7 research outputs found


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    The priority elements of the e-government system with Blockchain technologies in the most important socially oriented areas are the electronic health system, electronic education and science system, electronic environment, etc., the introduction of which is designed to make public information open to the public, in particular on the state of the environment, directions and volumes of use of public funds, Land Management, the state of development and use of mineral resources, etc.; automate some processes of management of the relevant areas (personnel, monitoring, finance, reporting); improve the Electronic Document Management System in educational and scientific institutions, healthcare and the environment; ensure that users of the system can receive services in the relevant areas through online services, including checking the validity of documents, registering in electronic queues, and so on. It should be noted that educational institutions provide applicants with "information", which in the learning process should turn into "knowledge". We note that the main difference between knowledge and information is the degree of organization and consciousness of Primary Data. In our opinion, the main difference lies not only in the degree of organization and consciousness of primary data but also in the orientation. So, information is the" raw material " for the formation of knowledge, the main resource, service, and product. Knowledge, in our opinion, is systematic, structured information that an individual has. That is, knowledge is a quality of the individual. A modern successful person needs to learn throughout his life. At the same time, the ability to make decisions independently, the ability to think, and the ability to solve complex interdisciplinary problems in non-standard situations become essential. This makes it necessary for a modern person to have the skills to search, analyze and process information in accordance with the methodology of scientific knowledge using digital technologies. The foundation for obtaining knowledge by a person is education, in the process of which educational institutions provide the applicant with "information" that he must turn into "knowledge". The process of converting information into knowledge in the modern environment is possible only if the information and research competencies are formed

    A Systematic Review on Blockchain in Education: Opportunities and Challenges

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    This study focuses on bloackchain as an emerging technology regarding its use to restructure the systems and advance education upon quality outcomes. What are the benefits of integrating blockchain in education concerning system reformation and advancement in developing better educational process for all encompassing learning outcomes? With the recent developments of blockchain applications across multiple domains, the education industry seems to be benefited from this technology in considerable degree. Transcripts and certificates play a vital role in individual’s life so it needs to be stored in tamper-proof and long term available ledger. In pursuant to addressing afore stated question, this study bring information regarding what blockchain technology is, how it functions and what its uses if it comes to integrate with education at different levels. This may include reviewing the conceptual/knowledge bases, research and development studies and sources that introduce blcokchain including its features but with special highlight on how it has been integrated in the education sector especially in innovative situation.To this end, this study was designed to provide a systematic review of all the literature focused on decentralized ledger technology. Multiple sources were reviewed following a systematicpattern that allows selection of relevant sources, sort out information being guided by the research question and make final selection of required information that connects with what and how of Blockchain in education. Keywords: Blockchain, Education, Ledgers, Certificate, Decentralized technolog

    Measuring Decentrality in Blockchain Based Systems

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    Blockchain promises to provide a distributed and decentralized means of trust among untrusted users. However, in recent years, a shift from decentrality to centrality has been observed in the most accepted Blockchain system, i.e., Bitcoin. This shift has motivated researchers to identify the cause of decentrality, quantify decentrality and analyze the impact of decentrality. In this work, we take a holistic approach to identify and quantify decentrality in Blockchain based systems. First, we identify the emergence of centrality in three layers of Blockchain based systems, namely governance layer, network layer and storage layer. Then, we quantify decentrality in these layers using various metrics. At the governance layer, we measure decentrality in terms of fairness, entropy, Gini coefficient, Kullback-Leibler divergence, etc. Similarly, in the network layer, we measure decentrality by using degree centrality, betweenness centrality and closeness centrality. At the storage layer, we apply a distribution index to define centrality. Subsequently, we evaluate the decentrality in Bitcoin and Ethereum networks and discuss our observations. We noticed that, with time, both Bitcoin and Ethereum networks tend to behave like centralized systems where a few nodes govern the whole network