8 research outputs found

    Distributed Methods for Computing Approximate Equilibria

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    We present a new, distributed method to compute approximate Nash equilibria in bimatrix games. In contrast to previous approaches that analyze the two payoff matrices at the same time (for example, by solving a single LP that combines the two players payoffs), our algorithm first solves two independent LPs, each of which is derived from one of the two payoff matrices, and then compute approximate Nash equilibria using only limited communication between the players. Our method has several applications for improved bounds for efficient computations of approximate Nash equilibria in bimatrix games. First, it yields a best polynomial-time algorithm for computing \emph{approximate well-supported Nash equilibria (WSNE)}, which guarantees to find a 0.6528-WSNE in polynomial time. Furthermore, since our algorithm solves the two LPs separately, it can be used to improve upon the best known algorithms in the limited communication setting: the algorithm can be implemented to obtain a randomized expected-polynomial-time algorithm that uses poly-logarithmic communication and finds a 0.6528-WSNE. The algorithm can also be carried out to beat the best known bound in the query complexity setting, requiring O(nlogn)O(n \log n) payoff queries to compute a 0.6528-WSNE. Finally, our approach can also be adapted to provide the best known communication efficient algorithm for computing \emph{approximate Nash equilibria}: it uses poly-logarithmic communication to find a 0.382-approximate Nash equilibrium

    Distributed Methods for Computing Approximate Equilibria

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    We present a new, distributed method to compute approximate Nash equilibria in bimatrix games. In contrast to previous approaches that analyze the two payoff matrices at the same time (for example, by solving a single LP that combines the two players’ payoffs), our algorithm first solves two independent LPs, each of which is derived from one of the two payoff matrices, and then computes an approximate Nash equilibrium using only limited communication between the players. Our method gives improved bounds on the complexity of computing approximate Nash equilibria in a number of different settings. Firstly, it gives a polynomial-time algorithm for computing approximate well supported Nash equilibria (WSNE) that always finds a 0.6528-WSNE, beating the previous best guarantee of 0.6608. Secondly, since our algorithm solves the two LPs separately, it can be applied to give an improved bound in the limited communication setting, giving a randomized expected-polynomial-time algorithm that uses poly-logarithmic communication and finds a 0.6528-WSNE, which beats the previous best known guarantee of 0.732. It can also be applied to the case of approximate Nash equilibria, where we obtain a randomized expected-polynomial-time algorithm that uses poly-logarithmic communication and always finds a 0.382-approximate Nash equilibrium, which improves the previous best guarantee of 0.438. Finally, the method can also be applied in the query complexity setting to give an algorithm that makes O(nlogn) payoff queries and always finds a 0.6528-WSNE, which improves the previous best known guarantee of 2/3

    A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for 1/2-Well-Supported Nash Equilibria in Bimatrix Games

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    Since the seminal PPAD-completeness result for computing a Nash equilibrium even in two-player games, an important line of research has focused on relaxations achievable in polynomial time. In this paper, we consider the notion of ε\varepsilon-well-supported Nash equilibrium, where ε[0,1]\varepsilon \in [0,1] corresponds to the approximation guarantee. Put simply, in an ε\varepsilon-well-supported equilibrium, every player chooses with positive probability actions that are within ε\varepsilon of the maximum achievable payoff, against the other player's strategy. Ever since the initial approximation guarantee of 2/3 for well-supported equilibria, which was established more than a decade ago, the progress on this problem has been extremely slow and incremental. Notably, the small improvements to 0.6608, and finally to 0.6528, were achieved by algorithms of growing complexity. Our main result is a simple and intuitive algorithm, that improves the approximation guarantee to 1/2. Our algorithm is based on linear programming and in particular on exploiting suitably defined zero-sum games that arise from the payoff matrices of the two players. As a byproduct, we show how to achieve the same approximation guarantee in a query-efficient way

    A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for 1/3-Approximate Nash Equilibria in Bimatrix Games

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    Since the celebrated PPAD-completeness result for Nash equilibria in bimatrix games, a long line of research has focused on polynomial-time algorithms that compute ?-approximate Nash equilibria. Finding the best possible approximation guarantee that we can have in polynomial time has been a fundamental and non-trivial pursuit on settling the complexity of approximate equilibria. Despite a significant amount of effort, the algorithm of Tsaknakis and Spirakis [Tsaknakis and Spirakis, 2008], with an approximation guarantee of (0.3393+?), remains the state of the art over the last 15 years. In this paper, we propose a new refinement of the Tsaknakis-Spirakis algorithm, resulting in a polynomial-time algorithm that computes a (1/3+?)-Nash equilibrium, for any constant ? > 0. The main idea of our approach is to go beyond the use of convex combinations of primal and dual strategies, as defined in the optimization framework of [Tsaknakis and Spirakis, 2008], and enrich the pool of strategies from which we build the strategy profiles that we output in certain bottleneck cases of the algorithm

    On Tightness of the Tsaknakis-Spirakis Algorithm for Approximate Nash Equilibrium

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    Finding the minimum approximate ratio for Nash equilibrium of bi-matrix games has derived a series of studies, started with 3/4, followed by 1/2, 0.38 and 0.36, finally the best approximate ratio of 0.3393 by Tsaknakis and Spirakis (TS algorithm for short). Efforts to improve the results remain not successful in the past 14 years. This work makes the first progress to show that the bound of 0.3393 is indeed tight for the TS algorithm. Next, we characterize all possible tight game instances for the TS algorithm. It allows us to conduct extensive experiments to study the nature of the TS algorithm and to compare it with other algorithms. We find that this lower bound is not smoothed for the TS algorithm in that any perturbation on the initial point may deviate away from this tight bound approximate solution. Other approximate algorithms such as Fictitious Play and Regret Matching also find better approximate solutions. However, the new distributed algorithm for approximate Nash equilibrium by Czumaj et al. performs consistently at the same bound of 0.3393. This proves our lower bound instances generated against the TS algorithm can serve as a benchmark in design and analysis of approximate Nash equilibrium algorithms

    Inapproximability results for constrained approximate Nash equilibria

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    We study the problem of finding approximate Nash equilibria that satisfy certain conditions, such as providing good social welfare. In particular, we study the problem ϵ-NE δ-SW: find an ϵ-approximate Nash equilibrium (ϵ-NE) that is within δ of the best social welfare achievable by an ϵ-NE. Our main result is that, if the exponential-time hypothesis (ETH) is true, then solving -NE -SW for an bimatrix game requires time. Building on this result, we show similar conditional running time lower bounds for a number of other decision problems for ϵ-NE, where, for example, the payoffs or supports of players are constrained. We show quasi-polynomial lower bounds for these problems assuming ETH, where these lower bounds apply to ϵ-Nash equilibria for all . The hardness of these other decision problems has so far only been studied in the context of exact equilibria

    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volum