67 research outputs found

    Characterization of cortico-subthalamic networks during deep brain stimulation surgery in Parkinson’s disease

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    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a well-established symptomatic treatment for Parkinson’s diseases (PD). However, knowledge on local electrophysiological biomarkers within the STN and their cortical connectivity profile is still scarce. Such information would be necessary for optimal positioning of the DBS leads based on PD network pathophysiology. This thesis describes the introduction and exploration of a novel technique for electrophysiological measurements during DBS surgery. Combined electroencephalography (EEG) with stepwise local field potentials recordings during insertion of the DBS lead was performed intraoperatively, thereby, allowing to capture local STN and cortico-subthalamic physiology with high speactral and spatial specificity. Our results revealed that strong beta oscillatory activity in the STN was located more dorsally than the STN-ipsilateral motor network phase coupling; the respective frequency bands were in the low and high beta-band, respectively. Moreover, the spot within the STN, where this STN-cortical phase coupling occurred, correlated highly with the STN spot where the phase of beta oscillations modulated the amplitude of high-frequency oscillations. This STN location was furthermore, characterized by information flowed from the ipsilateral motor cortex to the STN in the high beta-band suggesting a pathologically synchronized network with a direct STN-motor cortex connection via the hyperdirect pathway. Interestingly, the very same STN spot showed a resonance like responses to electrical stimulation suggesting a decoupling of pathologically synchronized STN-motor cortex connectivity during therapeutic DBS. In conclusion, this PhD thesis provides first evidence that macroelectrode recordings with the chronic electrode concurrent with EEG recordings are a reliable method for STN localization during DBS surgery. Additionally, combining LFP and EEG recordings during mapping of STN offered a new way of DBS targeting on the basis of pathological local biomarkers and network activity

    Deep brain stimulation modulates synchrony within spatially and spectrally distinct resting state networks in Parkinson's disease

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    Oswal et al. characterise the effect of deep brain stimulation (DBS) on STN-cortical synchronisation in Parkinson-s disease. They propose that cortical driving of the STN in beta frequencies is subdivided anatomically and spectrally, corresponding to the hyperdirect and indirect pathways. DBS predominantly suppresses the former.Oswal et al. characterise the effect of deep brain stimulation (DBS) on STN-cortical synchronisation in Parkinson-s disease. They propose that cortical driving of the STN in beta frequencies is subdivided anatomically and spectrally, corresponding to the hyperdirect and indirect pathways. DBS predominantly suppresses the former.Chronic dopamine depletion in Parkinson's disease leads to progressive motor and cognitive impairment, which is associated with the emergence of characteristic patterns of synchronous oscillatory activity within cortico-basal-ganglia circuits. Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus is an effective treatment for Parkinson's disease, but its influence on synchronous activity in cortico-basal-ganglia loops remains to be fully characterized. Here, we demonstrate that deep brain stimulation selectively suppresses certain spatially and spectrally segregated resting state subthalamic nucleus-cortical networks. To this end we used a validated and novel approach for performing simultaneous recordings of the subthalamic nucleus and cortex using magnetoencephalography (during concurrent subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation). Our results highlight that clinically effective subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation suppresses synchrony locally within the subthalamic nucleus in the low beta oscillatory range and furthermore that the degree of this suppression correlates with clinical motor improvement. Moreover, deep brain stimulation relatively selectively suppressed synchronization of activity between the subthalamic nucleus and mesial premotor regions, including the supplementary motor areas. These mesial premotor regions were predominantly coupled to the subthalamic nucleus in the high beta frequency range, but the degree of deep brain stimulation-associated suppression in their coupling to the subthalamic nucleus was not found to correlate with motor improvement. Beta band coupling between the subthalamic nucleus and lateral motor areas was not influenced by deep brain stimulation. Motor cortical coupling with subthalamic nucleus predominantly involved driving of the subthalamic nucleus, with those drives in the higher beta frequency band having much shorter net delays to subthalamic nucleus than those in the lower beta band. These observations raise the possibility that cortical connectivity with the subthalamic nucleus in the high and low beta bands may reflect coupling mediated predominantly by the hyperdirect and indirect pathways to subthalamic nucleus, respectively, and that subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation predominantly suppresses the former. Yet only the change in strength of local subthalamic nucleus oscillations correlates with the degree of improvement during deep brain stimulation, compatible with the current view that a strengthened hyperdirect pathway is a prerequisite for locally generated beta activity but that it is the severity of the latter that may determine or index motor impairment

    The role of oscillation population activity in cortico-basal ganglia circuits.

