple relays. We derive closed-form intercept probability expressions of the proposed AFbORS and DFbORS (i.e., P-AFbORS and P-DFbORS) as well as the T-AFbORS, TDFbORS, T-AFbMRC and T-DFbMRC schemes in the presence of eavesdropping attack. We further conduct an asymptotic intercept probability analysis to evaluate the diversity order performance of relay selection schemes and show that no matter which relaying protocol is considered (i.e., AF and DF), the traditional and proposed optimal relay selection approaches both achieve the diversity order M where M represents the number of relays. In addition, numerical results show that for both AF and DF protocols, the intercept probability performance of proposed optimal relay selection is strictly better than that of the traditional relay selection and multiple relay combining methods.Comment: 13 page

    A Simple Cooperative Diversity Method Based on Network Path Selection

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    Cooperative diversity has been recently proposed as a way to form virtual antenna arrays that provide dramatic gains in slow fading wireless environments. However most of the proposed solutions require distributed space-time coding algorithms, the careful design of which is left for future investigation if there is more than one cooperative relay. We propose a novel scheme, that alleviates these problems and provides diversity gains on the order of the number of relays in the network. Our scheme first selects the best relay from a set of M available relays and then uses this best relay for cooperation between the source and the destination. We develop and analyze a distributed method to select the best relay that requires no topology information and is based on local measurements of the instantaneous channel conditions. This method also requires no explicit communication among the relays. The success (or failure) to select the best available path depends on the statistics of the wireless channel, and a methodology to evaluate performance for any kind of wireless channel statistics, is provided. Information theoretic analysis of outage probability shows that our scheme achieves the same diversity-multiplexing tradeoff as achieved by more complex protocols, where coordination and distributed space-time coding for M nodes is required, such as those proposed in [7]. The simplicity of the technique, allows for immediate implementation in existing radio hardware and its adoption could provide for improved flexibility, reliability and efficiency in future 4G wireless systems.Comment: To appear, IEEE JSAC, special issue on 4

    Outage Performance of Two-Hop OFDM Systems with Spatially Random Decode-and-Forward Relays

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    In this paper, we analyze the outage performance of different multicarrier relay selection schemes for two-hop orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems in a Poisson field of relays. In particular, special emphasis is placed on decode-and-forward (DF) relay systems, equipped with bulk and per-subcarrier selection schemes, respectively. The exact expressions for outage probability are derived in integrals for general cases. In addition, asymptotic expressions for outage probability in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) region in the finite circle relay distribution region are determined in closed forms for both relay selection schemes. Also, the outage probabilities for free space in the infinite relay distribution region are derived in closed forms. Meanwhile, a series of important properties related to cooperative systems in random networks are investigated, including diversity, outage probability ratio of two selection schemes and optimization of the number of subcarriers in terms of system throughput. All analysis is numerically verified by simulations. Finally, a framework for analyzing the outage performance of OFDM systems with spatially random relays is constructed, which can be easily modified to analyze other similar cases with different forwarding protocols, location distributions and/or channel conditions
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