79,014 research outputs found

    Distributed Optimization with Application to Power Systems and Control

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    In many engineering domains, systems are composed of partially independent subsystems—power systems are composed of distribution and transmission systems, teams of robots are composed of individual robots, and chemical process systems are composed of vessels, heat exchangers and reactors. Often, these subsystems should reach a common goal such as satisfying a power demand with minimum cost, flying in a formation, or reaching an optimal set-point. At the same time, limited information exchange is desirable—for confidentiality reasons but also due to communication constraints. Moreover, a fast and reliable decision process is key as applications might be safety-critical. Mathematical optimization techniques are among the most successful tools for controlling systems optimally with feasibility guarantees. Yet, they are often centralized—all data has to be collected in one central and computationally powerful entity. Methods from distributed optimization control the subsystems in a distributed or decentralized fashion, reducing or avoiding central coordination. These methods have a long and successful history. Classical distributed optimization algorithms, however, are typically designed for convex problems. Hence, they are only partially applicable in the above domains since many of them lead to optimization problems with non-convex constraints. This thesis develops one of the first frameworks for distributed and decentralized optimization with non-convex constraints. Based on the Augmented Lagrangian Alternating Direction Inexact Newton (ALADIN) algorithm, a bi-level distributed ALADIN framework is presented, solving the coordination step of ALADIN in a decentralized fashion. This framework can handle various decentralized inner algorithms, two of which we develop here: a decentralized variant of the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) and a novel decentralized Conjugate Gradient algorithm. Decentralized conjugate gradient is to the best of our knowledge the first decentralized algorithm with a guarantee of convergence to the exact solution in a finite number of iterates. Sufficient conditions for fast local convergence of bi-level ALADIN are derived. Bi-level ALADIN strongly reduces the communication and coordination effort of ALADIN and preserves its fast convergence guarantees. We illustrate these properties on challenging problems from power systems and control, and compare performance to the widely used ADMM. The developed methods are implemented in the open-source MATLAB toolbox ALADIN-—one of the first toolboxes for decentralized non-convex optimization. ALADIN- comes with a rich set of application examples from different domains showing its broad applicability. As an additional contribution, this thesis provides new insights why state-of-the-art distributed algorithms might encounter issues for constrained problems

    Decentralized Proximal Method of Multipliers for Convex Optimization with Coupled Constraints

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    In this paper, a decentralized proximal method of multipliers (DPMM) is proposed to solve constrained convex optimization problems over multi-agent networks, where the local objective of each agent is a general closed convex function, and the constraints are coupled equalities and inequalities. This algorithm strategically integrates the dual decomposition method and the proximal point algorithm. One advantage of DPMM is that subproblems can be solved inexactly and in parallel by agents at each iteration, which relaxes the restriction of requiring exact solutions to subproblems in many distributed constrained optimization algorithms. We show that the first-order optimality residual of the proposed algorithm decays to 00 at a rate of o(1/k)o(1/k) under general convexity. Furthermore, if a structural assumption for the considered optimization problem is satisfied, the sequence generated by DPMM converges linearly to an optimal solution. In numerical simulations, we compare DPMM with several existing algorithms using two examples to demonstrate its effectiveness

    Distributed Spatiotemporal Motion Planning for Spacecraft Swarms in Cluttered Environments

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    This paper focuses on trajectory planning for spacecraft swarms in cluttered environments, like debris fields or the asteroid belt. Our objective is to reconfigure the spacecraft swarm to a desired formation in a distributed manner while minimizing fuel and avoiding collisions among themselves and with the obstacles. In our prior work we proposed a novel distributed guidance algorithm for spacecraft swarms in static environments. In this paper, we present the Multi-Agent Moving-Obstacles Spherical Expansion and Sequential Convex Programming (MAMO SE-SCP) algorithm that extends our prior work to include spatiotemporal constraints such as time-varying, moving obstacles and desired time-varying terminal positions. In the MAMO SE-SCP algorithm, each agent uses a spherical-expansion-based sampling algorithm to cooperatively explore the time-varying environment, a distributed assignment algorithm to agree on the terminal position for each agent, and a sequential-convex-programming-based optimization step to compute the locally-optimal trajectories from the current location to the assigned time-varying terminal position while avoiding collision with other agent and the moving obstacles. Simulations results demonstrate that the proposed distributed algorithm can be used by a spacecraft swarm to achieve a time-varying, desired formation around an object of interest in a dynamic environment with many moving and tumbling obstacles

