4,436 research outputs found

    Engineering distributed objects (EDO 99) workshop summary

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    Systematic composition of distributed objects: Processes and sessions

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    We consider a system with the infrastructure for the creation and interconnection of large numbers of distributed persistent objects. This system is exemplified by the Internet: potentially, every appliance and document on the Internet has both persistent state and the ability to interact with large numbers of other appliances and documents on the Internet. This paper elucidates the characteristics of such a system, and proposes the compositional requirements of its corresponding infrastructure. We explore the problems of specifying, composing, reasoning about and implementing applications in such a system. A specific concern of our research is developing the infrastructure to support structuring distributed applications by using sequential, choice and parallel composition, in the anarchic environment where application compositions may be unforeseeable and interactions may be unknown prior to actually occurring. The structuring concepts discussed are relevant to a wide range of distributed applications; our implementation is illustrated with collaborative Java processes interacting over the Internet, but the methodology provided can be applied independent of specific platforms

    A simple approach to distributed objects in prolog

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    We present the design of a distributed object system for Prolog, based on adding remote execution and distribution capabilities to a previously existing object system. Remote execution brings RPC into a Prolog system, and its semantics is easy to express in terms of well-known Prolog builtins. The final distributed object design features state mobility and user-transparent network behavior. We sketch an implementation which provides distributed garbage collection and some degree of tolerance to network failures. We provide a preliminary study of the overhead of the communication mechanism for some test cases

    Distributed Objects in C#

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    Today more and more programs run over a collection of autonomous computers linked by a network and are designed to produce an integrated computing facility. Java Distributed Objects (JDO) proposed by Dr. Axel T. Schreiner builds an infrastructure which allows distributed program components to communicate over a network in a transparent, reliable, efficient, and generic way. JDO was originally intended as a teaching device to assess design parameters for distributed objects. This project focuses on porting JDO, which is implemented in Java on Sun\u27s JDK, to C# on Microsoft\u27s .NET. On one hand, it builds an infrastructure in C# that simplifies the construction of distributed programs by hiding the distributed nature of remote objects. On the other hand, it generates insights into the differences between two platforms, namely, Java on Sun and C# on .NET, in the distributed objects area. This document illustrates the architectural design of the C# Distributed Objects system and compares programming technologies, which are required by this system design, in Java and C#

    A Location Service for Worldwide Distributed Objects

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    This position paper introduces the Globe object model for wide-area distributed systems and its location service. The location service provides transparency of location, migration, distribution, and replication of distributed objects. We present the architecture of the service and briefly discuss scalability.

    A Scalable Location Service for Distributed Objects

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    We describe a service for locating distributed objects using location-independent object identifiers. An object in our model is physically distributed, with multiple copies simultaneously active on different machines. Processes must bind to an object in order to invoke its methods. Part of the binding protocol is concerned with contacting the object, which offers one or more contact points. An object can change its contact points in the course of time, thus exhibiting migration behavior. Finding an object’s contact points is the essence of our location service.

    From Remote Objects to Physically Distributed Objects

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    Present-day object-oriented middleware provides little support for the distribution, replication and caching of the state of a distributed object. This makes these platforms unsuitable for the development of large-scale distributed applications. We argue that the model of distributed objects on which these middleware platforms are based hinders the addition of comprehensive distribution and replication support to these platforms. We present an alternative view of distributed objects, in which objects are not only in control of the functional aspects of their implementation but also in control of their nonfunctional aspects, in particular, the distribution and replication of their state. We claim that a middleware platform based on this view of distributed objects is better suited for developing the large-scale applications of the future. 1
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