240 research outputs found

    Mobility support in Named Data Networking: a survey

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    Interoperabilidade e mobilidade na internet do futuro

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    Research on Future Internet has been gaining traction in recent years, with both evolutionary (e.g., Software Defined Networking (SDN)- based architectures) and clean-slate network architectures (e.g., Information Centric Networking (ICN) architectures) being proposed. With each network architectural proposal aiming to provide better solutions for specific Internet utilization requirements, an heterogeneous Future Internet composed by several architectures can be expected, each targeting and optimizing different use case scenarios. Moreover, the increasing number of mobile devices, with increasing capabilities and supporting different connectivity technologies, are changing the patterns of traffic exchanged in the Internet. As such, this thesis focuses on the study of interoperability and mobility in Future Internet architectures, two key requirements that need to be addressed for the widely adoption of these network architectures. The first contribution of this thesis is an interoperability framework that, by enabling resources to be shared among different network architectures, avoids resources to be restricted to a given network architecture and, at the same time, promotes the initial roll out of new network architectures. The second contribution of this thesis consists on the development of enhancements for SDN-based and ICN network architectures through IEEE 802.21 mechanisms to facilitate and optimize the handover procedures on those architectures. The last contribution of this thesis is the definition of an inter-network architecture mobility framework that enables MNs to move across access network supporting different network architectures without losing the reachability to resources being accessed. All the proposed solutions were evaluated with results highlighting the feasibility of such solutions and the impact on the overall communication.A Internet do Futuro tem sido alvo de vĂĄrios estudos nos Ășltimos anos, com a proposta de arquitecturas de rede seguindo quer abordagens evolutionĂĄrias (por exemplo, Redes Definidas por Software (SDN)) quer abordagens disruptivas (por exemplo, Redes Centradas na Informação (ICN)). Cada uma destas arquitecturas de rede visa providenciar melhores soluçÔes relativamente a determinados requisitos de utilização da Internet e, portanto, uma Internet do Futuro heterogĂ©nea composta por diversas arquitecturas de rede torna-se uma possibilidade, onde cada uma delas Ă© usada para optimizar diferentes casos de utilização. Para alĂ©m disso, o aumento do nĂșmero de dispositivos mĂłveis, com especificaçÔes acrescidas e com suporte para diferentes tecnologias de conectividade, estĂĄ a mudar os padrĂ”es do trĂĄfego na Internet. Assim, esta tese foca-se no estudo de aspectos de interoperabilidade e mobilidade em arquitecturas de rede da Internet do Futuro, dois importantes requisitos que necessitam de ser satisfeitos para que a adopção destas arquitecturas de rede seja considerada. A primeira contribuição desta tese Ă© uma solução de interoperabilidade que, uma vez que permite que recursos possam ser partilhados por diferentes arquitecturas de rede, evita que os recursos estejam restringidos a uma determinada arquitectura de rede e, ao mesmo tempo, promove a adopção de novas arquitecturas de rede. A segunda contribuição desta tese consiste no desenvolvimento de extensĂ”es para arquitecturas de rede baseadas em SDN ou ICN atravĂ©s dos mecanismos propostos na norma IEEE 802.21 com o objectivo de facilitar e optimizar os processos de mobilidade nessas arquitecturas de rede. Finalmente, a terceira contribuição desta tese Ă© a definição de uma solução de mobilidade envolvendo diferentes arquitecturas de rede que permite a mobilidade de dispositivos mĂłveis entre redes de acesso que suportam diferentes arquitecturas de rede sem que estes percam o acesso aos recursos que estĂŁo a ser acedidos. Todas as soluçÔes propostas foram avaliadas com os resultados a demonstrar a viabilidade de cada uma das soluçÔes e o impacto que tĂȘm na comunicação.Programa Doutoral em InformĂĄtic

