11 research outputs found

    Distinguishing and Forgery Attacks on Alred and Its AES-based Instance Alpha-MAC

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    In this paper, we present new distinguishers of the MAC construction \textsc{Alred} and its specific instance \textsc{Alpha}-MAC based on AES, which is proposed by Daemen and Rijmen in 2005. For the \textsc{Alred} construction, we describe a general distinguishing attack which leads to a forgery attack directly. The complexity is 264.52^{64.5} chosen messages and 264.52^{64.5} queries with success probability 0.63. We also use a two-round collision differential path for \textsc{Alpha}-MAC, to construct a new distinguisher with about 265.52^{65.5} queries. The most important is that the new distinguisher can be used to recover the internal state, which is an equivalent secret subkey, and leads to a second preimage attack. Moreover, the distinguisher on \textsc{Alred} construction is also applicable to the MACs based on CBC and CFB encryption mode

    A Flaw in The Internal State Recovery Attack on ALPHA-MAC

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    An distinguisher was constructed by utilizing a 2-round collision differential path of ALPHA-MAC, with about 265.52^{65.5} chosen messages and 265.52^{65.5} queries. Then, this distinguisher was used to recover the internal state(\cite{Yuan1},\cite{Yuan2}). However, a flaw is found in the internal state recovery attack. The complexity of recovering the internal state is up to 2812^{81} exhaustive search. And the complexity of the whole attack will be up to 2672^{67} chosen messages and 2812^{81} exhaustive search. To repair the flaw, a modified 2-round differential path of ALPHA-MAC is present and a new distinguisher based on this path is proposed. Finally, an attack with about 265.52^{65.5} chosen messages and 265.52^{65.5} queries is obtained under the new distinguisher

    Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis of Pelican, MT-MAC-AES and PC-MAC-AES

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    In this paper, the impossible differential cryptanalysis is extended to MAC algorithms \textsc{Pelican}, MT-MAC and PC-MAC based on AES and 4-round AES. First, we collect message pairs that produce the inner near-collision with some specific differences by the birthday attack. Then the impossible differential attack on 4-round AES is implemented using a 3-round impossible differential property. For \textsc{Pelican}, our attack can recover the internal state, which is an equivalent subkey. For MT-MAC-AES, the attack turns out to be a subkey recovery attack directly. The data complexity of the two attacks is 285.52^{85.5} chosen messages, and the time complexity is about 285.52^{85.5} queries. For PC-MAC-AES, we can recover the 256-bit key with 285.52^{85.5} chosen messages and 21282^{128} queries

    The MAC function Pelican 2.0

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    We present an update of the Pelican MAC function, called Pelican 2.0. Both versions have the Alred construction and are based on Rijndael. they are a factor 2.5 more efficient than CBC-MAC with Rijndael, while providing a comparable claimed security level. The difference between Pelican 2.0 and the original version is that the initial value changes from the all-zero string to another constant. The reason for this is the negative impact on security if key check values are available computed with a certain standard key check value algorithm that applies the block cipher to the zero string and takes as key check value its truncated output. The security impact of this on a number of standard MACs is studied in Cryptology ePrint Archive Report 2014/183 and the analysis carries over for Pelican

    Distinguishing Attack and Second-Preimage Attack on the CBC-like MACs

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    In this paper, we first present a new distinguisher on the CBC-MAC based on a block cipher in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode. It can also be used to distinguish other CBC-like MACs from random functions. The main results of this paper are on the second-preimage attack on CBC-MAC and CBC-like MACs include TMAC, OMAC, CMAC, PC-MAC and MACs based on three-key encipher CBC mode. Instead of exhaustive search, this attack can be performed with the birthday attack complexity

