2 research outputs found

    Localizaci贸n 贸ptima de plantas virtuales de generaci贸n en sistemas el茅ctricos de potencia basados en flujos 贸ptimos de potencia

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    The present work determines the optimal location of virtual generation plants analyzing the steady state behavior of the system, the virtual generation plant combines a wide variety of distributed energy resources and operates them as a unified system. The optimal location of virtual generation plants will be identified to improve the nodal voltage profile of the power system based on optimal flows of direct current power with economic and environmental constraints. The electrical system analysis is carried out by means of optimal direct current power flows based on mixed integer linear programming, respecting economic, the chargeability of the transmission lines, the handling of the demands, the overload level, the angular deviation and the voltage profile. A literary review of virtual generation plants is carried out, which has a series of competitive advantages such as the use of renewable technologies and high energy efficiency. It also has information for the development of the optimal direct current flow.El presente trabajo determina la ubicaci贸n 贸ptima de plantas virtuales de generaci贸n analizando el comportamiento en estado estacionario del sistema, la planta virtual de generaci贸n combina una amplia variedad de recursos energ茅ticos distribuidos y los opera como un sistema unificado. Se identificar谩 la localizaci贸n 贸ptima de plantas virtuales de generaci贸n para mejorar el perfil de tensi贸n nodal del sistema de potencia basado en flujos 贸ptimos de potencia de corriente directa con restricciones econ贸micas. El an谩lisis de sistema el茅ctrico se realiza mediante flujos 贸ptimos de potencia de corriente continua basado en programaci贸n lineal entera mixta respetando restricciones econ贸micas, ambientales, cargabilidad de las l铆neas de transmisi贸n, el manejo de las demandas, nivel de sobrecarga, desviaci贸n angular y perfil de tensi贸n. Se realiza una revisi贸n literaria plantas virtuales de generaci贸n la cual tiene una serie de ventajas competitivas como el uso de tecnolog铆as renovables y de alta eficiencia energ茅tica. Tambi茅n dispone de informaci贸n para el desarrollo del flujo 贸ptimo de corriente continua

    Distributed optimal control of a network of virtual power plants with dynamic price mechanism

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    This paper addresses a distributed control problem faced by a network of virtual power plants (VPPs). The VPP can be represented as a distributed energy management system tasked to aggregate distributed generations (DGs), loads and storage facilities to operate as a unique power plants regardless of their locations. In this framework, the main decisions that need to be established by the VPP decision maker are: 1) to decide how to fulfill its related electric demand including bilateral contracts and 2) to bid in multi-level negotiation schemes to minimize (maximize) in a cooperative way the power bought (sold) from (to) other interconnected VPPs. The proposed approach is based on a team theory framework and on dynamic price mechanism, where all VPPs' agents cooperate on the accomplishment of a common goal which is function of the subsystem state and of some controls which are shared with other subsystems. A distributed control strategy is proposed, and that includes problems in which each agent is able to communicate with other agents. Agents of the VPPs compute the control inputs at discrete time steps based on the information available to them. An example is presented to show the practical use of the method