    Global IoT Mobility: A Path Based Forwarding Approach

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    With the huge proliferation of mobile Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as connected vehicles, drones, and healthcare wearables, IoT networks are promising mobile connectivity capacity far beyond the conventional computing platforms. The success of this service provisioning is highly dependent on the flexibility offered by such enabling technologies to support IoT mobility using different devices and protocol stacks. Many of the connected mobile IoT devices are autonomous, and resource constrained, which poses additional challenges for mobile IoT communication. Therefore, given the unique mobility requirements of IoT devices and applications, many challenges are still to be addressed. This paper presents a global mobility management solution for IoT networks that can handle both micro and macro mobility scenarios. The solution exploits a path-based forwarding fabric together with mechanisms from Information-Centric Networking. The solution is equally suitable for legacy session-based mobile devices and emerging information-based IoT devices such as mobile sensors. Simulation evaluations have shown minimum overhead in terms of packet delivery and signalling costs to support macro mobility handover across different IoT domains

    Quality-Oriented Mobility Management for Multimedia Content Delivery to Mobile Users

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    The heterogeneous wireless networking environment determined by the latest developments in wireless access technologies promises a high level of communication resources for mobile computational devices. Although the communication resources provided, especially referring to bandwidth, enable multimedia streaming to mobile users, maintaining a high user perceived quality is still a challenging task. The main factors which affect quality in multimedia streaming over wireless networks are mainly the error-prone nature of the wireless channels and the user mobility. These factors determine a high level of dynamics of wireless communication resources, namely variations in throughput and packet loss as well as network availability and delays in delivering the data packets. Under these conditions maintaining a high level of quality, as perceived by the user, requires a quality oriented mobility management scheme. Consequently we propose the Smooth Adaptive Soft-Handover Algorithm, a novel quality oriented handover management scheme which unlike other similar solutions, smoothly transfer the data traffic from one network to another using multiple simultaneous connections. To estimate the capacity of each connection the novel Quality of Multimedia Streaming (QMS) metric is proposed. The QMS metric aims at offering maximum flexibility and efficiency allowing the applications to fine tune the behavior of the handover algorithm. The current simulation-based performance evaluation clearly shows the better performance of the proposed Smooth Adaptive Soft-Handover Algorithm as compared with other handover solutions. The evaluation was performed in various scenarios including multiple mobile hosts performing handover simultaneously, wireless networks with variable overlapping areas, and various network congestion levels

    Is DNS Ready for Ubiquitous Internet of Things?

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    The vision of the Internet of Things (IoT) covers not only the well-regulated processes of specific applications in different areas but also includes ubiquitous connectivity of more generic objects (or things and devices) in the physical world and the related information in the virtual world. For example, a typical IoT application, such as a smart city, includes smarter urban transport networks, upgraded water supply, and waste-disposal facilities, along with more efficient ways to light and heat buildings. For smart city applications and others, we require unique naming of every object and a secure, scalable, and efficient name resolution which can provide access to any object\u27s inherent attributes with its name. Based on different motivations, many naming principles and name resolution schemes have been proposed. Some of them are based on the well-known domain name system (DNS), which is the most important infrastructure in the current Internet, while others are based on novel designing principles to evolve the Internet. Although the DNS is evolving in its functionality and performance, it was not originally designed for the IoT applications. Then, a fundamental question that arises is: can current DNS adequately provide the name service support for IoT in the future? To address this question, we analyze the strengths and challenges of DNS when it is used to support ubiquitous IoT. First, we analyze the requirements of the IoT name service by using five characteristics, namely security, mobility, infrastructure independence, localization, and efficiency, which we collectively refer to as SMILE. Then, we discuss the pros and cons of the DNS in satisfying SMILE in the context of the future evolution of the IoT environment

