46 research outputs found

    Distances in random graphs with finite variance degrees

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    In this paper we study a random graph with NN nodes, where node jj has degree DjD_j and {Dj}j=1N\{D_j\}_{j=1}^N are i.i.d. with \prob(D_j\leq x)=F(x). We assume that 1F(x)cxτ+11-F(x)\leq c x^{-\tau+1} for some τ>3\tau>3 and some constant c>0c>0. This graph model is a variant of the so-called configuration model, and includes heavy tail degrees with finite variance. The minimal number of edges between two arbitrary connected nodes, also known as the graph distance or the hopcount, is investigated when NN\to \infty. We prove that the graph distance grows like logνN\log_{\nu}N, when the base of the logarithm equals \nu=\expec[D_j(D_j -1)]/\expec[D_j]>1. This confirms the heuristic argument of Newman, Strogatz and Watts \cite{NSW00}. In addition, the random fluctuations around this asymptotic mean logνN\log_{\nu}{N} are characterized and shown to be uniformly bounded. In particular, we show convergence in distribution of the centered graph distance along exponentially growing subsequences.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figure

    Upper bounds for number of removed edges in the Erased Configuration Model

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    Models for generating simple graphs are important in the study of real-world complex networks. A well established example of such a model is the erased configuration model, where each node receives a number of half-edges that are connected to half-edges of other nodes at random, and then self-loops are removed and multiple edges are concatenated to make the graph simple. Although asymptotic results for many properties of this model, such as the limiting degree distribution, are known, the exact speed of convergence in terms of the graph sizes remains an open question. We provide a first answer by analyzing the size dependence of the average number of removed edges in the erased configuration model. By combining known upper bounds with a Tauberian Theorem we obtain upper bounds for the number of removed edges, in terms of the size of the graph. Remarkably, when the degree distribution follows a power-law, we observe three scaling regimes, depending on the power law exponent. Our results provide a strong theoretical basis for evaluating finite-size effects in networks

    Cutoff for non-backtracking random walks on sparse random graphs

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    A finite ergodic Markov chain is said to exhibit cutoff if its distance to stationarity remains close to 1 over a certain number of iterations and then abruptly drops to near 0 on a much shorter time scale. Discovered in the context of card shuffling (Aldous-Diaconis, 1986), this phenomenon is now believed to be rather typical among fast mixing Markov chains. Yet, establishing it rigorously often requires a challengingly detailed understanding of the underlying chain. Here we consider non-backtracking random walks on random graphs with a given degree sequence. Under a general sparsity condition, we establish the cutoff phenomenon, determine its precise window, and prove that the (suitably rescaled) cutoff profile approaches a remarkably simple, universal shape

    The largest component in a subcritical random graph with a power law degree distribution

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    It is shown that in a subcritical random graph with given vertex degrees satisfying a power law degree distribution with exponent γ>3\gamma>3, the largest component is of order n1/(γ1)n^{1/(\gamma-1)}. More precisely, the order of the largest component is approximatively given by a simple constant times the largest vertex degree. These results are extended to several other random graph models with power law degree distributions. This proves a conjecture by Durrett.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AAP490 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Phase transitions for scaling of structural correlations in directed networks

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    Analysis of degree-degree dependencies in complex networks, and their impact on processes on networks requires null models, i.e. models that generate uncorrelated scale-free networks. Most models to date however show structural negative dependencies, caused by finite size effects. We analyze the behavior of these structural negative degree-degree dependencies, using rank based correlation measures, in the directed Erased Configuration Model. We obtain expressions for the scaling as a function of the exponents of the distributions. Moreover, we show that this scaling undergoes a phase transition, where one region exhibits scaling related to the natural cut-off of the network while another region has scaling similar to the structural cut-off for uncorrelated networks. By establishing the speed of convergence of these structural dependencies we are able to asses statistical significance of degree-degree dependencies on finite complex networks when compared to networks generated by the directed Erased Configuration Model

    The structure of typical clusters in large sparse random configurations

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    The initial purpose of this work is to provide a probabilistic explanation of a recent result on a version of Smoluchowski's coagulation equations in which the number of aggregations is limited. The latter models the deterministic evolution of concentrations of particles in a medium where particles coalesce pairwise as time passes and each particle can only perform a given number of aggregations. Under appropriate assumptions, the concentrations of particles converge as time tends to infinity to some measure which bears a striking resemblance with the distribution of the total population of a Galton-Watson process started from two ancestors. Roughly speaking, the configuration model is a stochastic construction which aims at producing a typical graph on a set of vertices with pre-described degrees. Specifically, one attaches to each vertex a certain number of stubs, and then join pairwise the stubs uniformly at random to create edges between vertices. In this work, we use the configuration model as the stochastic counterpart of Smoluchowski's coagulation equations with limited aggregations. We establish a hydrodynamical type limit theorem for the empirical measure of the shapes of clusters in the configuration model when the number of vertices tends to \infty. The limit is given in terms of the distribution of a Galton-Watson process started with two ancestors

    Degree correlations in scale-free null models

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    We study the average nearest neighbor degree a(k)a(k) of vertices with degree kk. In many real-world networks with power-law degree distribution a(k)a(k) falls off in kk, a property ascribed to the constraint that any two vertices are connected by at most one edge. We show that a(k)a(k) indeed decays in kk in three simple random graph null models with power-law degrees: the erased configuration model, the rank-1 inhomogeneous random graph and the hyperbolic random graph. We consider the large-network limit when the number of nodes nn tends to infinity. We find for all three null models that a(k)a(k) starts to decay beyond n(τ2)/(τ1)n^{(\tau-2)/(\tau-1)} and then settles on a power law a(k)kτ3a(k)\sim k^{\tau-3}, with τ\tau the degree exponent.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure