40 research outputs found

    Multiple-Description Coding by Dithered Delta-Sigma Quantization

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    We address the connection between the multiple-description (MD) problem and Delta-Sigma quantization. The inherent redundancy due to oversampling in Delta-Sigma quantization, and the simple linear-additive noise model resulting from dithered lattice quantization, allow us to construct a symmetric and time-invariant MD coding scheme. We show that the use of a noise shaping filter makes it possible to trade off central distortion for side distortion. Asymptotically as the dimension of the lattice vector quantizer and order of the noise shaping filter approach infinity, the entropy rate of the dithered Delta-Sigma quantization scheme approaches the symmetric two-channel MD rate-distortion function for a memoryless Gaussian source and MSE fidelity criterion, at any side-to-central distortion ratio and any resolution. In the optimal scheme, the infinite-order noise shaping filter must be minimum phase and have a piece-wise flat power spectrum with a single jump discontinuity. An important advantage of the proposed design is that it is symmetric in rate and distortion by construction, so the coding rates of the descriptions are identical and there is therefore no need for source splitting.Comment: Revised, restructured, significantly shortened and minor typos has been fixed. Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Multiple Description Quantization via Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization

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    The multiple description (MD) problem has received considerable attention as a model of information transmission over unreliable channels. A general framework for designing efficient multiple description quantization schemes is proposed in this paper. We provide a systematic treatment of the El Gamal-Cover (EGC) achievable MD rate-distortion region, and show that any point in the EGC region can be achieved via a successive quantization scheme along with quantization splitting. For the quadratic Gaussian case, the proposed scheme has an intrinsic connection with the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, which implies that the whole Gaussian MD rate-distortion region is achievable with a sequential dithered lattice-based quantization scheme as the dimension of the (optimal) lattice quantizers becomes large. Moreover, this scheme is shown to be universal for all i.i.d. smooth sources with performance no worse than that for an i.i.d. Gaussian source with the same variance and asymptotically optimal at high resolution. A class of low-complexity MD scalar quantizers in the proposed general framework also is constructed and is illustrated geometrically; the performance is analyzed in the high resolution regime, which exhibits a noticeable improvement over the existing MD scalar quantization schemes.Comment: 48 pages; submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    On the rate loss and construction of source codes for broadcast channels

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    In this paper, we first define and bound the rate loss of source codes for broadcast channels. Our broadcast channel model comprises one transmitter and two receivers; the transmitter is connected to each receiver by a private channel and to both receivers by a common channel. The transmitter sends a description of source (X, Y) through these channels, receiver 1 reconstructs X with distortion D1, and receiver 2 reconstructs Y with distortion D2. Suppose the rates of the common channel and private channels 1 and 2 are R0, R1, and R2, respectively. The work of Gray and Wyner gives a complete characterization of all achievable rate triples (R0,R1,R2) given any distortion pair (D1,D2). In this paper, we define the rate loss as the gap between the achievable region and the outer bound composed by the rate-distortion functions, i.e., R0+R1+R2 ≥ RX,Y (D1,D2), R0 + R1 ≥ RX(D1), and R0 + R2 ≥ RY (D2). We upper bound the rate loss for general sources by functions of distortions and upper bound the rate loss for Gaussian sources by constants, which implies that though the outer bound is generally not achievable, it may be quite close to the achievable region. This also bounds the gap between the achievable region and the inner bound proposed by Gray and Wyner and bounds the performance penalty associated with using separate decoders rather than joint decoders. We then construct such source codes using entropy-constrained dithered quantizers. The resulting implementation has low complexity and performance close to the theoretical optimum. In particular, the gap between its performance and the theoretical optimum can be bounded from above by constants for Gaussian sources