    End-to-end security in active networks

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    Active network solutions have been proposed to many of the problems caused by the increasing heterogeneity of the Internet. These ystems allow nodes within the network to process data passing through in several ways. Allowing code from various sources to run on routers introduces numerous security concerns that have been addressed by research into safe languages, restricted execution environments, and other related areas. But little attention has been paid to an even more critical question: the effect on end-to-end security of active flow manipulation. This thesis first examines the threat model implicit in active networks. It develops a framework of security protocols in use at various layers of the networking stack, and their utility to multimedia transport and flow processing, and asks if it is reasonable to give active routers access to the plaintext of these flows. After considering the various security problem introduced, such as vulnerability to attacks on intermediaries or coercion, it concludes not. We then ask if active network systems can be built that maintain end-to-end security without seriously degrading the functionality they provide. We describe the design and analysis of three such protocols: a distributed packet filtering system that can be used to adjust multimedia bandwidth requirements and defend against denial-of-service attacks; an efficient composition of link and transport-layer reliability mechanisms that increases the performance of TCP over lossy wireless links; and a distributed watermarking servicethat can efficiently deliver media flows marked with the identity of their recipients. In all three cases, similar functionality is provided to designs that do not maintain end-to-end security. Finally, we reconsider traditional end-to-end arguments in both networking and security, and show that they have continuing importance for Internet design. Our watermarking work adds the concept of splitting trust throughout a network to that model; we suggest further applications of this idea