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    The basal ganglia (BG) are a group of subcortical brain nuclei that are anatomically situated between the cortex and thalamus. Hitherto, models of basal ganglia function have been based solely on the anatomical connectivity and changes in the rate of neurons mediated by inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitter interactions and modulated by dopamine. Depletion of striatal dopamine as occurs in Parkinson's Disease (PD) however, leads primarily to changes in the rhythmicity of basal ganglia neurons. The general aim of this thesis is to use frontal electrocorticogram (ECoG) and basal ganglia local field potential (LFP) recordings in the rat to further investigate the putative role for oscillations and synchronisation in these structures in the healthy and dopamine depleted brain. In the awake animal, lesion of the SNc lead to a dramatic increase in the power and synchronisation of P-frequency band oscillations in the cortex and subthalamic nucleus (STN) compared to the sham lesioned animal. These results are highly similar to those in human patients and provide further evidence for a direct pathophysological role for p-frequency band oscillations in PD. In the healthy, anaesthetised animal, LFPs recorded in the STN, globus pallidus (GP) and substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) were all found to be coherent with the ECoG. A detailed analysis of the interdependence and direction of these activities during two different brain states, prominent slow wave activity (SWA) and global activation, lead to the hypothesis that there were state dependant changes in the dominance of the cortico-subthalamic and cortico-striatal pathways. Multiple LFP recordings in the striatum and GP provided further evidence for this hypothesis, as coherence between the ECoG and GP was found to be dependent on the striatum. Together these results suggest that oscillations and synchronisation may mediate information flow in cortico-basal ganglia networks in both health and disease

    Deep brain stimulation of subthalamic nucleus modulates cortical auditory processing in advanced Parkinson's Disease

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    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has proven its clinical efficacy in Parkinson's disease (PD), but its exact mechanisms and cortical effects continue to be unclear. Subthalamic (STN) DBS acutely modifies auditory evoked responses, but its long-term effect on auditory cortical processing remains ambiguous. We studied with magnetoencephalography the effect of long-term STN DBS on auditory processing in patients with advanced PD. DBS resulted in significantly increased contra-ipsilateral auditory response latency difference at similar to 100 ms after stimulus onset compared with preoperative state. The effect is likely due to normalization of neuronal asynchrony in the auditory pathways. The present results indicate that STN DBS in advanced PD patients has long-lasting effects on cortical areas outside those confined to motor processing. Whole-head magnetoencephalography provides a feasible tool to study motor and non-motor neural networks in PD, and to track possible changes related to cortical reorganization or plasticity induced by DBS.Peer reviewe

    Modulation of sensory cortical activity by deep brain stimulation in advanced Parkinson's disease

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    Despite optimal oral drug treatment, about 90% of patients with Parkinson's disease develop motor fluctuation and dyskinesia within 5-10 years from the diagnosis. Moreover, the patients show non-motor symptoms in different sensory domains. Bilateral deep brain stimulation (DBS) applied to the subthalamic nucleus is considered the most effective treatment in advanced Parkinson's disease, and it has been suggested to affect sensorimotor modulation and relate to motor improvement in patients. However, observations on the relationship between sensorimotor activity and clinical improvement have remained sparse. Here, we studied the somatosensory evoked magnetic fields in 13 right-handed patients with advanced Parkinson's disease before and 7 months after stimulator implantation. Somatosensory processing was addressed with magnetoencephalography during alternated median nerve stimulation at both wrists. The strengths and the latencies of the similar to 60-ms responses at the contralateral primary somatosensory cortices were highly variable but detectable and reliably localized in all patients. The response strengths did not differ between preoperative and postoperative DBSON measurements. The change in the response strength between preoperative and postoperative condition in the dominant left hemisphere of our right-handed patients correlated with the alleviation of their motor symptoms (p = .04). However, the result did not survive correction for multiple comparisons. Magnetoencephalography appears an effective tool to explore non-motor effects in patients with Parkinson's disease, and it may help in understanding the neurophysiological basis of DBS. However, the high interindividual variability in the somatosensory responses and poor tolerability of DBSOFF condition warrants larger patient groups and measurements also in non-medicated patients.Peer reviewe

