1,639 research outputs found

    Distributed video coding for wireless video sensor networks: a review of the state-of-the-art architectures

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    Distributed video coding (DVC) is a relatively new video coding architecture originated from two fundamental theorems namely, Slepian–Wolf and Wyner–Ziv. Recent research developments have made DVC attractive for applications in the emerging domain of wireless video sensor networks (WVSNs). This paper reviews the state-of-the-art DVC architectures with a focus on understanding their opportunities and gaps in addressing the operational requirements and application needs of WVSNs

    A simple encoder scheme for distributed residual video coding.

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    Rate-Distortion (RD) performance of Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is considerably less than that of conventional predictive video coding. In order to reduce the performance gap, many methods and techniques have been proposed to improve the coding efficiency of DVC with increased system complexity, especially techniques employed at the encoder such as encoder mode decisions, optimal quantization, hash methods etc., no doubt increase the complexity of the encoder. However, low complexity encoder is a widely desired feature of DVC. In order to improve the coding efficiency while maintaining low complexity encoder, this paper focuses on Distributed Residual Video Coding (DRVC) architecture and proposes a simple encoder scheme. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: 1) propose a bit plane block based method combined with bit plane re-arrangement to improve the dependency between source and Side Information (SI), and meanwhile, to reduce the amount of data to be channel encoded 2) present a simple iterative dead-zone quantizer with 3 levels in order to adjust quantization from coarse to fine. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms DISCOVER scheme for low to medium motion video sequences in terms of RD performance, and maintains a low complexity encoder at the same time

    Perfectly Secure Steganography: Capacity, Error Exponents, and Code Constructions

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    An analysis of steganographic systems subject to the following perfect undetectability condition is presented in this paper. Following embedding of the message into the covertext, the resulting stegotext is required to have exactly the same probability distribution as the covertext. Then no statistical test can reliably detect the presence of the hidden message. We refer to such steganographic schemes as perfectly secure. A few such schemes have been proposed in recent literature, but they have vanishing rate. We prove that communication performance can potentially be vastly improved; specifically, our basic setup assumes independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) covertext, and we construct perfectly secure steganographic codes from public watermarking codes using binning methods and randomized permutations of the code. The permutation is a secret key shared between encoder and decoder. We derive (positive) capacity and random-coding exponents for perfectly-secure steganographic systems. The error exponents provide estimates of the code length required to achieve a target low error probability. We address the potential loss in communication performance due to the perfect-security requirement. This loss is the same as the loss obtained under a weaker order-1 steganographic requirement that would just require matching of first-order marginals of the covertext and stegotext distributions. Furthermore, no loss occurs if the covertext distribution is uniform and the distortion metric is cyclically symmetric; steganographic capacity is then achieved by randomized linear codes. Our framework may also be useful for developing computationally secure steganographic systems that have near-optimal communication performance.Comment: To appear in IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, June 2008; ignore Version 2 as the file was corrupte

    Perfectly Secure Steganography: Capacity, Error Exponents, and Code Constructions

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    An analysis of steganographic systems subject to the following perfect undetectability condition is presented in this paper. Following embedding of the message into the covertext, the resulting stegotext is required to have exactly the same probability distribution as the covertext. Then no statistical test can reliably detect the presence of the hidden message. We refer to such steganographic schemes as perfectly secure. A few such schemes have been proposed in recent literature, but they have vanishing rate. We prove that communication performance can potentially be vastly improved; specifically, our basic setup assumes independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) covertext, and we construct perfectly secure steganographic codes from public watermarking codes using binning methods and randomized permutations of the code. The permutation is a secret key shared between encoder and decoder. We derive (positive) capacity and random-coding exponents for perfectly-secure steganographic systems. The error exponents provide estimates of the code length required to achieve a target low error probability. We address the potential loss in communication performance due to the perfect-security requirement. This loss is the same as the loss obtained under a weaker order-1 steganographic requirement that would just require matching of first-order marginals of the covertext and stegotext distributions. Furthermore, no loss occurs if the covertext distribution is uniform and the distortion metric is cyclically symmetric; steganographic capacity is then achieved by randomized linear codes. Our framework may also be useful for developing computationally secure steganographic systems that have near-optimal communication performance.Comment: To appear in IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, June 2008; ignore Version 2 as the file was corrupte

    Joint successive correlation estimation and side information refinement in distributed video coding

