753 research outputs found

    On the Benefit of Information Centric Networks for Traffic Engineering

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    Current Internet performs traffic engineering (TE) by estimating traffic matrices on a regular schedule, and allocating flows based upon weights computed from these matrices. This means the allocation is based upon a guess of the traffic in the network based on its history. Information-Centric Networks on the other hand provide a finer-grained description of the traffic: a content between a client and a server is uniquely identified by its name, and the network can therefore learn the size of different content items, and perform traffic engineering and resource allocation accordingly. We claim that Information-Centric Networks can therefore provide a better handle to perform traffic engineering, resulting in significant performance gain. We present a mechanism to perform such resource allocation. We see that our traffic engineering method only requires knowledge of the flow size (which, in ICN, can be learned from previous data transfers) and outperforms a min-MLU allocation in terms of response time. We also see that our method identifies the traffic allocation patterns similar to that of min-MLU without having access to the traffic matrix ahead of time. We show a very significant gain in response time where min MLU is almost 50% slower than our ICN-based TE method

    Proactive multi-tenant cache management for virtualized ISP networks

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    The content delivery market has mainly been dominated by large Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) such as Akamai and Limelight. However, CDN traffic exerts a lot of pressure on Internet Service Provider (ISP) networks. Recently, ISPs have begun deploying so-called Telco CDNs, which have many advantages, such as reduced ISP network bandwidth utilization and improved Quality of Service (QoS) by bringing content closer to the end-user. Virtualization of storage and networking resources can enable the ISP to simultaneously lease its Telco CDN infrastructure to multiple third parties, opening up new business models and revenue streams. In this paper, we propose a proactive cache management system for ISP-operated multi-tenant Telco CDNs. The associated algorithm optimizes content placement and server selection across tenants and users, based on predicted content popularity and the geographical distribution of requests. Based on a Video-on-Demand (VoD) request trace of a leading European telecom operator, the presented algorithm is shown to reduce bandwidth usage by 17% compared to the traditional Least Recently Used (LRU) caching strategy, both inside the network and on the ingress links, while at the same time offering enhanced load balancing capabilities. Increasing the prediction accuracy is shown to have the potential to further improve bandwidth efficiency by up to 79%

    SNAP: Stateful Network-Wide Abstractions for Packet Processing

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    Early programming languages for software-defined networking (SDN) were built on top of the simple match-action paradigm offered by OpenFlow 1.0. However, emerging hardware and software switches offer much more sophisticated support for persistent state in the data plane, without involving a central controller. Nevertheless, managing stateful, distributed systems efficiently and correctly is known to be one of the most challenging programming problems. To simplify this new SDN problem, we introduce SNAP. SNAP offers a simpler "centralized" stateful programming model, by allowing programmers to develop programs on top of one big switch rather than many. These programs may contain reads and writes to global, persistent arrays, and as a result, programmers can implement a broad range of applications, from stateful firewalls to fine-grained traffic monitoring. The SNAP compiler relieves programmers of having to worry about how to distribute, place, and optimize access to these stateful arrays by doing it all for them. More specifically, the compiler discovers read/write dependencies between arrays and translates one-big-switch programs into an efficient internal representation based on a novel variant of binary decision diagrams. This internal representation is used to construct a mixed-integer linear program, which jointly optimizes the placement of state and the routing of traffic across the underlying physical topology. We have implemented a prototype compiler and applied it to about 20 SNAP programs over various topologies to demonstrate our techniques' scalability

    Towards multi-tenant cache management for ISP networks

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    The decreasing cost of storage and the advent of virtualization technology can allow Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to deploy multi-tenant caching infrastructures and lease them to content producers and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs). Serving content requests directly from the ISP network does not only reduce the delivery time, but also allows the ISP to optimize the network resources by controlling the placement and routing of content items. In this paper, we introduce a multi-tenant cache management approach that significantly reduces the bandwidth utilization of ISPs networks by pro-actively allocating caching space, leased by content producers and/or CDNs, and intelligently routing content to the end users. Using real content request traces, we show that the optimal solution to this problem can increase the cache hit ratio by 70.64% while reducing the bandwidth usage by 57.17% on average, compared to a commonly used reactive cache management scheme. These results provide a benchmark for the development of novel multi-tenant cache management strategies

    Towards multi-tenant cache management for ISP networks

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    The decreasing cost of storage and the advent of virtualization technology can allow Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to deploy multi-tenant caching infrastructures and lease them to content producers and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs). Serving content requests directly from the ISP network does not only reduce the delivery time, but also allows the ISP to optimize the network resources by controlling the placement and routing of content items. In this paper, we introduce a multitenant cache management approach that significantly reduces the bandwidth utilization of ISPs networks by pro-actively allocating caching space, leased by content producers and/or CDNs, and intelligently routing content to the end users. Using real content request traces, we show that the optimal solution to this problem can increase the cache hit ratio by 70.64% while reducing the bandwidth usage by 57.17% on average, compared to a commonly used reactive cache management scheme. These results provide a benchmark for the development of novel multi-tenant cache management strategies

    A Broadband Access Market Framework: Towards Consumer Service Level Agreements

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    Ubiquitous broadband access is considered by many to be necessary for the Internet to realize its full potential. But there is no generally accepted definition of what constitutes broadband access. Furthermore, there is only limited understanding of how the quality of end-to-end broadband Internet services might be assured in today?s nascent multi-service, multi-provider environment. The absence of generally accepted and standardized service definitions and mechanisms for assuring service quality is a significant barrier to competitive broadband access markets. In the business data services market and in the core of the Internet, this problem has been addressed, in part, by increased reliance on Service Level Agreements (SLAs). These SLAs provide a mechanism for service providers and customers to flexibly specify the quality of service (QoS) that will be delivered. When used in conjunction with the new standards-based technical solutions for implementing QoS, these SLAs are helping to facilitate the development of robust wholesale markets for backbone transport services and content delivery services for commercial customers. The emergence of bandwidth traders, brokers, and exchanges provide an institutional and market-based framework to support effective competition

    Perspectives On Software-defined Networks: Interviews With Five Leading Scientists From The Networking Community

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    Software defined Networks (SDNs) have drawn much attention both from academia and industry over the last few years. Despite the fact that underlying ideas already exist through areas such as P2P applications and active networks (e.g. virtual topologies and dynamic changes of the network via software), only now has the technology evolved to a point where it is possible to scale the implementations, which justifies the high interest in SDNs nowadays. In this article, the JISA Editors invite five leading scientists from three continents (Raouf Boutaba, David Hutchison, Raj Jain, Ramachandran Ramjee, and Christian Esteve Rothenberg) to give their opinions about what is really new in SDNs. The interviews cover whether big telecom and data center companies need to consider using SDNs, if the new paradigm is changing the way computer networks are understood and taught, and what are the open issues on the topic.

    Perspectives on software-defined networks: interviews with five leading scientists from the networking community

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    Software defined Networks (SDNs) have drawn much attention both from academia and industry over the last few years. Despite the fact that underlying ideas already exist through areas such as P2P applications and active networks (e.g. virtual topologies and dynamic changes of the network via software), only now has the technology evolved to a point where it is possible to scale the implementations, which justifies the high interest in SDNs nowadays. In this article, the JISA Editors invite five leading scientists from three continents (Raouf Boutaba, David Hutchison, Raj Jain, Ramachandran Ramjee, and Christian Esteve Rothenberg) to give their opinions about what is really new in SDNs. The interviews cover whether big telecom and data center companies need to consider using SDNs, if the new paradigm is changing the way computer networks are understood and taught, and what are the open issues on the topic