5 research outputs found

    Vulnerability Assessment in the Smart Farming Infrastructure through Cyberattacks

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has a significant impact on agriculture. So-called Smart Farming uses drones and a variety of sensors to measure climate, irrigation, soil moisture or GPS position. With this rapid influx of technology increases the threat that vulnerabilities in those technologies are being exploited for malicious intent. To show the impact of cyberattacks on agriculture, we present a simulation of several attacks on a ZigBee-based wireless sensor network. We conduct a delay attack, an interference attack and three different routing attacks (sinkhole, blackhole and selective forwarding attack). Those attacks are simulated using NETA with the OMNET++ framework. We will show that the security of WSN is influenced by factors like energy consumption or computation power, which can conflict with other interests like low per-unit costs

    Kablosuz algılayıcı ağlar ile acil durum tespit sistemi tasarımı ve uygulaması

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Kablosuz Algılayıcı Ağlar (KAA'lar), bulundukları ortamdaki fiziksel büyüklükleri algılayabilmeleri, küçük boyutları, bakım gerektirmeyen yapıları gibi özelliklerinden dolayı son zamanlarda birçok uygulamada tercih edilmektedir. Uygulama alanları arasında özellikle askeri kullanım amaçlı keşif/gözlem, sivil amaçlı yangın, sel, deprem gibi doğal afet izleme ve bina otomasyon sistemleri sayılabilir.Bu tez çalışmasında, yeni bir yaklaşım olarak KAA'ların kullanıldığı, bir Acil Durum Tespit Sistemi (K-ADTS) tasarımı ve uygulaması sunulmuştur. K-ADTS ile deniz taşıtlarında Denize Adam Düştü (DAD) durumundaki ilk ve hızlı müdahale sorununa çözüm üretilmiştir. Denizcilik sektöründe karşılaşılan sorunların başında gelen DAD durumu, sistemin en temel avantajı olan gerçek zamanlı algılama ve konum tespiti ile çözülmüştür. Mevcut geleneksel çözümlerin içermediği acil durum alanının gerçek zamanlı aydınlatılması da sistemin önemli bir diğer avantajıdır. Gözetmen denetimindeki anlık konum bilgisine ek olarak olay yeri aydınlatması, sistemin en zor gece şartlarında dahi başarımını garanti etmektedir. Diğer taraftan sistemin bir parçası olan maliyet-etkin KAA altyapısı, standartlaştırma çalışmalarına da esas oluşturabilecek şekilde ilk kez kullanılmıştır. Günümüz geleneksel sistemlerin acil durumlarda sekiz saat çalışabilme özelliklerine karşın, K-ADTS yaklaşık bir yıl bakımsız çalışabilme yeteneği ile öne çıkmaktadır. Sistemin temel üstünlükleri, kurulum basitliği, standart enerji kaynakları kullanımı ve bakım maliyetlerinin düşüklüğüdür. Gerçekleştirilen K-ADTS, genel olarak maliyet-etkin donanım ve yazılım bileşenlerinden oluşmaktadır ve KAA'ların tüm uygulama özelliklerini ve üstünlüklerini ihtiva etmektedir.Bu tez çalışması Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanlığı, Denizsan A.Ş. ve BADER Barbaros Denizciler Derneği tarafından 00246.stz.2008-1 numaralı proje kapsamında desteklenmiştir.Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are preferred due to their advantageous sensing and wireless communication features for many application areas including military, automation, agriculture and disaster discovery & recovery.In this thesis, we present an emergency discovery system designed and implemented using a WSN, shortly named as K-ADTS. It mainly aims at handling the Man Over Board (MOB) emergency cases in ships and enabling a fast MOB alarm discovery and rescue. A MOB alarm is easily observed and dealt with through use of the most important attributes of the WSN (i.e., real-time sensing and location estimation). Lighting up the MOB area is another useful feature of the proposed system compared to its classical counterparts. This ensures a highly effective and fast rescue process in the nighttimes. The K-ADTS design & implementation using the cost-effective WSN infrastructure provides the means for standardization efforts as well. Easy installation, long life time and maintenance free operation are the key outcomes of the implemented K-ADTS system consisting of well integrated hardware and software components.This thesis project (00246.stz.2008-1) was supported by Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanlığı, Denizsan A.Ş. and BADER Barbaros Denizciler Derneği

    Effiziente Lokalisierung von Nutzern und Geräten in Smarten Umgebungen

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    The thesis considers determination of location of sensors and users in smart environments using measurements of Received Signal Strength (RSS). The first part of the thesis focuses on localization in Wireless Sensor Networks and contributes two fully distributed algorithms which address the Sensor Selection Problem and provide the best trade-off between energy consumption and localization accuracy among the algorithms considered. Furthermore, the thesis contributes to Device Free Localization an indoor localization concept providing scalable and highly accurate location estimates (prototype: 0.36m² MSE) while using a COTS passive RFID-System and not relying on user-carried sensors

    Energy-Efficient Self-Organization of Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks for Ground Target Tracking

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    With the developments in computing and communication technologies, wireless sensor networks have become popular in wide range of application areas such as health, military, environment and habitant monitoring. Moreover, wireless acoustic sensor networks have been widely used for target tracking applications due to their passive nature, reliability and low cost. Traditionally, acoustic sensor arrays built in linear, circular or other regular shapes are used for tracking acoustic sources. The maintaining of relative geometry of the acoustic sensors in the array is vital for accurate target tracking, which greatly reduces the flexibility of the sensor network. To overcome this limitation, we propose using only a single acoustic sensor at each sensor node. This design greatly improves the flexibility of the sensor network and makes it possible to deploy the sensor network in remote or hostile regions through air-drop or other stealth approaches. Acoustic arrays are capable of performing the target localization or generating the bearing estimations on their own. However, with only a single acoustic sensor, the sensor nodes will not be able to generate such measurements. Thus, self-organization of sensor nodes into virtual arrays to perform the target localization is essential. We developed an energy-efficient and distributed self-organization algorithm for target tracking using wireless acoustic sensor networks. The major error sources of the localization process were studied, and an energy-aware node selection criterion was developed to minimize the target localization errors. Using this node selection criterion, the self-organization algorithm selects a near-optimal localization sensor group to minimize the target tracking errors. In addition, a message passing protocol was developed to implement the self-organization algorithm in a distributed manner. In order to achieve extended sensor network lifetime, energy conservation was incorporated into the self-organization algorithm by incorporating a sleep-wakeup management mechanism with a novel cross layer adaptive wakeup probability adjustment scheme. The simulation results confirm that the developed self-organization algorithm provides satisfactory target tracking performance. Moreover, the energy saving analysis confirms the effectiveness of the cross layer power management scheme in achieving extended sensor network lifetime without degrading the target tracking performance