    Improved bounds for the rate loss of multiresolution source codes

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    We present new bounds for the rate loss of multiresolution source codes (MRSCs). Considering an M-resolution code, the rate loss at the ith resolution with distortion D/sub i/ is defined as L/sub i/=R/sub i/-R(D/sub i/), where R/sub i/ is the rate achievable by the MRSC at stage i. This rate loss describes the performance degradation of the MRSC compared to the best single-resolution code with the same distortion. For two-resolution source codes, there are three scenarios of particular interest: (i) when both resolutions are equally important; (ii) when the rate loss at the first resolution is 0 (L/sub 1/=0); (iii) when the rate loss at the second resolution is 0 (L/sub 2/=0). The work of Lastras and Berger (see ibid., vol.47, p.918-26, Mar. 2001) gives constant upper bounds for the rate loss of an arbitrary memoryless source in scenarios (i) and (ii) and an asymptotic bound for scenario (iii) as D/sub 2/ approaches 0. We focus on the squared error distortion measure and (a) prove that for scenario (iii) L/sub 1/<1.1610 for all D/sub 2/<0.7250; (c) tighten the Lastras-Berger bound for scenario (i) from L/sub i//spl les/1/2 to L/sub i/<0.3802, i/spl isin/{1,2}; and (d) generalize the bounds for scenarios (ii) and (iii) to M-resolution codes with M/spl ges/2. We also present upper bounds for the rate losses of additive MRSCs (AMRSCs). An AMRSC is a special MRSC where each resolution describes an incremental reproduction and the kth-resolution reconstruction equals the sum of the first k incremental reproductions. We obtain two bounds on the rate loss of AMRSCs: one primarily good for low-rate coding and another which depends on the source entropy

    Sampling versus Random Binning for Multiple Descriptions of a Bandlimited Source

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    Random binning is an efficient, yet complex, coding technique for the symmetric L-description source coding problem. We propose an alternative approach, that uses the quantized samples of a bandlimited source as "descriptions". By the Nyquist condition, the source can be reconstructed if enough samples are received. We examine a coding scheme that combines sampling and noise-shaped quantization for a scenario in which only K < L descriptions or all L descriptions are received. Some of the received K-sets of descriptions correspond to uniform sampling while others to non-uniform sampling. This scheme achieves the optimum rate-distortion performance for uniform-sampling K-sets, but suffers noise amplification for nonuniform-sampling K-sets. We then show that by increasing the sampling rate and adding a random-binning stage, the optimal operation point is achieved for any K-set.Comment: Presented at the ITW'13. 5 pages, two-column mode, 3 figure

    Colored-Gaussian Multiple Descriptions: Spectral and Time-Domain Forms

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    It is well known that Shannon's rate-distortion function (RDF) in the colored quadratic Gaussian (QG) case can be parametrized via a single Lagrangian variable (the "water level" in the reverse water filling solution). In this work, we show that the symmetric colored QG multiple-description (MD) RDF in the case of two descriptions can be parametrized in the spectral domain via two Lagrangian variables, which control the trade-off between the side distortion, the central distortion, and the coding rate. This spectral-domain analysis is complemented by a time-domain scheme-design approach: we show that the symmetric colored QG MD RDF can be achieved by combining ideas of delta-sigma modulation and differential pulse-code modulation. Specifically, two source prediction loops, one for each description, are embedded within a common noise shaping loop, whose parameters are explicitly found from the spectral-domain characterization.Comment: Accepted for publications in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Title have been shortened, abstract clarified, and paper significantly restructure

    Real-Time Perceptual Moving-Horizon Multiple-Description Audio Coding

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    A novel scheme for perceptual coding of audio for robust and real-time communication is designed and analyzed. As an alternative to PCM, DPCM, and more general noise-shaping converters, we propose to use psychoacoustically optimized noise-shaping quantizers based on the moving-horizon principle. In moving-horizon quantization, a few samples look-ahead is allowed at the encoder, which makes it possible to better shape the quantization noise and thereby reduce the resulting distortion over what is possible with conventional noise-shaping techniques. It is first shown that significant gains over linear PCM can be obtained without introducing a delay and without requiring postprocessing at the decoder, i.e., the encoded samples can be stored as, e.g., 16-bit linear PCM on CD-ROMs, and played out on standards-compliant CD players. We then show that multiple-description coding can be combined with moving-horizon quantization in order to combat possible erasures on the wireless link without introducing additional delays

