11 research outputs found

    Distributed Gibbs: A memory-bounded sampling-based DCOP algorithm

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    National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore under International Research Centres in Singapore Funding Initiativ

    Accelerating exact and approximate inference for (distributed) discrete optimization with GPUs

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    Discrete optimization is a central problem in artificial intelligence. The optimization of the aggregated cost of a network of cost functions arises in a variety of problems including Weighted Constraint Programs (WCSPs), Distributed Constraint Optimization (DCOP), as well as optimization in stochastic variants such as the tasks of finding the most probable explanation (MPE) in belief networks. Inference-based algorithms are powerful techniques for solving discrete optimization problems, which can be used independently or in combination with other techniques. However, their applicability is often limited by their compute intensive nature and their space requirements. This paper proposes the design and implementation of a novel inference-based technique, which exploits modern massively parallel architectures, such as those found in Graphical Processing Units (GPUs), to speed up the resolution of exact and approximated inference-based algorithms for discrete optimization. The paper studies the proposed algorithm in both centralized and distributed optimization contexts. The paper demonstrates that the use of GPUs provides significant advantages in terms of runtime and scalability, achieving up to two orders of magnitude in speedups and showing a considerable reduction in execution time (up to 345 times faster) with respect to a sequential version

    Incremental DCOP Search Algorithms for Solving Dynamic DCOP Problems

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    Distributed constraint optimization problems (DCOPs) are wellsuited for modeling multi-agent coordination problems. However, most research has focused on developing algorithms for solving static DCOPs. In this paper, we model dynamic DCOPs as sequences of (static) DCOPs with changes from one DCOP to the next one in the sequence. We introduce the ReuseBounds procedure, which can be used by any-space ADOPT and any-space BnB-ADOPT to find cost-minimal solutions for all DCOPs in the sequence faster than by solving each DCOP individually. This procedure allows those agents that are guaranteed to remain unaffected by a change to reuse their lower and upper bounds from the previous DCOP when solving the next one in the sequence. Our experimental results show that the speedup gained from this procedure increases with the amount of memory the agents have available

    Combining search strategies for distributed constraint satisfaction.

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    Many real-life problems such as distributed meeting scheduling, mobile frequency allocation and resource allocation can be solved using multi-agent paradigms. Distributed constraint satisfaction problems (DisCSPs) is a framework for describing such problems in terms of related subproblems, called a complex local problem (CLP), which are dispersed over a number of locations, each with its own constraints on the values their variables can take. An agent knows the variables in its CLP plus the variables (and their current value) which are directly related to one of its own variables and the constraints relating them. It knows little about the rest of the problem. Thus, each CLP is solved by an agent which cooperates with other agents to solve the overall problem. Algorithms for solving DisCSPs can be classified as either systematic or local search with the former being complete and the latter incomplete. The algorithms generally assume that each agent has only one variable as they can solve DisCSP with CLPs using virtual agents. However, in large DisCSPs where it is appropriate to trade completeness off against timeliness, systematic search algorithms can be expensive when compared to local search algorithms which generally converge quicker to a solution (if a solution is found) when compared to systematic algorithms. A major drawback of local search algorithms is getting stuck at local optima. Significant researches have focused on heuristics which can be used in an attempt to either escape or avoid local optima. This thesis makes significant contributions to local search algorithms for DisCSPs. Firstly, we present a novel combination of heuristics in DynAPP (Dynamic Agent Prioritisation with Penalties), which is a distributed synchronous local search algorithm for solving DisCSPs having one variable per agent. DynAPP combines penalties on values and dynamic agent prioritisation heuristics to escape local optima. Secondly, we develop a divide and conquer approach that handles DisCSP with CLPs by exploiting the structure of the problem. The divide and conquer approach prioritises the finding of variable instantiations which satisfy the constraints between agents which are often more expensive to satisfy when compared to constraints within an agent. The approach also exploits concurrency and combines the following search strategies: (i) both systematic and local searches; (ii) both centralised and distributed searches; and (iii) a modified compilation strategy. We also present an algorithm that implements the divide and conquer approach in Multi-DCA (Divide and Conquer Algorithm for Agents with CLPs). DynAPP and Multi-DCA were evaluated on several benchmark problems and compared to the leading algorithms for DisCSPs and DisCSPs with CLPs respectively. The results show that at the region of difficult problems, combining search heuristics and exploiting problem structure in distributed constraint satisfaction achieve significant benefits (i.e. generally used less computational time and communication costs) over existing competing methods

    Distributed Gibbs: A linear-space sampling-based DCOP algorithm

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    National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore under International Research Centres in Singapore Funding Initiativ