    Subthalamic nucleus phase-amplitude coupling correlates with motor impairment in Parkinson's disease

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    Objective High-amplitude beta band oscillations within the subthalamic nucleus are frequently associated with Parkinson’s disease but it is unclear how they might lead to motor impairments. Here we investigate a likely pathological coupling between the phase of beta band oscillations and the amplitude of high-frequency oscillations around 300Hz. Methods We analysed an extensive data set comprising resting-state recordings obtained from deep brain stimulation electrodes in 33 patients before and/or after taking dopaminergic medication. We correlated mean values of spectral power and phase-amplitude coupling with severity of hemibody bradykinesia/rigidity. In addition, we used simultaneously recorded magneto-encephalography to look at functional interactions between the subthalamic nucleus and ipsilateral motor cortex. Results We analysed an extensive data set comprising resting-state recordings obtained from deep brain stimulation electrodes in 33 patients before and/or after taking dopaminergic medication. We correlated mean values of spectral power and phase-amplitude coupling with severity of hemibody bradykinesia/rigidity. In addition, we used simultaneously recorded magneto-encephalography to look at functional interactions between the subthalamic nucleus and ipsilateral motor cortex. Conclusions We speculate that the beta band might impede pro-kinetic high-frequency activity patterns when phase-amplitude coupling is prominent. Furthermore, results provide evidence for a functional subdivision of the beta band into low and high frequencies. Significance Our findings contribute to the interpretation of oscillatory activity within the cortico-basal ganglia circuit

    Oscillatory activity in the basal ganglia - is it relevant to movement disorders therapy?

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    Chronic high frequency stimulation of the basal ganglia can be a highly effective intervention for movement disorders in patients. In the past decade, therapeutic benefits have been seen with stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus and globus pallidus interna for Parkinson's disease (PD) and dystonia, respectively. These procedures have allowed direct recording of basal ganglia activity and have suggested that abnormal synchronisation of neurons in these nuclei may contribute to motor impairment. This thesis explores the possible correlation between synchronised activity in the basal ganglia, as evidenced by oscillations in local field potentials, and movement disorders. In Chapter 3, we demonstrate the correlation between synchronization at frequencies under 10 Hz in the globus pallidus interna and dystonic EMG. This low frequency activity is shown to be locked to neuronal activity within GPi in patients with dystonia (Chapter 4). Deep brain stimulation is thought to suppress spontaneous pathological activity in the basal ganglia. Equally, however, it must also suppress any residual physiological activity in these nuclei. In Chapter 5, we demonstrate that the basal ganglia are involved in the processing of simple limb movements in the human, by separating the effects of deep brain stimulation on pathological and physiological activities based on baseline task performance. An impairment of motor performance was seen during high frequency stimulation in those patients with the best task performance at baseline. This deleterious effect, however, should be distinguished from the effect of direct stimulation at 20 Hz in Parkinson's disease. Oscillatory activity at around 20 Hz is thought to be a core feature in Parkinson's disease. In Chapter 6, we demonstrate that the excessive synchronization imposed by stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus at 20 Hz slows movement, in those patients with the best task performance at baseline. This supports the notion that synchronization around 20 Hz may be causally linked to bradykinesia. Last, the therapeutic effectiveness of DBS therapy for patients with PD partially relies on the accurate localisation of the motor region of the subthalamic nucleus. In Chapter 7, we propose an alternative method for the localization of this region using the spontaneous pathological 20 Hz activity to be found in this nucleus. The findings of these studies provide evidence that basal ganglia oscillatory activities of differing frequencies contribute to movement disorders
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