1,178 research outputs found

    Clone Detection for Efficient System in WSN Using AODV

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    Wireless sensor networks accommodate a whole lot to thousands of sensor nodes and are wide employed in civilian and security applications. One in every of the intense physical attacks faced by the wireless sensor network is node clone attack. So 2 node clone detection protocols area unit introduced via distributed hash table and arbitrarily directed exploration to detect node clones. The previous primarily based on a hash table value that is already distributed and provides key based facilities like checking and caching to observe node clones. The later one is exploitation probabilistic directed forwarding technique and border determination. The simulation results for storage consumption, communication value and detection chance is completed exploitation NS2 and obtained arbitrarily directed exploration is that the best one having low communication value and storage consumption and has smart detection chance

    Whac-A-Mole: Smart Node Positioning in Clone Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks are often deployed in unattended environments and, thus, an adversary can physically capture some of the sensors, build clones with the same identity as the captured sensors, and place these clones at strategic positions in the network for further malicious activities. Such attacks, called clone attacks, are a very serious threat against the usefulness of wireless networks. Researchers proposed different techniques to detect such attacks. The most promising detection techniques are the distributed ones that scale for large networks and distribute the task of detecting the presence of clones among all sensors, thus, making it hard for a smart attacker to position the clones in such a way as to disrupt the detection process. However, even when the distributed algorithms work normally, their ability to discover an attack may vary greatly with the position of the clones. We believe this aspect has been greatly underestimated in the literature. In this paper, we present a thorough and novel study of the relation between the position of clones and the probability that the clones are detected. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first such study. In particular, we consider four algorithms that are representatives of the distributed approach. We evaluate for them whether their capability of detecting clone attacks is influenced by the positions of the clones. Since wireless sensor networks may be deployed in different situations, our study considers several possible scenarios: a uniform scenario in which the sensors are deployed uniformly, and also not uniform scenarios, in which there are one or more large areas with no sensor (we call such areas “holes”) that force communications to flow around these areas. We show that the different scenarios greatly influence the performance of the algorithms. For instance, we show that, when holes are present, there are some clone positions that make the attacks much harder to be detected. We believe that our work is key to better understand the actual security risk of the clone attack in the presence of a smart adversary and also with respect to different deployment scenarios. Moreover, our work suggests, for the different scenarios, effective clone detection solutions even when a smart adversary is part of the game

    Node clone detection using a stable overlay network

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    Wireless sensor networks consist of number of sensor nodes widely distributed in particular region to communicate and sharing the environmental information and also these data’s are stored in central location for further data prediction. Such nodes are susceptible to cloning attack where the adversary captures a node, replicates with the same identity as that of the captured node and deploys the clone back into the network, causing severe harm to the network. Hence to thwart such attacks, a distributed detection protocol is used with initiator-observer-inspector roles assigned randomly for the nodes to witness the clone and thereby broadcast the evidence through a balanced overlay network. Use of such balanced network provides high security level and reduces the communication cost when compared to other overlay networks with a reasonably less storage consumption

    AMISEC: Leveraging Redundancy and Adaptability to Secure AmI Applications

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    Security in Ambient Intelligence (AmI) poses too many challenges due to the inherently insecure nature of wireless sensor nodes. However, there are two characteristics of these environments that can be used effectively to prevent, detect, and confine attacks: redundancy and continuous adaptation. In this article we propose a global strategy and a system architecture to cope with security issues in AmI applications at different levels. Unlike in previous approaches, we assume an individual wireless node is vulnerable. We present an agent-based architecture with supporting services that is proven to be adequate to detect and confine common attacks. Decisions at different levels are supported by a trust-based framework with good and bad reputation feedback while maintaining resistance to bad-mouthing attacks. We also propose a set of services that can be used to handle identification, authentication, and authorization in intelligent ambients. The resulting approach takes into account practical issues, such as resource limitation, bandwidth optimization, and scalability

    Hybrid Multi-Level Detection and Mitigation of Clone Attacks in Mobile Wireless Sensor Network (MWSN).

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are often deployed in hostile environments, where an adversary can physically capture some of the sensor nodes. The adversary collects all the nodes' important credentials and subsequently replicate the nodes, which may expose the network to a number of other security attacks, and eventually compromise the entire network. This harmful attack where a single or more nodes illegitimately claims an identity as replicas is known as the node replication attack. The problem of node replication attack can be further aggravated due to the mobile nature in WSN. In this paper, we propose an extended version of multi-level replica detection technique built on Danger Theory (DT), which utilizes a hybrid approach (centralized and distributed) to shield the mobile wireless sensor networks (MWSNs) from clone attacks. The danger theory concept depends on a multi-level of detections; first stage (highlights the danger zone (DZ) by checking the abnormal behavior of mobile nodes), second stage (battery check and random number) and third stage (inform about replica to other networks). The DT method performance is highlighted through security parameters such as false negative, energy, detection time, communication overhead and delay in detection. The proposed approach also demonstrates that the hybrid DT method is capable and successful in detecting and mitigating any malicious activities initiated by the replica. Nowadays, crimes are vastly increasing and it is crucial to modify the systems accordingly. Indeed, it is understood that the communication needs to be secured by keen observation at each level of detection. The simulation results show that the proposed approach overcomes the weaknesses of the previous and existing centralized and distributed approaches and enhances the performance of MWSN in terms of communication and memory overhead

    Clone Node Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are often deployed in unfavourable situations where an assailant can physically capture some of the nodes, first can reprogram, and then, can replicate them in a large number of clones, easily taking control over the network. This replication node is also called as Clone node. The clone node or replicated node behave as a genuine node. It can damage the network. In node replication attack detecting the clone node important issue in Wireless Sensor Networks. A few distributed solutions have been recently proposed, but they are not satisfactory. First, they are intensity and memory demanding: A serious drawback for any protocol to be used in the WSN- resource constrained environment. In this project first investigate the selection criteria of clone detection schemes with regard to device types, detection methodologies, deployment strategies, and detection ranges. Further, they are vulnerable to the specific assailant models introduced in this paper. In this scenario, a particularly dangerous attack is the replica attack, in which the assailant takes the secret keying materials from a compromised node, generates a large number of assailant-controlled replicas that share the node’s keying materials and ID, and then spreads these replicas throughout the network. With a single captured node, the assailant can create as many replica nodes as he has the hardware to generate.. The replica nodes are controlled by the assailant, but have keying materials that allow them to seem like authorized participants in the network. Our implementation specifies, user will specify its ID, which means client id, secret key will be create, and then include the port number. The witness node will verify the internally bounded user Id and secret key. The witness node means original node. If the verification is success, the information collecting to the packets that packets are send to the destination