531 research outputs found

    Distributed Adaptive Control for a Class of Heterogeneous Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems with Nonidentical Dimensions

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    A novel feedback distributed adaptive control strategy based on radial basis neural network (RBFNN) is proposed for the consensus control of a class of leaderless heterogeneous nonlinear multi-agent systems with the same and different dimensions. The distributed control, which consists of a sequence of comparable matrices or vectors, can make that all the states of each agent to attain consensus dynamic behaviors are defined with similar parameters of each agent with nonidentical dimensions. The coupling weight adaptation laws and the feedback management of neural network weights ensure that all signals in the closed-loop system are uniformly ultimately bounded. Finally, two simulation examples are carried out to validate the effectiveness of the suggested control design strategy

    Distributed Adaptive Control for Nonlinear Heterogeneous Multi-agent Systems with Different Dimensions and Time Delay

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    A distributed neural network adaptive feedback control system is designed for a class of nonlinear multi-agent systems with time delay and nonidentical dimensions. In contrast to previous works on nonlinear heterogeneous multi-agent with the same dimension, particular features are proposed for each agent with different dimensions, and similar parameters are defined, which will be combined parameters of the controller. Second, a novel distributed control based on similarity parameters is proposed using linear matrix inequality (LMI) and Lyapunov stability theory, establishing that all signals in a closed loop system are eventually ultimately bounded. The consistency tracking error steadily decreases to a field with a small number of zeros. Finally, simulated examples with different time delays are utilized to test the effectiveness of the proposed control technique

    Multi Agent Systems

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    Research on multi-agent systems is enlarging our future technical capabilities as humans and as an intelligent society. During recent years many effective applications have been implemented and are part of our daily life. These applications have agent-based models and methods as an important ingredient. Markets, finance world, robotics, medical technology, social negotiation, video games, big-data science, etc. are some of the branches where the knowledge gained through multi-agent simulations is necessary and where new software engineering tools are continuously created and tested in order to reach an effective technology transfer to impact our lives. This book brings together researchers working in several fields that cover the techniques, the challenges and the applications of multi-agent systems in a wide variety of aspects related to learning algorithms for different devices such as vehicles, robots and drones, computational optimization to reach a more efficient energy distribution in power grids and the use of social networks and decision strategies applied to the smart learning and education environments in emergent countries. We hope that this book can be useful and become a guide or reference to an audience interested in the developments and applications of multi-agent systems

    The role of Artificial Intelligence and distributed computing in IoT applications

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    [EN]The exchange of ideas between scientists and technicians, from both academic and business areas, is essential in order to ease the development of systems which can meet the demands of today’s society. Technology transfer in this field is still a challenge and, for that reason, this type of contributions are notably considered in this compilation. This book brings in discussions and publications concerning the development of innovative techniques of IoT complex problems. The technical program focuses both on high quality and diversity, with contributions in well-established and evolving areas of research. Specifically, 10 chapters were submitted to this book. The editors particularly encouraged and welcomed contributions on AI and distributed computing in IoT applications.Financed by regional government of Castilla y León and FEDER funds

    The role of Artificial Intelligence and Distributed computing in IoT applications