    Gestion de la mobilité pour l'internet du futur centré autour de l'information

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    L'Internet d'aujourd'hui a traversĂ© sĂ©rie de changements Ă©volutionnaires dans les quarante ou cinquante derniĂšres annĂ©es. Il a Ă©tĂ© conçu pour un rĂ©seau avec des nƓuds fixes. Au dĂ©but, le modĂšle de communication de l'Internet a Ă©tĂ© basĂ© sur le rĂ©seau tĂ©lĂ©phonique (considĂ©rĂ© comme 1er GĂ©nĂ©ration Internet). Plus tard, il a Ă©tĂ© mis Ă  jour comme un modĂšle client-serveur oĂč la communication des systĂšmes d'Ă©changer des donnĂ©es sur des liaisons dĂ©diĂ©es. Cette 2Ăšme gĂ©nĂ©ration Internet, au cours des annĂ©es, a Ă©tĂ© contestĂ©e par de nombreux problĂšmes tels que la congestion du rĂ©seau, panne de chemin, les attaques DOS, gestion de la mobilitĂ© pour les rĂ©seaux sans fil, etc. Les utilisateurs d'Internet recherchent toujours des informations, indĂ©pendamment de la localisation (nƓud ou serveur) oĂč il se trouve ou stockĂ©es. Cette approche est la base d'une architecture oĂč l'information est considĂ©rĂ©e comme l'unitĂ© primaire. Ces rĂ©seaux, en gĂ©nĂ©ral, sont appelĂ©s en tant que Network of Information (NetInf), oĂč l'information prend une position centrĂ©e remplaçant l'approche centrĂ©e sur nƓud comme dans l'Internet aujourd'hui. Les problĂšmes rencontrĂ©s par l'Internet aujourd hui, mentionnĂ© ci-dessus, peuvent ĂȘtre traitĂ©es avec une approche unificatrice en mettant l'information au centre de l'architecture du rĂ©seau. À l'Ă©chelle mondiale, cette conception de l'architecture rĂ©seau est nommĂ©e Future Information Centric Internet . En parallĂšle, l'utilisation de l'Internet mobile a Ă©tĂ© augmentĂ©e durant la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie. Il a Ă©tĂ© environ 1,2 milliard abonnements de mobile broad band pour 2,4 milliards d utilisateurs d'Internet en 2011. En raison d augmentation de l'efficacitĂ© spectrale et ubiquitaire disponibilitĂ© de la connectivitĂ© cellulaire, la mobilitĂ© et la connectivitĂ© transparente est dĂ©sormais considĂ©rĂ©e comme des produits de base la vie quotidienne. NĂ©anmoins, en cas d'Internet, les solutions de mobilitĂ© basĂ©es sur IP ne peuvent pas rattraper son retard dans la performance avec l'Ă©volution rapide des rĂ©seaux cellulaires. Par consĂ©quent, l'un des principaux objectifs pour l'internet du futur est de concevoir des systĂšmes de gestion de mobilitĂ© qui permettent de surmonter les problĂšmes dans les rĂ©seaux sans fil tels que handover et la gestion de la localisation, multihoming, sĂ©curitĂ©, etc. Dans cette thĂšse, nous avons proposĂ© une solution de gestion de mobilitĂ© dans les rĂ©seaux sans fil dans le cadre du Information Centric Networking (ICN) en gĂ©nĂ©ral et dans le contexte ne NetInf en particulier. NetInf est une architecture du Futur Internet basĂ©e sur le concept du ICN. Nous proposons un nƓud mobile qui s appelle NetInf Mobile Node (NetInf MN). L'architecture de ce nƓud est compatible avec l'architecture d'Internet basĂ©e sur TCP/TP. Cette conception de l'architecture travaille en collaboration avec Central Control Unit (CCU) pour amĂ©liorer les performances en cas de handover dans les rĂ©seaux sans fil. La Virtual Node Layer (VNL) algorithme explique comment les diffĂ©rents modules de NetInf MN et des unitĂ©s CCU travaillĂ© ensemble. La modĂšle mathĂ©matique basĂ© sur ThĂ©orie de Jeu et Renforcement Learning (CODIPAS-RL) montre comment handover et data relaying sont gĂ©rĂ© dans les rĂ©seaux sans fil. Les rĂ©sultats des simulations montrent que le modĂšle proposĂ© rĂ©alise Ă  la fois de Nash et de Stackelberg Ă©quilibres alors que le CODIPAS-RL rĂ©gime atteint un optimum global. Enfin, comme un exemple de cas d'utilisation de l'architecture NetInf, nous proposons le NetInf Email Service qui ne requiert pas des serveurs et ports dĂ©diĂ©s contrairement au service e-mail existante. L'utilisation de clĂ©s asymĂ©triques comme l'ID de l'utilisateur est la caractĂ©ristique unique proposĂ©e pour ce service. Le NetInf Email service architecture prĂ©sentĂ©, explique comment diffĂ©rents Ă©lĂ©ments architecturaux travail ensemble. Nous discuter des dĂ©fis diffĂ©rents et des besoins relatifs Ă  ce service. Le prototype dĂ©veloppĂ© pour NetInf sera utilisĂ©e pour la mise en Ɠuvre de ce serviceThe contemporary Internet ecosystem today has gone through series of evolutionary changes during the last forty or fifty years. Though it was designed as a network with fixed nodes, it has scaled well enough with the development of new technologies both in fixed and wireless networks. Initially, the communication model of the Internet was based on the telephone network (and can be considered as the 1st Generation Internet). Later, its transition as a client-server model made it a network where communication systems exchange data over dedicated links. This 2nd Generation Internet, over the years, has been challenged by many problems and issues such as network congestion, path failure, DOS attacks, mobility issues for wireless networks, etc. The Internet users always look for some information, irrespectively where it is located or stored. This approach is the basic building block for a network architecture where information is considered as the premier entity. Such networks, in general, are termed as Information Centric Network (ICN), where information takes centric position superseding the node centric approach like in the current Internet. The problems faced by the current Internet architecture, mentioned above, can be handled with a unifying approach by putting the information at the centre of the network architecture. On a global scale, this network architecture design is termed as the Future Information Centric Internet. Similarly, Mobile Internet usage has increased overwhelmingly in the last decade. There has been an estimated 1.2 billion mobile broad-band subscriptions for 2.4 billion Internet users in 2011. Because of the increased spectrum efficiency and ubiquitous availability of cellular connectivity, the seamless mobility and connectivity is now considered as daily life commodity. However, in the case of the Internet, IP based mobility solutions cannot catch up in performance with the fast evolution of cellular networks. Therefore, one of the primary goals for the Future Internet is the design of mobility management schemes that overcome the issues in wireless networks such as handover and location management, multihoming, security, etc. In this thesis, we have proposed a mobility management solution in wireless networks in the context of ICN in general and in the context of Network of Information (NetInf) in particular. NetInf is ICN-based Future Internet architecture. We propose a NetInf Mobile Node (NetInf MN) architecture which is backward compatible with the current Internet architecture as well. This cross architecture design for mobility support works closely with Central Control Unit (CCU) (network entity) for improved performance in case of handover management in wireless networks. The Virtual Node Layer (VNL) algorithm explains how different modules of NetInf MN and CCU units work together. The game theoretical and Reinforcement Learning (CODIPAS-RL) scheme based mathematical model shows how handover management and data relaying in the wireless networks can increase the network coverage through cooperative diversity. Simulation results show that the proposed model achieves both Nash and Stackelberg equilibria where as the selected CODIPAS-RL scheme reaches global optimum. Finally, as a use case example of NetInf architecture, we propose the NetInf Email service that does not require dedicated servers or dedicated port unlike the current email service. The use of asymmetric keys as user's ID is the unique feature proposed for this service. The NetInf email service architecture framework presented, explains how different architectural components work together. We discuss different challenges and requirements related to this service. The prototype developed for the Network of Information will be used for the implementation of this serviceEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Distribuição de vídeo para grupos de utilizadores em redes móveis heterogéneas19

