17 research outputs found

    Distributed Synthesis for Acyclic Architectures

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    The distributed synthesis problem is about constructing correct distributed systems, i.e., systems that satisfy a given specification. We consider a slightly more general problem of distributed control, where the goal is to restrict the behavior of a given distributed system in order to satisfy the specification. Our systems are finite state machines that communicate via rendez-vous (Zielonka automata). We show decidability of the synthesis problem for all omega-regular local specifications, under the restriction that the communication graph of the system is acyclic. This result extends a previous decidability result for a restricted form of local reachability specifications

    Automated Synthesis: a Distributed Viewpoint

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    Distributed algorithms are inherently hard to get right, and a major challenge is to come up with automated techniques for error detection and recovery. The talk will survey recent results on the synthesis of distributed monitors and controllers

    On the Control of Asynchronous Automata

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    The decidability of the distributed version of the Ramadge and Wonham controller synthesis problem,where both the plant and the controllers are modeled as asynchronous automataand the controllers have causal memoryis a challenging open problem.There exist three classes of plants for which the existence of a correct controller with causal memory has been shown decidable: when the dependency graph of actions is series-parallel, when the processes are connectedly communicating and when the dependency graph of processes is a tree. We design a class of plants, called decomposable games, with a decidable controller synthesis problem.This provides a unified proof of the three existing decidability results as well as new examples of decidable plants

    Efficient Trace Encodings of Bounded Synthesis for Asynchronous Distributed Systems

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    The manual implementation of distributed systems is an error-prone task because of the asynchronous interplay of components and the environment. Bounded synthesis automatically generates an implementation for the specification of the distributed system if one exists. So far, bounded synthesis for distributed systems does not utilize their asynchronous nature. Instead, concurrent behavior of components is encoded by all interleavings and only then checked against the specification. We close this gap by identifying true concurrency in synthesis of asynchronous distributed systems represented as Petri games. This defines when several interleavings can be subsumed by one true concurrent trace. Thereby, fewer and shorter verification problems have to be solved in each iteration of the bounded synthesis algorithm. For Petri games, experimental results show that our implementation using true concurrency outperforms the implementation based on checking all interleavings

    Synthesis in Distributed Environments

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    Most approaches to the synthesis of reactive systems study the problem in terms of a two-player game with complete observation. In many applications, however, the system\u27s environment consists of several distinct entities, and the system must actively communicate with these entities in order to obtain information available in the environment. In this paper, we model such environments as a team of players and keep track of the information known to each individual player. This allows us to synthesize programs that interact with a distributed environment and leverage multiple interacting sources of information. The synthesis problem in distributed environments corresponds to solving a special class of Petri games, i.e., multi-player games played over Petri nets, where the net has a distinguished token representing the system and an arbitrary number of tokens representing the environment. While, in general, even the decidability of Petri games is an open question, we show that the synthesis problem in distributed environments can be solved in polynomial time for nets with up to two environment tokens. For an arbitrary but fixed number of three or more environment tokens, the problem is NP-complete. If the number of environment tokens grows with the size of the net, the problem is EXPTIME-complete

    Infinite games with finite knowledge gaps

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    Infinite games where several players seek to coordinate under imperfect information are deemed to be undecidable, unless the information is hierarchically ordered among the players. We identify a class of games for which joint winning strategies can be constructed effectively without restricting the direction of information flow. Instead, our condition requires that the players attain common knowledge about the actual state of the game over and over again along every play. We show that it is decidable whether a given game satisfies the condition, and prove tight complexity bounds for the strategy synthesis problem under ω\omega-regular winning conditions given by parity automata.Comment: 39 pages; 2nd revision; submitted to Information and Computatio

    Global Winning Conditions in Synthesis of Distributed Systems with Causal Memory

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    In the synthesis of distributed systems, we automate the development of distributed programs and hardware by automatically deriving correct implementations from formal specifications. For synchronous distributed systems, the synthesis problem is well known to be undecidable. For asynchronous systems, the boundary between decidable and undecidable synthesis problems is a long-standing open question. We study the problem in the setting of Petri games, a framework for distributed systems where asynchronous processes are equipped with causal memory. Petri games extend Petri nets with a distinction between system places and environment places. The components of a distributed system are the players of the game, represented as tokens that exchange information during each synchronization. Previous decidability results for this model are limited to local winning conditions, i.e., conditions that only refer to individual components. In this paper, we consider global winning conditions such as mutual exclusion, i.e., conditions that refer to the state of all components. We provide decidability and undecidability results for global winning conditions. First, we prove for winning conditions given as bad markings that it is decidable whether a winning strategy for the system players exists in Petri games with a bounded number of system players and one environment player. Second, we prove for winning conditions that refer to both good and bad markings that it is undecidable whether a winning strategy for the system players exists in Petri games with at least two system players and one environment player. Our results thus show that, on the one hand, it is indeed possible to use global safety specifications like mutual exclusion in the synthesis of distributed systems. However, on the other hand, adding global liveness specifications results in an undecidable synthesis problem for almost all Petri games