7,066 research outputs found

    StructMatrix: large-scale visualization of graphs by means of structure detection and dense matrices

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    Given a large-scale graph with millions of nodes and edges, how to reveal macro patterns of interest, like cliques, bi-partite cores, stars, and chains? Furthermore, how to visualize such patterns altogether getting insights from the graph to support wise decision-making? Although there are many algorithmic and visual techniques to analyze graphs, none of the existing approaches is able to present the structural information of graphs at large-scale. Hence, this paper describes StructMatrix, a methodology aimed at high-scalable visual inspection of graph structures with the goal of revealing macro patterns of interest. StructMatrix combines algorithmic structure detection and adjacency matrix visualization to present cardinality, distribution, and relationship features of the structures found in a given graph. We performed experiments in real, large-scale graphs with up to one million nodes and millions of edges. StructMatrix revealed that graphs of high relevance (e.g., Web, Wikipedia and DBLP) have characterizations that reflect the nature of their corresponding domains; our findings have not been seen in the literature so far. We expect that our technique will bring deeper insights into large graph mining, leveraging their use for decision making.Comment: To appear: 8 pages, paper to be published at the Fifth IEEE ICDM Workshop on Data Mining in Networks, 2015 as Hugo Gualdron, Robson Cordeiro, Jose Rodrigues (2015) StructMatrix: Large-scale visualization of graphs by means of structure detection and dense matrices In: The Fifth IEEE ICDM Workshop on Data Mining in Networks 1--8, IEE

    Enumerating Top-k Quasi-Cliques

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    Quasi-cliques are dense incomplete subgraphs of a graph that generalize the notion of cliques. Enumerating quasi-cliques from a graph is a robust way to detect densely connected structures with applications to bio-informatics and social network analysis. However, enumerating quasi-cliques in a graph is a challenging problem, even harder than the problem of enumerating cliques. We consider the enumeration of top-k degree-based quasi-cliques, and make the following contributions: (1) We show that even the problem of detecting if a given quasi-clique is maximal (i.e. not contained within another quasi-clique) is NP-hard (2) We present a novel heuristic algorithm KernelQC to enumerate the k largest quasi-cliques in a graph. Our method is based on identifying kernels of extremely dense subgraphs within a graph, following by growing subgraphs around these kernels, to arrive at quasi-cliques with the required densities (3) Experimental results show that our algorithm accurately enumerates quasi-cliques from a graph, is much faster than current state-of-the-art methods for quasi-clique enumeration (often more than three orders of magnitude faster), and can scale to larger graphs than current methods.Comment: 10 page

    Learning multifractal structure in large networks

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    Generating random graphs to model networks has a rich history. In this paper, we analyze and improve upon the multifractal network generator (MFNG) introduced by Palla et al. We provide a new result on the probability of subgraphs existing in graphs generated with MFNG. From this result it follows that we can quickly compute moments of an important set of graph properties, such as the expected number of edges, stars, and cliques. Specifically, we show how to compute these moments in time complexity independent of the size of the graph and the number of recursive levels in the generative model. We leverage this theory to a new method of moments algorithm for fitting large networks to MFNG. Empirically, this new approach effectively simulates properties of several social and information networks. In terms of matching subgraph counts, our method outperforms similar algorithms used with the Stochastic Kronecker Graph model. Furthermore, we present a fast approximation algorithm to generate graph instances following the multi- fractal structure. The approximation scheme is an improvement over previous methods, which ran in time complexity quadratic in the number of vertices. Combined, our method of moments and fast sampling scheme provide the first scalable framework for effectively modeling large networks with MFNG

    Sublinear-Time Distributed Algorithms for Detecting Small Cliques and Even Cycles

