39 research outputs found

    Continuous Monitoring of Distributed Data Streams over a Time-based Sliding Window

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    The past decade has witnessed many interesting algorithms for maintaining statistics over a data stream. This paper initiates a theoretical study of algorithms for monitoring distributed data streams over a time-based sliding window (which contains a variable number of items and possibly out-of-order items). The concern is how to minimize the communication between individual streams and the root, while allowing the root, at any time, to be able to report the global statistics of all streams within a given error bound. This paper presents communication-efficient algorithms for three classical statistics, namely, basic counting, frequent items and quantiles. The worst-case communication cost over a window is O(kϵlogϵNk)O(\frac{k} {\epsilon} \log \frac{\epsilon N}{k}) bits for basic counting and O(kϵlogNk)O(\frac{k}{\epsilon} \log \frac{N}{k}) words for the remainings, where kk is the number of distributed data streams, NN is the total number of items in the streams that arrive or expire in the window, and ϵ<1\epsilon < 1 is the desired error bound. Matching and nearly matching lower bounds are also obtained.Comment: 12 pages, to appear in the 27th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS), 201

    Efficient Summing over Sliding Windows

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    This paper considers the problem of maintaining statistic aggregates over the last W elements of a data stream. First, the problem of counting the number of 1's in the last W bits of a binary stream is considered. A lower bound of {\Omega}(1/{\epsilon} + log W) memory bits for W{\epsilon}-additive approximations is derived. This is followed by an algorithm whose memory consumption is O(1/{\epsilon} + log W) bits, indicating that the algorithm is optimal and that the bound is tight. Next, the more general problem of maintaining a sum of the last W integers, each in the range of {0,1,...,R}, is addressed. The paper shows that approximating the sum within an additive error of RW{\epsilon} can also be done using {\Theta}(1/{\epsilon} + log W) bits for {\epsilon}={\Omega}(1/W). For {\epsilon}=o(1/W), we present a succinct algorithm which uses B(1 + o(1)) bits, where B={\Theta}(Wlog(1/W{\epsilon})) is the derived lower bound. We show that all lower bounds generalize to randomized algorithms as well. All algorithms process new elements and answer queries in O(1) worst-case time.Comment: A shorter version appears in SWAT 201

    An evaluation of streaming algorithms for distinct counting over a sliding window

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    Counting the number of distinct elements in a data stream (distinct counting) is a fundamental aggregation task in database query processing, query optimization, and network monitoring. On a stream of elements, it is commonly needed to compute an aggregate over only the most recent elements, leading to the problem of distinct counting over a “sliding window” of the stream. We present a detailed experimental study of the performance of different algorithms for distinct counting over a sliding window. We observe that the performance of an algorithm depends on the basic method used, as well as aspects such as the hash function, the mix of query and updates, and the method used to boost accuracy. We compare the performance of prominent algorithms and evaluate the influence of these factors, leading to practical recommendations for implementation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first detailed experimental study of distinct counting over a sliding window

    Randomized Algorithms for Tracking Distributed Count, Frequencies, and Ranks

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    We show that randomization can lead to significant improvements for a few fundamental problems in distributed tracking. Our basis is the {\em count-tracking} problem, where there are kk players, each holding a counter nin_i that gets incremented over time, and the goal is to track an \eps-approximation of their sum n=inin=\sum_i n_i continuously at all times, using minimum communication. While the deterministic communication complexity of the problem is \Theta(k/\eps \cdot \log N), where NN is the final value of nn when the tracking finishes, we show that with randomization, the communication cost can be reduced to \Theta(\sqrt{k}/\eps \cdot \log N). Our algorithm is simple and uses only O(1) space at each player, while the lower bound holds even assuming each player has infinite computing power. Then, we extend our techniques to two related distributed tracking problems: {\em frequency-tracking} and {\em rank-tracking}, and obtain similar improvements over previous deterministic algorithms. Both problems are of central importance in large data monitoring and analysis, and have been extensively studied in the literature.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    FLEET: Butterfly Estimation from a Bipartite Graph Stream

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    We consider space-efficient single-pass estimation of the number of butterflies, a fundamental bipartite graph motif, from a massive bipartite graph stream where each edge represents a connection between entities in two different partitions. We present a space lower bound for any streaming algorithm that can estimate the number of butterflies accurately, as well as FLEET, a suite of algorithms for accurately estimating the number of butterflies in the graph stream. Estimates returned by the algorithms come with provable guarantees on the approximation error, and experiments show good tradeoffs between the space used and the accuracy of approximation. We also present space-efficient algorithms for estimating the number of butterflies within a sliding window of the most recent elements in the stream. While there is a significant body of work on counting subgraphs such as triangles in a unipartite graph stream, our work seems to be one of the few to tackle the case of bipartite graph streams.Comment: This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Seyed-Vahid Sanei-Mehri, Yu Zhang, Ahmet Erdem Sariyuce and Srikanta Tirthapura. "FLEET: Butterfly Estimation from a Bipartite Graph Stream". The 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Managemen