6 research outputs found

    Distributed Collaborative Monitoring in Software Defined Networks

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    We propose a Distributed and Collaborative Monitoring system, DCM, with the following properties. First, DCM allow switches to collaboratively achieve flow monitoring tasks and balance measurement load. Second, DCM is able to perform per-flow monitoring, by which different groups of flows are monitored using different actions. Third, DCM is a memory-efficient solution for switch data plane and guarantees system scalability. DCM uses a novel two-stage Bloom filters to represent monitoring rules using small memory space. It utilizes the centralized SDN control to install, update, and reconstruct the two-stage Bloom filters in the switch data plane. We study how DCM performs two representative monitoring tasks, namely flow size counting and packet sampling, and evaluate its performance. Experiments using real data center and ISP traffic data on real network topologies show that DCM achieves highest measurement accuracy among existing solutions given the same memory budget of switches

    Self-Adaptive Decentralized Monitoring in Software-Defined Networks

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    The Software-Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm can allow network management solutions to automatically and frequently reconfigure network resources. When developing SDNbased management architectures, it is of paramount importance to design a monitoring system that can provide timely and consistent updates to heterogeneous management applications. To support such applications operating with low latency requirements, the monitoring system should scale with increasing network size and provide precise network views with minimum overhead on the available resources. In this paper we present a novel, self-adaptive, decentralized framework for resource monitoring in SDN. Our framework enables accurate statistics to be collected with limited burden on the network resources. This is realized through a self-tuning, adaptive monitoring mechanism that automatically adjusts its settings based on the traffic dynamics. We evaluate our proposal based on a realistic use case scenario, where a content distribution service and an on-demand gaming platform are deployed within an ISP network. The results show that reduced monitoring latencies are obtained with the proposed framework, thus enabling shorter reconfiguration control loops. In addition, the proposed adaptive monitoring method achieves significant gain in terms of monitoring overhead, while preserving the performance of the services considered


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    Systems that process big data (e.g., high-traffic networks and large-scale storage) prefer data structures and algorithms with small memory and fast processing speed. Efficient and fast algorithms play an essential role in system design, despite the improvement of hardware. This dissertation is organized around a novel algorithm called Othello Hashing. Othello Hashing supports ultra-fast and memory-efficient key-value lookup, and it fits the requirements of the core algorithms of many large-scale systems and big data applications. Using Othello hashing, combined with domain expertise in cloud, computer networks, big data, and bioinformatics, I developed the following applications that resolve several major challenges in the area. Concise: Forwarding Information Base. A Forwarding Information Base is a data structure used by the data plane of a forwarding device to determine the proper forwarding actions for packets. The polymorphic property of Othello Hashing the separation of its query and control functionalities, which is a perfect match to the programmable networks such as Software Defined Networks. Using Othello Hashing, we built a fast and scalable FIB named \textit{Concise}. Extensive evaluation results on three different platforms show that Concise outperforms other FIB designs. SDLB: Cloud Load Balancer. In a cloud network, the layer-4 load balancer servers is a device that acts as a reverse proxy and distributes network or application traffic across a number of servers. We built a software load balancer with Othello Hashing techniques named SDLB. SDLB is able to accomplish two functionalities of the SDLB using one Othello query: to find the designated server for packets of ongoing sessions and to distribute new or session-free packets. MetaOthello: Taxonomic Classification of Metagenomic Sequences. Metagenomic read classification is a critical step in the identification and quantification of microbial species sampled by high-throughput sequencing. Due to the growing popularity of metagenomic data in both basic science and clinical applications, as well as the increasing volume of data being generated, efficient and accurate algorithms are in high demand. We built a system to support efficient classification of taxonomic sequences using its k-mer signatures. SeqOthello: RNA-seq Sequence Search Engine. Advances in the study of functional genomics produced a vast supply of RNA-seq datasets. However, how to quickly query and extract information from sequencing resources remains a challenging problem and has been the bottleneck for the broader dissemination of sequencing efforts. The challenge resides in both the sheer volume of the data and its nature of unstructured representation. Using the Othello Hashing techniques, we built the SeqOthello sequence search engine. SeqOthello is a reference-free, alignment-free, and parameter-free sequence search system that supports arbitrary sequence query against large collections of RNA-seq experiments, which enables large-scale integrative studies using sequence-level data

    Accurate and Resource-Efficient Monitoring for Future Networks

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    Monitoring functionality is a key component of any network management system. It is essential for profiling network resource usage, detecting attacks, and capturing the performance of a multitude of services using the network. Traditional monitoring solutions operate on long timescales producing periodic reports, which are mostly used for manual and infrequent network management tasks. However, these practices have been recently questioned by the advent of Software Defined Networking (SDN). By empowering management applications with the right tools to perform automatic, frequent, and fine-grained network reconfigurations, SDN has made these applications more dependent than before on the accuracy and timeliness of monitoring reports. As a result, monitoring systems are required to collect considerable amounts of heterogeneous measurement data, process them in real-time, and expose the resulting knowledge in short timescales to network decision-making processes. Satisfying these requirements is extremely challenging given today’s larger network scales, massive and dynamic traffic volumes, and the stringent constraints on time availability and hardware resources. This PhD thesis tackles this important challenge by investigating how an accurate and resource-efficient monitoring function can be realised in the context of future, software-defined networks. Novel monitoring methodologies, designs, and frameworks are provided in this thesis, which scale with increasing network sizes and automatically adjust to changes in the operating conditions. These achieve the goal of efficient measurement collection and reporting, lightweight measurement- data processing, and timely monitoring knowledge delivery