20 research outputs found

    Managing smart cities with deepint.net

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    In this keynote, the evolution of intelligent computer systems will be examined. The need for human capital will be emphasised, as well as the need to follow one’s “gut instinct” in problem-solving. We will look at the benefits of combining information and knowledge to solve complex problems and will examine how knowledge engineering facilitates the integration of different algorithms. Furthermore, we will analyse the importance of complementary technologies such as IoT and Blockchain in the development of intelligent systems. It will be shown how tools like "Deep Intelligence" make it possible to create computer systems efficiently and effectively. "Smart" infrastructures need to incorporate all added-value resources so they can offer useful services to the society, while reducing costs, ensuring reliability and improving the quality of life of the citizens. The combination of AI with IoT and with blockchain offers a world of possibilities and opportunities

    Methodologies for innovation and best practices in Industry 4.0 for SMEs

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    Today, cyber physical systems are transforming the way in which industries operate, we call this Industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 involves the use of technologies such as Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Internet of Things, Robotics and most of all Big Data. Big Data are the very basis of the Industry 4.0 paradigm, because they can provide crucial information on all the processes that take place within manufacturing (which helps optimize processes and prevent downtime), as well as provide information about the employees (performance, individual needs, safety in the workplace) as well as clients/customers (their needs and wants, trends, opinions) which helps businesses become competitive and expand on the international market. Current processing capabilities thanks to technologies such as Internet of Things, Cloud Computing and Edge Computing, mean that data can be processed much faster and with greater security. The implementation of Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as Machine Learning, can enable technologies, can help machines take certain decisions autonomously, or help humans make decisions much faster. Furthermore, data can be used to feed predictive models which can help businesses and manufacturers anticipate future changes and needs, address problems before they cause tangible harm

    AIoT for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

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    Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) is a relatively new concept that involves the merging of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the Internet of Things (IoT). It has emerged from the realization that Internet of Things networks could be further enhanced if they were also provided with Artificial Intelligence, enhancing the extraction of data and network operation. Prior to AIoT, the Internet of Things would consist of networks of sensors embedded in a physical environment, that collected data and sent them to a remote server. Upon reaching the server, a data analysis would be carried out which normally involved the application of a series of Artificial Intelligence techniques by experts. However, as Internet of Things networks expand in smart cities, this workflow makes optimal operation unfeasible. This is because the data that is captured by IoT is increasing in size continually. Sending such amounts of data to a remote server becomes costly, time-consuming and resource inefficient. Moreover, dependence on a central server means that a server failure, which would be imminent if overloaded with data, would lead to a halt in the operation of the smart service for which the IoT network had been deployed. Thus, decentralizing the operation becomes a crucial element of AIoT. This is done through the Edge Computing paradigm which takes the processing of data to the edge of the network. Artificial Intelligence is found at the edge of the network so that the data may be processed, filtered and analyzed there. It is even possible to equip the edge of the network with the ability to make decisions through the implementation of AI techniques such as Machine Learning. The speed of decision making at the edge of the network means that many social, environmental, industrial and administrative processes may be optimized, as crucial decisions may be taken faster. Deep Intelligence is a tool that employs disruptive Artificial Intelligence techniques for data analysis i.e., classification, clustering, forecasting, optimization, visualization. Its strength lies in its ability to extract data from virtually any source type. This is a very important feature given the heterogeneity of the data being produced in the world today. Another very important characteristic is its intuitiveness and ability to operate almost autonomously. The user is guided through the process which means that anyone can use it without any knowledge of the technical, technological and mathematical aspects of the processes performed by the platform. This means that the Deepint.net platform integrates functionalities that would normally take years to implement in any sector individually and that would normally require a group of experts in data analysis and related technologies [1-322]. The Deep Intelligence platform can be used to easily operate Edge Computing architectures and IoT networks. The joint characteristics of a well-designed Edge Computing platform (that is, one which brings computing resources to the edge of the network) and of the advanced Deepint.net platform deployed in a cloud environment, mean that high speed, real-time response, effective troubleshooting and management, as well as precise forecasting can be achieved. Moreover, the low cost of the solution, in combination with the availability of low-cost sensors, devices, Edge Computing hardware, means that deployment becomes a possibility for developing countries, where such solutions are needed most