    Fast, Distributed Optimization Strategies for Resource Allocation in Networks

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    Many challenges in network science and engineering today arise from systems composed of many individual agents interacting over a network. Such problems range from humans interacting with each other in social networks to computers processing and exchanging information over wired or wireless networks. In any application where information is spread out spatially, solutions must address information aggregation in addition to the decision process itself. Intelligently addressing the trade off between information aggregation and decision accuracy is fundamental to finding solutions quickly and accurately. Network optimization challenges such as these have generated a lot of interest in distributed optimization methods. The field of distributed optimization deals with iterative methods which perform calculations using locally available information. Early methods such as subgradient descent suffer very slow convergence rates because the underlying optimization method is a first order method. My work addresses problems in the area of network optimization and control with an emphasis on accelerating the rate of convergence by using a faster underlying optimization method. In the case of convex network flow optimization, the problem is transformed to the dual domain, moving the equality constraints which guarantee flow conservation into the objective. The Newton direction can be computed locally by using a consensus iteration to solve a Poisson equation, but this requires a lot of communication between neighboring nodes. Accelerated Dual Descent (ADD) is an approximate Newton method, which significantly reduces the communication requirement. Defining a stochastic version of the convex network flow problem with edge capacities yields a problem equivalent to the queue stability problem studied in the backpressure literature. Accelerated Backpressure (ABP) is developed to solve the queue stabilization problem. A queue reduction method is introduced by merging ideas from integral control and momentum based optimization

    Distributed averaging over communication networks:Fragility, robustness and opportunities

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    Distributed averaging, a canonical operation among many natural interconnected systems, has found applications in a tremendous variety of applied fields, including statistical physics, signal processing, systems and control, communication and social science. As information exchange is a central part of distributed averaging systems, it is of practical as well as theoretical importance to understand various properties/limitations of those systems in the presence of communication constraints and devise new algorithms to alleviate those limitations. We study the fragility of a popular distributed averaging algorithm when the information exchange among the nodes is limited by communication delays, fading connections and additive noise. We show that the otherwise well studied and benign multi-agent system can generate a collective global complex behavior. We characterize this behavior, common to many natural and human-made interconnected systems, as a collective hyper-jump diffusion process and as a L\\u27{e}vy flights process in a special case. We further describe the mechanism for its emergence and predict its occurrence, under standard assumptions, by checking the Mean Square instability of a certain part of the system. We show that the strong connectivity property of the network topology guarantees that the complex behavior is global and manifested by all the agents in the network, even though the source of uncertainty is localized. We provide novel computational analysis of the MS stability index under spatially invariant structures and gain certain qualitative as well as quantitative insights of the system. We then focus on design of agents\u27 dynamics to increase the robustness of distributed averaging system to topology variations. We provide a general structure of distributed averaging systems where individual agents are modeled by LTI systems. We show the problem of designing agents\u27 dynamics for distributed averaging is equivalent to an H∞\mathcal{H}_{\infty} minimization problem. In this way, we could use tools from robust control theory to build the distributed averaging system where the design is fully distributed and scalable with the size of the network. It is also shown that the agents could be used in different fixed networks and networks with speical time varying interconnections. We develop new iterative distributed averaging algorithms which allow agents to compute the average quantity in the presence of additive noise and random changing interconnections. The algorithm relaxes several previous restrictive assumptions on distributed averaging under uncertainties, such as diminishing step size rule, doubly stochastic weights, symmetric link switching styles, etc, and introduces novel mechanism of network feedback to mitigate effects of communication uncertainties on information aggregation. Based on the robust distributed averaging algorithm, we propose continuous as well as discrete time computation models to solve the distributed optimization problem where the objective function is formed by the summation of convex functions of the same variable. The algorithm shows faster convergence speed than existing ones and exhibits robustness to additive noise, which is the main source of limitation on algorithms based on convex mixing. It is shown that agents with simple dynamics and gradient sensing abilities could collectively solve complicated convex optimization problems. Finally, we generalize this algorithm to build a general framework forconstrained convex optimization problems. This framework is shown to be particularly effective to derive solutions for distributed decision making problems and lead to a systems perspective for convex optimization
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