565 research outputs found

    Mining Entity Synonyms with Efficient Neural Set Generation

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    Mining entity synonym sets (i.e., sets of terms referring to the same entity) is an important task for many entity-leveraging applications. Previous work either rank terms based on their similarity to a given query term, or treats the problem as a two-phase task (i.e., detecting synonymy pairs, followed by organizing these pairs into synonym sets). However, these approaches fail to model the holistic semantics of a set and suffer from the error propagation issue. Here we propose a new framework, named SynSetMine, that efficiently generates entity synonym sets from a given vocabulary, using example sets from external knowledge bases as distant supervision. SynSetMine consists of two novel modules: (1) a set-instance classifier that jointly learns how to represent a permutation invariant synonym set and whether to include a new instance (i.e., a term) into the set, and (2) a set generation algorithm that enumerates the vocabulary only once and applies the learned set-instance classifier to detect all entity synonym sets in it. Experiments on three real datasets from different domains demonstrate both effectiveness and efficiency of SynSetMine for mining entity synonym sets.Comment: AAAI 2019 camera-ready versio

    Large-Scale information extraction from textual definitions through deep syntactic and semantic analysis

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    We present DEFIE, an approach to large-scale Information Extraction (IE) based on a syntactic-semantic analysis of textual definitions. Given a large corpus of definitions we leverage syntactic dependencies to reduce data sparsity, then disambiguate the arguments and content words of the relation strings, and finally exploit the resulting information to organize the acquired relations hierarchically. The output of DEFIE is a high-quality knowledge base consisting of several million automatically acquired semantic relations

    Enriching Knowledge Bases with Counting Quantifiers

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    Information extraction traditionally focuses on extracting relations between identifiable entities, such as . Yet, texts often also contain Counting information, stating that a subject is in a specific relation with a number of objects, without mentioning the objects themselves, for example, "California is divided into 58 counties". Such counting quantifiers can help in a variety of tasks such as query answering or knowledge base curation, but are neglected by prior work. This paper develops the first full-fledged system for extracting counting information from text, called CINEX. We employ distant supervision using fact counts from a knowledge base as training seeds, and develop novel techniques for dealing with several challenges: (i) non-maximal training seeds due to the incompleteness of knowledge bases, (ii) sparse and skewed observations in text sources, and (iii) high diversity of linguistic patterns. Experiments with five human-evaluated relations show that CINEX can achieve 60% average precision for extracting counting information. In a large-scale experiment, we demonstrate the potential for knowledge base enrichment by applying CINEX to 2,474 frequent relations in Wikidata. CINEX can assert the existence of 2.5M facts for 110 distinct relations, which is 28% more than the existing Wikidata facts for these relations.Comment: 16 pages, The 17th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2018

    Fact extraction from Wikipedia article texts

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    Wikipedia je skvělý zdroj informací, v současné době z ní ale nejsou textové informace extrahovány do strojově čitelného formátu. V této práci využíváme DBpedia NIF dataset, představující strukturu stránek Wikipedie, pro cílenou extrakci faktů. Dataset je analyzován, obohacen o odkazy pomocí několika metod a poté připraven na extrakci faktů. V této práci je zkoumáno, implementováno a testováno několik metod extrakce faktů na vybraných vztazích. Experimenty popisují přesnost a použitelnost vybraných a implementovaných metod. Extrahované vztahy jsou vyhodnoceny a odeslány k přidání do DBpedie.Wikipedia is great source of information, currently its text information has not been extracted into fully machine-readable format. In this thesis, we use DBpedia NIF dataset, representing Wikipedia page structure, for targeted fact extraction. The dataset is parsed, enriched by links using several methods and then prepared for fact extraction. In this thesis multiple methods of fact extraction are researched, implemented and tested on selected relations. Experiments describe accuracy and viability of selected and implemented methods. Extracted relations are evaluated and submitted for addition to the DBpedia database
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