    Building Efficient Smart Cities

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    Current technological developments offer promising solutions to the challenges faced by cities such as crowding, pollution, housing, the search for greater comfort, better healthcare, optimized mobility and other urban services that must be adapted to the fast-paced life of the citizens. Cities that deploy technology to optimize their processes and infrastructure fit under the concept of a smart city. An increasing number of cities strive towards becoming smart and some are even already being recognized as such, including Singapore, London and Barcelona. Our society has an ever-greater reliance on technology for its sustenance. This will continue into the future, as technology is rapidly penetrating all facets of human life, from daily activities to the workplace and industries. A myriad of data is generated from all these digitized processes, which can be used to further enhance all smart services, increasing their adaptability, precision and efficiency. However, dealing with large amounts of data coming from different types of sources is a complex process; this impedes many cities from taking full advantage of data, or even worse, a lack of control over the data sources may lead to serious security issues, leaving cities vulnerable to cybercrime. Given that smart city infrastructure is largely digitized, a cyberattack would have fatal consequences on the city’s operation, leading to economic loss, citizen distrust and shut down of essential city services and networks. This is a threat to the efficiency smart cities strive for

    Learning AI with deepint.net

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    This keynote will examine the evolution of intelligent computer systems over the last years, underscoring the need for human capital in this field, so that further progress can be made. In this regard, learning about AI through experience is a big challenge, but it is possible thanks to tools such as deepint.net, which enable anyone to develop AI systems; knowledge of programming is no longer necessary

    Intelligent Models in Complex Problem Solving

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    Artificial Intelligence revived in the last decade. The need for progress, the growing processing capacity and the low cost of the Cloud have facilitated the development of new, powerful algorithms. The efficiency of these algorithms in Big Data processing, Deep Learning and Convolutional Networks is transforming the way we work and is opening new horizons

    Artificial Intelligence, social changes and impact on the world of education

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    The way in which humans acquire and share knowledge has been under constant evolution throughout times. Since the appearance of the first computers, education has changed dramatically. Now, as disruptive technologies are in full development, new opportunities arise for taking education to levels that have never been seen before. Ever since the coronavirus pandemic, the use of online teaching modalities has become widespread all over the world and the situation has caused the development of robust digital learning solutions an urgent need. At present, primary, secondary, third-level teaching and all sorts of courses may be delivered online, either in real-time or recorded for later viewing. Classes can be complemented with videos, documents or even interactive exercises. However, the institutions that used little or no technology prior to Covid-19 have found this situation overwhelming. The lack of knowledge regarding the digital teaching/learning tools available on the market and/or lack of knowledge regarding their use, means that educational institutions will not be able to take full advantage of the opportunities offered; poor use of technology in online classrooms may hinder the students’ progress

    Efficient Digital Management in Smart Cities

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    The concept of smart cities puts the citizen at the center of all processes. It is the citizen who decides what kind of city they live in. Their opinions and attitudes towards technologies and the solutions they would like to see in their cities must be listened to. With Deep Intelligence, cities will be able to create more optimal citizen-centered services as, as the tool can collect data from multiple sources, such as databases and social networks, from which valuable information on citizens’ opinions and attitudes regarding technology, smart city services and urban problems, may be extracted

    IoT and Blockchain for Smart Cities

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    Blockchain is a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) that makes it possible to secure any type of transaction. This is because the information stored on the Blockchain is immutable, impeding any type of fraud or modification of the data. It was first created for Bitcoin transactions; however, the research community has realized its potential quickly, and started using it for purposes other than cryptocurrency transactions. Blockchain may even be used to secure and provide reliability to the data being transmitted between computational systems, ensuring their immutability. Given the amount of data produced within a smart city, the use of Blockchain is imperative in smart cities, as it protects them from cyberattacks and fraud. Moreover, the transparency of the information stored on Blockchain means that it helps create a more just and democratic society

    AIoT for Smart territories

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    Artificial Intelligence revived in the last decade. The need for progress, the growing processing capacity and the low cost of the Cloud have facilitated the development of new, powerful algorithms. The efficiency of these algorithms in Big Data processing, Deep Learning and Convolutional Networks is transforming the way we work and is opening new horizons. Thanks to them, we can now analyse data and obtain unimaginable solutions to today’s problems. Nevertheless, our success is not entirely based on algorithms, it also comes from our ability to follow our “gut” when choosing the best combination of algorithms for an intelligent artefact. It's about approaching engineering with a lot of knowledge and tact. This involves the use of both connectionist and symbolic systems, and of having a full understanding of the algorithms used. Moreover, to address today’s problems we must work with both historical and real-time data