4 research outputs found

    MAS-CommonKADS para el desarrollo de un Sistema Multiagente de Informaci贸n de Recomendaci贸n de Rutas de Transporte: SINRUT.

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    Entre los principales inconvenientes para el uso del transporte p煤blico en ciudades como Medell铆n, est谩 el desconocimiento de las rutas de transporte, as铆 como de los recorridos que estas realizan. Esta necesidad motiv贸 el desarrollo de este trabajo que presenta los aspectos clave de la implementaci贸n de un sistema multiagente (SMA) para la recomendaci贸n de rutas de transporte en el traslado de un lugar a otro en la ciudad de Medell铆n. Para el desarrollo de este sistema se utilizaron JADE y Prot茅g茅 sobre la plataforma JAVA, que se integraron con un m贸dulo de visualizaci贸n desarrollado en el Framework.NET, extendiendo la funcionalidad del Sistema de Informaci贸n Geogr谩fica (SIG) de c贸digo abierto MapWindow. Las diferentes fases del desarrollo del SMA se llevaron a cabo utilizando la metodolog铆a MAS-CommonKADS que ser谩 evidenciada en este trabajo con el fin de que sirva de apoyo para el futuro uso de la misma en desarrollos similares.Palabras clave: sistemas multiagentes, algoritmo A*, sistemas de recomendaci贸n, MAS-CommonKADS, MapWindow.聽AbstractThe main drawbacks to the use of public transport in cities like Medell铆n, is the lack of transportation routes and the routes that they perform. This need motivated the development of this paper presents the key aspects of the implementation of a multi-agent system (MAS) for recommending transport routes in moving from one place to another in the city of Medellin. For the development of the JADE system and Prot茅g茅 were used on the Java platform, which is integrated with a visualization module developed in the .NET Framework by extending the functionality of Geographic Information System (GIS) open source MapWindow . The different phases of the development of SMA were performed using MAS- CommonKADS methodology that will be evidenced in this work in order to provide back to the future use of the same in similar developments.Keywords: multiagent systems, A* algorithm, recommendation systems, MAS-CommonKADS, MapWindow

    Slicing for Java Program: A Preliminary Study

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    Program slicing is a technique that proposed to help in understanding the program code. After several decades, the technique has been derived into several other techniques and proposed to be applied in many fields such as debugging, program comprehension, software measurement, testing and maintenance. The application of program slicing sometimes specifies for certain programming language such as C and Java. This paper will discuss existing program slicing techniques that were proposed focusing on the Java programming language