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    The evolutions veri ed in mobile devices capabilities (storage capacity, screen resolution, processor, etc.) over the last years led to a signi cant change in mobile user behavior, with the consumption and creation of multimedia content becoming more common, in particular video tra c. Consequently, mobile operator networks, despite being the target of architectural evolutions and improvements over several parameters (such as capacity, transmission and reception performance, amongst others), also increasingly become more frequently challenged by performance aspects associated to the nature of video tra c, whether by the demanding requirements associated to that service, or by its volume increase in such networks. This Thesis proposes modi cations to the mobile architecture towards a more e cient video broadcasting, de ning and developing mechanisms applicable to the network, or to the mobile terminal. Particularly, heterogeneous networks multicast IP mobility supported scenarios are focused, emphasizing their application over di erent access technologies. The suggested changes are applicable to mobile or static user scenarios, whether it performs the role of receiver or source of the video tra c. Similarly, the de ned mechanisms propose solutions targeting operators with di erent video broadcasting goals, or whose networks have di erent characteristics. The pursued methodology combined an experimental evaluation executed over physical testbeds, with the mathematical evaluation using network simulation, allowing the veri cation of its impact on the optimization of video reception in mobile terminalsA evolução veri cada nas caracterĂ­sticas dos dispositivos moveis (capacidade de armazenamento, resolução do ecrĂŁ, processador, etc.) durante os Ășltimos anos levou a uma alteração signi cativa nos comportamentos dos utilizadores, sendo agora comum o consumo e produção de conteĂșdos multimĂ©dia envolvendo terminais mĂłveis, em particular o trĂĄfego vĂ­deo. Consequentemente, as redes de operador mĂłvel, embora tendo tambĂ©m sido alvo constante de evoluçÔes arquitecturais e melhorias em vĂĄrios parĂąmetros (tais como capacidade, ritmo de transmissĂŁo/recepção, entre outros), vĂȘemse cada vez mais frequentemente desa adas por aspectos de desempenho associados Ă  natureza do trĂĄfego de vĂ­deo, seja pela exigĂȘncia de requisitos associados a esse serviço, quer pelo aumento do volume do mesmo nesse tipo de redes. Esta Tese propĂŽe alteraçÔes Ă  arquitetura mĂłvel para a disseminação de vĂ­deo mais e ciente, de nindo e desenvolvendo mecanismos aplicĂĄveis Ă  rede, ou ao utilizador mĂłvel. Em particular, sĂŁo focados cenĂĄrios suportados por IP multicast em redes mĂłveis heterogĂ©neas, isto Ă©, com ĂȘnfase na aplicação destes mecanismos sobre diferentes tecnologias de acesso. As alteraçÔes sugeridas aplicam-se a cenĂĄrios de utilizador estĂĄtico ou mĂłvel, sendo este a fonte ou receptor do trĂĄfego vĂ­deo. Da mesma forma, sĂŁo propostas soluçÔes tendo em vista operadores com diferentes objectivos de disseminação de vĂ­deo, ou cujas redes tĂȘm diferentes caracterĂ­sticas. A metodologia utilizada combinou a avaliação experimental em testbeds fĂ­sicas com a avaliação matemĂĄtica em simulaçÔes de redes, e permitiu veri car o impacto sobre a optimização da recepção de vĂ­deo em terminais mĂłveisPrograma Doutoral em TelecomunicaçÔe