    Multiuser Successive Refinement and Multiple Description Coding

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    We consider the multiuser successive refinement (MSR) problem, where the users are connected to a central server via links with different noiseless capacities, and each user wishes to reconstruct in a successive-refinement fashion. An achievable region is given for the two-user two-layer case and it provides the complete rate-distortion region for the Gaussian source under the MSE distortion measure. The key observation is that this problem includes the multiple description (MD) problem (with two descriptions) as a subsystem, and the techniques useful in the MD problem can be extended to this case. We show that the coding scheme based on the universality of random binning is sub-optimal, because multiple Gaussian side informations only at the decoders do incur performance loss, in contrast to the case of single side information at the decoder. We further show that unlike the single user case, when there are multiple users, the loss of performance by a multistage coding approach can be unbounded for the Gaussian source. The result suggests that in such a setting, the benefit of using successive refinement is not likely to justify the accompanying performance loss. The MSR problem is also related to the source coding problem where each decoder has its individual side information, while the encoder has the complete set of the side informations. The MSR problem further includes several variations of the MD problem, for which the specialization of the general result is investigated and the implication is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. To appear in IEEE Transaction on Information Theory. References updated and typos correcte

    Three-Description Scalar And Lattice Vector Quantization Techniques For Efficient Data Transmission

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    In twenty-first century, it has been witness the tremendous growth of communication technology and has had a profound impact on our daily life. Throughout history, advancements in technology and communication have gone hand-in-hand, and the most recent technical developments such as the Internet and mobile devices have achieved in the development of communication to a new phase. Majority of researches who work in Multiple Description Coding (MDC) are interested with only two description coding. However, most of the practical applications necessitate more than two packets of transmission to acquire preferable quality. The goals of this work are to develop three description coding system of scalar quantizers using modified nested index assignment technique at the number of diagonals used in the index assignment of two. Furthermore, this work aims to develop three description lattice vector quantizers using designed labeling function in the four dimensional lattice 4 since it offers more lattice points as neighbours that lead the central decoder to achieve better reconstruction quality. This thesis put emphasis on exploiting three description MDC system using scalar quantizers and lattice vector quantizers. The proposed three description system consists of three encoders and seven decoders (including of one central decoder). A three dimensional modified nested index assignment is implemented in the proposed three description scalar quantization scheme. The index assignment algorithm utilizes a matrix, to indicate the mapping process in the proposed three description scalar quantization scheme. As this thesis suggests a new labeling algorithm that uses lattice 4 for three description MDC system. Projection of a tesseract in four-dimensional space of lattice 4 yields four outputs and the data are transmitted via three channels where one of the outputs is defined as time. The three description quantization system is efficient that provides low distortion and good peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) reconstruction quality. The greater the number of diagonals used in the index assignment, k in MDSQ scheme, the higher quality of the central reconstruction can be accomplished. Simulation results show that the central PSNR is promoted to 34.53 dB at rate of 0.1051 bpp and 38.07 dB at 0.9346 bpp for the proposed three description with 2k= Multiple Description Scalar Quantization (MDSQ) scheme. The percentage gain for the central reconstruction quality is improved from 6.36 % to 18.97 % by the proposed three description scalar quantizer which is at 2k= compared to the renownedMDSQ schemes.Moreover, the proposed three description lattice vector quantization (3DLVQ- 4) scheme outperforms the renowned MDC schemes from 4.4 % to 11.43 %. The central reconstruction quality is promoted to 42.63 dB and the average side reconstruction quality inaugurates 32.13 dB, both at bit rate of 1.0 bpp for the proposed 3DLVQ- 4 scheme