47 research outputs found

    The typical cell in anisotropic tessellations

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    The typical cell is a key concept for stochastic-geometry based modeling in communication networks, as it provides a rigorous framework for describing properties of a serving zone associated with a component selected at random in a large network. We consider a setting where network components are located on a large street network. While earlier investigations were restricted to street systems without preferred directions, in this paper we derive the distribution of the typical cell in Manhattan-type systems characterized by a pattern of horizontal and vertical streets. We explain how the mathematical description can be turned into a simulation algorithm and provide numerical results uncovering novel effects when compared to classical isotropic networks.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Limit theorems for functionals on the facets of stationary random tessellations

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    We observe stationary random tessellations X={Ξn}n≥1X=\{\Xi_n\}_{n\ge1} in Rd\mathbb{R}^d through a convex sampling window WW that expands unboundedly and we determine the total (k−1)(k-1)-volume of those (k−1)(k-1)-dimensional manifold processes which are induced on the kk-facets of XX (1≤k≤d−11\le k\le d-1) by their intersections with the (d−1)(d-1)-facets of independent and identically distributed motion-invariant tessellations XnX_n generated within each cell Ξn\Xi_n of XX. The cases of XX being either a Poisson hyperplane tessellation or a random tessellation with weak dependences are treated separately. In both cases, however, we obtain that all of the total volumes measured in WW are approximately normally distributed when WW is sufficiently large. Structural formulae for mean values and asymptotic variances are derived and explicit numerical values are given for planar Poisson--Voronoi tessellations (PVTs) and Poisson line tessellations (PLTs).Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/07-BEJ6131 in the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Typical Geometry, Second-Order Properties and Central Limit Theory for Iteration Stable Tessellations

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    Since the seminal work of Mecke, Nagel and Weiss, the iteration stable (STIT) tessellations have attracted considerable interest in stochastic geometry as a natural and flexible yet analytically tractable model for hierarchical spatial cell-splitting and crack-formation processes. The purpose of this paper is to describe large scale asymptotic geometry of STIT tessellations in Rd\mathbb{R}^d and more generally that of non-stationary iteration infinitely divisible tessellations. We study several aspects of the typical first-order geometry of such tessellations resorting to martingale techniques as providing a direct link between the typical characteristics of STIT tessellations and those of suitable mixtures of Poisson hyperplane tessellations. Further, we also consider second-order properties of STIT and iteration infinitely divisible tessellations, such as the variance of the total surface area of cell boundaries inside a convex observation window. Our techniques, relying on martingale theory and tools from integral geometry, allow us to give explicit and asymptotic formulae. Based on these results, we establish a functional central limit theorem for the length/surface increment processes induced by STIT tessellations. We conclude a central limit theorem for total edge length/facet surface, with normal limit distribution in the planar case and non-normal ones in all higher dimensions.Comment: 51 page

    The typical cell in anisotropic tessellations

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    The typical cell is a key concept for stochastic-geometry based modeling in communication networks, as it provides a rigorous framework for describing properties of a serving zone associated with a component selected at random in a large network. We consider a setting where network components are located on a large street network. While earlier investigations were restricted to street systems without preferred directions, in this paper we derive the distribution of the typical cell in Manhattan-type systems characterized by a pattern of horizontal and vertical streets. We explain how the mathematical description can be turned into a simulation algorithm and provide numerical results uncovering novel effects when compared to classical isotropic networks

    Gamma distributions for stationary Poisson flat processes

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    Planar tessellation structures occur in material science, geology (in rock formations), physics (of foams, for example), biology (especially in epithelial studies) and in other sciences. Their mathematical and statistical study has many aspects to consider. In this paper, line-segments which are either a tessellation edge or a finite union of edges are studied. Our focus is on a sub-class of such line-segments – those we call M-segments – that are not contained in a longer union of edges. These encompass the so-called I-segments that have arisen in many recent tessellation models. We study the expected numbers of edges and cell-sides contained in these M-segments, and the prevalence of these entities. Many examples and figures, including some based on tessellation nesting and superposition, illustrate the theory. M-segments are much more prevalent when a tessellation is not side-to-side, so our paper has theoretical connections with the recent IAS paper by Cowan and Thäle (2014); that paper characterised non side-to-side tessellations