Methodologies for innovation and best practices in Industry 4.0 for SMEs


Today, cyber physical systems are transforming the way in which industries operate, we call this Industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 involves the use of technologies such as Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Internet of Things, Robotics and most of all Big Data. Big Data are the very basis of the Industry 4.0 paradigm, because they can provide crucial information on all the processes that take place within manufacturing (which helps optimize processes and prevent downtime), as well as provide information about the employees (performance, individual needs, safety in the workplace) as well as clients/customers (their needs and wants, trends, opinions) which helps businesses become competitive and expand on the international market. Current processing capabilities thanks to technologies such as Internet of Things, Cloud Computing and Edge Computing, mean that data can be processed much faster and with greater security. The implementation of Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as Machine Learning, can enable technologies, can help machines take certain decisions autonomously, or help humans make decisions much faster. Furthermore, data can be used to feed predictive models which can help businesses and manufacturers anticipate future changes and needs, address problems before they cause tangible harm

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