41 research outputs found

    An evaluation of the TRIPS computer system

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    The TRIPS system employs a new instruction set architecture (ISA) called Explicit Data Graph Execution (EDGE) that renegotiates the boundary between hardware and software to expose and exploit concurrency. EDGE ISAs use a block-atomic execution model in which blocks are composed of dataflow instructions. The goal of the TRIPS design is to mine concurrency for high performance while tolerating emerging technology scaling challenges, such as increasing wire delays and power consumption. This paper evaluates how well TRIPS meets this goal through a detailed ISA and performance analysis. We compare performance, using cycles counts, to commercial processors. On SPEC CPU2000, the Intel Core 2 outperforms compiled TRIPS code in most cases, although TRIPS matches a Pentium 4. On simple benchmarks, compiled TRIPS code outperforms the Core 2 by 10% and hand-optimized TRIPS code outperforms it by factor of 3. Compared to conventional ISAs, the block-atomic model provides a larger instruction window, increases concurrency at a cost of more instructions executed, and replaces register and memory accesses with more efficient direct instruction-to-instruction communication. Our analysis suggests ISA, microarchitecture, and compiler enhancements for addressing weaknesses in TRIPS and indicates that EDGE architectures have the potential to exploit greater concurrency in future technologies

    Design and implementation of in-network coherence

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2013.Title as it appears in MIT Commencement Exercises program, June 2013: Design and implementation of in-network coherence. Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 101-104).CMOS technology scaling has enabled increasing transistor density on chip. At the same time, multi-core processors that provide increased performance, vis-a'-vis power efficiency, have become prevalent in a power constrained environment. The shared memory model is a predominant paradigm in such systems, easing programmability and increasing portability. However with memory being shared by an increasing number of cores, a scalable coherence mechanism is imperative for these systems. Snoopy coherence has been a favored coherence scheme owing to its high performance and simplicity. However there are few viable proposals to extend snoopy coherence to unordered interconnects - specifically, modular packet-switched interconnects that have emerged as a scalable solution to the communication challenges in the CMP era. This thesis proposes a distributed in-network global ordering scheme that enables snoopy coherence on unordered interconnects. The proposed scheme is realized on a two-dimensional mesh interconnection network, referred to as OMNI (Ordered Mesh Network Interconnect). OMNI is an enabling solution for the SCORPIO processor prototype developed at MIT - a 36-core chip multi-processor supporting snoopy coherence, and fabricated in a commercial 45nm technology. OMNI is shown to be effective, reducing runtime by 36% in comparison to directory and Hammer coherence protocol implementations. The OMNI network achieves an operating frequency of 833 MHz post-layout, occupies 10% of the chip area, and consumes less than 100mW of power.by Suvinay Subramanian.S.M

    Tiled microprocessors

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 251-258).Current-day microprocessors have reached the point of diminishing returns due to inherent scalability limitations. This thesis examines the tiled microprocessor, a class of microprocessor which is physically scalable but inherits many of the desirable properties of conventional microprocessors. Tiled microprocessors are composed of an array of replicated tiles connected by a special class of network, the Scalar Operand Network (SON), which is optimized for low-latency, low-occupancy communication between remote ALUs on different tiles. Tiled microprocessors can be constructed to scale to 100's or 1000's of functional units. This thesis identifies seven key criteria for achieving physical scalability in tiled microprocessors. It employs an archetypal tiled microprocessor to examine the challenges in achieving these criteria and to explore the properties of Scalar Operand Networks. The thesis develops the field of SONs in three major ways: it introduces the 5-tuple performance metric, it describes a complete, high-frequency SON implementation, and it proposes a taxonomy, called AsTrO, for categorizing them.(cont.) To develop these ideas, the thesis details the design, implementation and analysis of a tiled microprocessor prototype, the Raw Microprocessor, which was implemented at MIT in 180 nm technology. Overall, compared to Raw, recent commercial processors with half the transistors required 30x as many lines of code, occupied 100x as many designers, contained 50x as many pre-tapeout bugs, and resulted in 33x as many post-tapeout bugs. At the same time, the Raw microprocessor proves to be more versatile in exploiting ILP, stream, and server-farm workloads with modest to large amounts of parallelism.by Michael Bedford Taylor.Ph.D

    High performance dense linear algebra on a spatially distributed processor

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    As technology trends have limited the performance scaling of conventional processors, industry and academic research has turned to parallel architectures on a single chip, including distributed uniprocessors and multicore chips. This paper examines how to extend the archtypical operation of dense linear algebra, matrix multiply, to an emerging class of uniprocessor architectures characterized by a large number of independent functional units, register banks, and cache banks connected by a 2-D on-chip network. We extend the well known algorithm for matrix multiplication by Goto to this spatially distributed class of uniprocessor and describe the optimizations of the innermost kernel, a systolic-like algorithm running on a general purpose uniprocessor. The resulting implementation yields the first demonstration of high-performance in an application executing on the TRIPS processor hardware, a next-generation distributed processor core. We show that such processors are indeed capable of substantial improvements in single threaded performance provided their spatial topography is taken into account

    The Execution Migration Machine: Directoryless Shared-Memory Architecture

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    For certain applications involving chip multiprocessors with more than 16 cores, a directoryless architecture with fine-grained and partial-context thread migration can outperform directory-based coherence, providing lighter on-chip traffic and reduced verification complexity

    Summarizing multiprocessor program execution with versatile, microarchitecture-independent snapshots

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 131-137).Computer architects rely heavily on software simulation to evaluate, refine, and validate new designs before they are implemented. However, simulation time continues to increase as computers become more complex and multicore designs become more common. This thesis investigates software structures and algorithms for quickly simulating modern cache-coherent multiprocessors by amortizing the time spent to simulate the memory system and branch predictors. The Memory Timestamp Record (MTR) summarizes the directory and cache state of a multiprocessor system in a compact data structure. A single MTR snapshot is versatile enough to reconstruct the microarchitectural state resulting from various coherence protocols and cache organizations. The MTR may be quickly updated by each simulated processor during a fast-forwarding phase and optionally stored off-line for reuse. To fill large branch prediction tables, we introduce Branch Predictor-based Compression (BPC) which compactly stores a branch trace so that it may be used to fill in any branch predictor structure. An entire BPC trace requires less space than single discrete predictor snapshots, and it may be decompressed 3-6x faster than performing functional simulation.by Kenneth C. Barr.Ph.D