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    [ES] La serie «El rol de la inteligencia artificial y la computación distribuida en las aplicaciones IoT» contiene publicaciones sobre la teoría y aplicaciones de la computación distribuida y la inteligencia artificial en el Internet de las cosas. Prácticamente todas las disciplinas como la ingeniería, las ciencias naturales, la informática y las ciencias de la información, las TIC, la economía, los negocios, el comercio electrónico, el medio ambiente, la salud y las ciencias de la vida están cubiertas. La lista de temas abarca todas las áreas de los sistemas inteligentes modernos y la informática como: inteligencia computacional, soft computing incluyendo redes neuronales, inteligencia social, inteligencia ambiental, sistemas auto-organizados y adaptativos, computación centrada en el ser humano y centrada en el ser humano, sistemas de recomendación, control inteligente, robótica y mecatrónica, incluida la colaboración entre el ser humano y la máquina, paradigmas basados en el conocimiento, paradigmas de aprendizaje, ética de la máquina, análisis inteligente de datos, gestión del conocimiento, agentes inteligentes, toma de decisiones inteligentes y apoyo, seguridad de la red inteligente, gestión de la confianza, entretenimiento interactivo, inteligencia de la Web y multimedia. Las publicaciones en el marco de «El rol de la inteligencia artificial y la computación distribuida en las aplicaciones IoT» son principalmente las actas de seminarios, simposios y conferencias. Abarcan importantes novedades recientes en la materia, tanto de naturaleza fundacional como aplicable. Un importante rasgo característico de la serie es el corto tiempo de publicación. Esto permite una rápida y amplia difusión de los resultados de las investigaciones[EN] The series «The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Computing in IoT Applications» contains publications on the theory and applications of distributed computing and artificial intelligence in the Internet of Things. Virtually all disciplines such as engineering, natural sciences, computer and information sciences, ICT, economics, business, e-commerce, environment, health and life sciences are covered. The list of topics covers all areas of modern intelligent systems and computer science: computational intelligence, soft computing including neural networks, social intelligence, ambient intelligence, self-organising and adaptive systems, human-centred and people-centred computing, recommendation systems, intelligent control, robotics and mechatronics including human-machine collaboration, knowledge-based paradigms, learning paradigms, machine ethics, intelligent data analysis, knowledge management, intelligent agents, intelligent decision making and support, intelligent network security, trust management, interactive entertainment, web intelligence, and multimedia. The publications in the framework of «The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Computing in IoT Applications» are mainly the proceedings of seminars, symposia and conferences. They cover important recent developments in the field, whether of a foundational or applicable character. An important feature of the series is the short publication time. This allows for the rapid and wide dissemination of research results

    The Evolution of Neural Network-Based Chart Patterns: A Preliminary Study

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    A neural network-based chart pattern represents adaptive parametric features, including non-linear transformations, and a template that can be applied in the feature space. The search of neural network-based chart patterns has been unexplored despite its potential expressiveness. In this paper, we formulate a general chart pattern search problem to enable cross-representational quantitative comparison of various search schemes. We suggest a HyperNEAT framework applying state-of-the-art deep neural network techniques to find attractive neural network-based chart patterns; These techniques enable a fast evaluation and search of robust patterns, as well as bringing a performance gain. The proposed framework successfully found attractive patterns on the Korean stock market. We compared newly found patterns with those found by different search schemes, showing the proposed approach has potential.Comment: 8 pages, In proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2017), Berlin, German

    Multi-Agent Systems

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    A multi-agent system (MAS) is a system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents. Multi-agent systems can be used to solve problems which are difficult or impossible for an individual agent or monolithic system to solve. Agent systems are open and extensible systems that allow for the deployment of autonomous and proactive software components. Multi-agent systems have been brought up and used in several application domains

    Fault-Tolerant Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems Subject to Multiple Faults and Random Attacks

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    This paper explores the consensus control problem of nonlinear multi-agent systems (MASs) under complex cyber-physical threats (CPTs), which encompass sensor/actuator faults, input/output channel noises, and random cyber-attacks. The multiple sensor/actuator faults are uniformly modeled as an exponential type, while random cyber-attacks are characterized by a Markov chain. To enhance the safety and security of MASs under CPTs, the distributed normalized observers are first developed, enabling precise estimations of unknown state and fault information. Subsequently, the distributed fault-tolerant consensus control (FTCC) scheme with a positive reconstruction mechanism is proposed to maintain resilience against attacks, compensation for faults, and robustness to noises in MASs under adverse CPTs. The two notable innovations can be outlined as follows: i) The achievement of FTCC objectives under complex CPTs, demonstrating strong algorithmic transferability in both non-attack and random attack scenarios. ii) The adoption of a double-layer distributed framework in the estimation layer and control layer, balancing computational complexity and efficiency improvements compared to a combination of decentralized and distributed approaches. Simulation results finally confirm the efficacy and feasibility of the proposed FTCC algorithm