    Cryptanalysis of HMAC/NMAC-Whirlpool

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    In this paper, we present universal forgery and key recovery attacks on the most popular hash-based MAC constructions, e.g., HMAC and NMAC, instantiated with an AES-like hash function Whirlpool. These attacks work with Whirlpool reduced to 6 out of 10 rounds in single-key setting. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result on ``original\u27\u27 key recovery for HMAC (previous works only succeeded in recovering the equivalent keys). Interestingly, the number of attacked rounds is comparable with that for collision and preimage attacks on Whirlpool hash function itself. Lastly, we present a distinguishing-H attack against the full HMAC- and NMAC-Whirlpool

    Robust Authenticated-Encryption: AEZ and the Problem that it Solves

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    With a scheme for \textit{robust} authenticated-encryption a user can select an arbitrary value λ0\lambda \ge 0 and then encrypt a plaintext of any length into a ciphertext that\u27s λ\lambda characters longer. The scheme must provide all the privacy and authenticity possible for the requested~λ\lambda. We formalize and investigate this idea, and construct a well-optimized solution, AEZ, from the AES round function. Our scheme encrypts strings at almost the same rate as OCB-AES or CTR-AES (on Haswell, AEZ has a peak speed of about 0.7 cpb). To accomplish this we employ an approach we call \textit{prove-then-prune}: prove security and then instantiate with a \textit{scaled-down} primitive (e.g., reducing rounds for blockcipher calls)

    Design of Efficient Symmetric-Key Cryptographic Algorithms

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    Cryptanalysis of Some Block Cipher Constructions

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    When the public-key cryptography was introduced in the 1970s, symmetric-key cryptography was believed to soon become outdated. Nevertheless, we still heavily rely on symmetric-key primitives as they give high-speed performance. They are used to secure mobile communication, e-commerce transactions, communication through virtual private networks and sending electronic tax returns, among many other everyday activities. However, the security of symmetric-key primitives does not depend on a well-known hard mathematical problem such as the factoring problem, which is the basis of the RSA public-key cryptosystem. Instead, the security of symmetric-key primitives is evaluated against known cryptanalytic techniques. Accordingly, the topic of furthering the state-of-the-art of cryptanalysis of symmetric-key primitives is an ever-evolving topic. Therefore, this thesis is dedicated to the cryptanalysis of symmetric-key cryptographic primitives. Our focus is on block ciphers as well as hash functions that are built using block ciphers. Our contributions can be summarized as follows: First, we tackle the limitation of the current Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) approaches to represent the differential propagation through large S-boxes. Indeed, we present a novel approach that can efficiently model the Difference Distribution Table (DDT) of large S-boxes, i.e., 8-bit S-boxes. As a proof of the validity and efficiency of our approach, we apply it on two out of the seven AES-round based constructions that were recently proposed in FSE 2016. Using our approach, we improve the lower bound on the number of active S-boxes of one construction and the upper bound on the best differential characteristic of the other. Then, we propose meet-in-the-middle attacks using the idea of efficient differential enumeration against two Japanese block ciphers, i.e., Hierocrypt-L1 and Hierocrypt-3. Both block ciphers were submitted to the New European Schemes for Signatures, Integrity, and Encryption (NESSIE) project, selected as one of the Japanese e-Government recommended ciphers in 2003 and reselected in the candidate recommended ciphers list in 2013. We construct five S-box layer distinguishers that we use to recover the master keys of reduced 8 S-box layer versions of both block ciphers. In addition, we present another meet-in-the-middle attack on Hierocrypt-3 with slightly higher time and memory complexities but with much less data complexity. Afterwards, we shift focus to another equally important cryptanalytic attack, i.e., impossible differential attack. SPARX-64/128 is selected among the SPARX family that was recently proposed to provide ARX based block cipher whose security against differential and linear cryptanalysis can be proven. We assess the security of SPARX-64/128 against impossible differential attack and show that it can reach the same number of rounds the division-based integral attack, proposed by the designers, can reach. Then, we pick Kiasu-BC as an example of a tweakable block cipher and prove that, on contrary to its designers’ claim, the freedom in choosing the publicly known tweak decreases its security margin. Lastly, we study the impossible differential properties of the underlying block cipher of the Russian hash standard Streebog and point out the potential risk in using it as a MAC scheme in the secret-IV mode