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    This paper presents a novel hash-based distributed video coding (DVC) scheme that combines an accurate online correlation channel estimation (CCE) algorithm with an efficient side information refinement strategy, delivering state-of-the-art compression performance. The proposed DVC scheme applies layered bit-plane Wyner-Ziv coding and successively refines the CCE bit-plane-per-bit-plane during decoding. In addition, the side information is successively refined upon decoding of distinct refinement levels, grouping specific frequency bands of the discrete cosine transform. The proposed system not only outperforms the benchmark in DVC but several state-of-the-art side information refinement techniques and CCE methods as well

    Distillation of secret key and entanglement from quantum states

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    We study and solve the problem of distilling secret key from quantum states representing correlation between two parties (Alice and Bob) and an eavesdropper (Eve) via one-way public discussion: we prove a coding theorem to achieve the "wire-tapper" bound, the difference of the mutual information Alice-Bob and that of Alice-Eve, for so-called cqq-correlations, via one-way public communication. This result yields information--theoretic formulas for the distillable secret key, giving ``ultimate'' key rate bounds if Eve is assumed to possess a purification of Alice and Bob's joint state. Specialising our protocol somewhat and making it coherent leads us to a protocol of entanglement distillation via one-way LOCC (local operations and classical communication) which is asymptotically optimal: in fact we prove the so-called "hashing inequality" which says that the coherent information (i.e., the negative conditional von Neumann entropy) is an achievable EPR rate. This result is well--known to imply a whole set of distillation and capacity formulas which we briefly review.Comment: 17 pages LaTeX, 1 drawing (eps

    Hashing for Similarity Search: A Survey

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    Similarity search (nearest neighbor search) is a problem of pursuing the data items whose distances to a query item are the smallest from a large database. Various methods have been developed to address this problem, and recently a lot of efforts have been devoted to approximate search. In this paper, we present a survey on one of the main solutions, hashing, which has been widely studied since the pioneering work locality sensitive hashing. We divide the hashing algorithms two main categories: locality sensitive hashing, which designs hash functions without exploring the data distribution and learning to hash, which learns hash functions according the data distribution, and review them from various aspects, including hash function design and distance measure and search scheme in the hash coding space


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    The recently developed Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is typically suitable for the applications where the conventional video coding is not feasible because of its inherent high-complexity encoding. Examples include video surveillance usmg wireless/wired video sensor network and applications using mobile cameras etc. With DVC, the complexity is shifted from the encoder to the decoder. The practical application of DVC is referred to as Wyner-Ziv video coding (WZ) where an estimate of the original frame called "side information" is generated using motion compensation at the decoder. The compression is achieved by sending only that extra information that is needed to correct this estimation. An error-correcting code is used with the assumption that the estimate is a noisy version of the original frame and the rate needed is certain amount of the parity bits. The side information is assumed to have become available at the decoder through a virtual channel. Due to the limitation of compensation method, the predicted frame, or the side information, is expected to have varying degrees of success. These limitations stem from locationspecific non-stationary estimation noise. In order to avoid these, the conventional video coders, like MPEG, make use of frame partitioning to allocate optimum coder for each partition and hence achieve better rate-distortion performance. The same, however, has not been used in DVC as it increases the encoder complexity. This work proposes partitioning the considered frame into many coding units (region) where each unit is encoded differently. This partitioning is, however, done at the decoder while generating the side-information and the region map is sent over to encoder at very little rate penalty. The partitioning allows allocation of appropriate DVC coding parameters (virtual channel, rate, and quantizer) to each region. The resulting regions map is compressed by employing quadtree algorithm and communicated to the encoder via the feedback channel. The rate control in DVC is performed by channel coding techniques (turbo codes, LDPC, etc.). The performance of the channel code depends heavily on the accuracy of virtual channel model that models estimation error for each region. In this work, a turbo code has been used and an adaptive WZ DVC is designed both in transform domain and in pixel domain. The transform domain WZ video coding (TDWZ) has distinct superior performance as compared to the normal Pixel Domain Wyner-Ziv (PDWZ), since it exploits the ' spatial redundancy during the encoding. The performance evaluations show that the proposed system is superior to the existing distributed video coding solutions. Although the, proposed system requires extra bits representing the "regions map" to be transmitted, fuut still the rate gain is noticeable and it outperforms the state-of-the-art frame based DVC by 0.6-1.9 dB. The feedback channel (FC) has the role to adapt the bit rate to the changing ' statistics between the side infonmation and the frame to be encoded. In the unidirectional scenario, the encoder must perform the rate control. To correctly estimate the rate, the encoder must calculate typical side information. However, the rate cannot be exactly calculated at the encoder, instead it can only be estimated. This work also prbposes a feedback-free region-based adaptive DVC solution in pixel domain based on machine learning approach to estimate the side information. Although the performance evaluations show rate-penalty but it is acceptable considering the simplicity of the proposed algorithm. vii
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