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    In this paper we give sublinear-time distributed algorithms in the CONGEST model for subgraph detection for two classes of graphs: cliques and even-length cycles. We show for the first time that all copies of 4-cliques and 5-cliques in the network graph can be listed in sublinear time, O(n^{5/6+o(1)}) rounds and O(n^{21/22+o(1)}) rounds, respectively. Prior to our work, it was not known whether it was possible to even check if the network contains a 4-clique or a 5-clique in sublinear time. For even-length cycles, C_{2k}, we give an improved sublinear-time algorithm, which exploits a new connection to extremal combinatorics. For example, for 6-cycles we improve the running time from O~(n^{5/6}) to O~(n^{3/4}) rounds. We also show two obstacles on proving lower bounds for C_{2k}-freeness: First, we use the new connection to extremal combinatorics to show that the current lower bound of Omega~(sqrt{n}) rounds for 6-cycle freeness cannot be improved using partition-based reductions from 2-party communication complexity, the technique by which all known lower bounds on subgraph detection have been proven to date. Second, we show that there is some fixed constant delta in (0,1/2) such that for any k, a Omega(n^{1/2+delta}) lower bound on C_{2k}-freeness implies new lower bounds in circuit complexity. For general subgraphs, it was shown in [Orr Fischer et al., 2018] that for any fixed k, there exists a subgraph H of size k such that H-freeness requires Omega~(n^{2-Theta(1/k)}) rounds. It was left as an open problem whether this is tight, or whether some constant-sized subgraph requires truly quadratic time to detect. We show that in fact, for any subgraph H of constant size k, the H-freeness problem can be solved in O(n^{2 - Theta(1/k)}) rounds, nearly matching the lower bound of [Orr Fischer et al., 2018]

    Core Decomposition in Multilayer Networks: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications

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    Multilayer networks are a powerful paradigm to model complex systems, where multiple relations occur between the same entities. Despite the keen interest in a variety of tasks, algorithms, and analyses in this type of network, the problem of extracting dense subgraphs has remained largely unexplored so far. In this work we study the problem of core decomposition of a multilayer network. The multilayer context is much challenging as no total order exists among multilayer cores; rather, they form a lattice whose size is exponential in the number of layers. In this setting we devise three algorithms which differ in the way they visit the core lattice and in their pruning techniques. We then move a step forward and study the problem of extracting the inner-most (also known as maximal) cores, i.e., the cores that are not dominated by any other core in terms of their core index in all the layers. Inner-most cores are typically orders of magnitude less than all the cores. Motivated by this, we devise an algorithm that effectively exploits the maximality property and extracts inner-most cores directly, without first computing a complete decomposition. Finally, we showcase the multilayer core-decomposition tool in a variety of scenarios and problems. We start by considering the problem of densest-subgraph extraction in multilayer networks. We introduce a definition of multilayer densest subgraph that trades-off between high density and number of layers in which the high density holds, and exploit multilayer core decomposition to approximate this problem with quality guarantees. As further applications, we show how to utilize multilayer core decomposition to speed-up the extraction of frequent cross-graph quasi-cliques and to generalize the community-search problem to the multilayer setting

    Enumerating Maximal Bicliques from a Large Graph using MapReduce

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    We consider the enumeration of maximal bipartite cliques (bicliques) from a large graph, a task central to many practical data mining problems in social network analysis and bioinformatics. We present novel parallel algorithms for the MapReduce platform, and an experimental evaluation using Hadoop MapReduce. Our algorithm is based on clustering the input graph into smaller sized subgraphs, followed by processing different subgraphs in parallel. Our algorithm uses two ideas that enable it to scale to large graphs: (1) the redundancy in work between different subgraph explorations is minimized through a careful pruning of the search space, and (2) the load on different reducers is balanced through the use of an appropriate total order among the vertices. Our evaluation shows that the algorithm scales to large graphs with millions of edges and tens of mil- lions of maximal bicliques. To our knowledge, this is the first work on maximal biclique enumeration for graphs of this scale.Comment: A preliminary version of the paper was accepted at the Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Congress on Big Data 201
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