17 research outputs found

    Metrics for matrix-valued measures via test functions

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    It is perhaps not widely recognized that certain common notions of distance between probability measures have an alternative dual interpretation which compares corresponding functionals against suitable families of test functions. This dual viewpoint extends in a straightforward manner to suggest metrics between matrix-valued measures. Our main interest has been in developing weakly-continuous metrics that are suitable for comparing matrix-valued power spectral density functions. To this end, and following the suggested recipe of utilizing suitable families of test functions, we develop a weakly-continuous metric that is analogous to the Wasserstein metric and applies to matrix-valued densities. We use a numerical example to compare this metric to certain standard alternatives including a different version of a matricial Wasserstein metric developed earlier

    Matrix-valued Monge-Kantorovich Optimal Mass Transport

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    We formulate an optimal transport problem for matrix-valued density functions. This is pertinent in the spectral analysis of multivariable time-series. The "mass" represents energy at various frequencies whereas, in addition to a usual transportation cost across frequencies, a cost of rotation is also taken into account. We show that it is natural to seek the transportation plan in the tensor product of the spaces for the two matrix-valued marginals. In contrast to the classical Monge-Kantorovich setting, the transportation plan is no longer supported on a thin zero-measure set.Comment: 11 page

    Multivariate Spectral Estimation based on the concept of Optimal Prediction

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    In this technical note, we deal with a spectrum approximation problem arising in THREE-like multivariate spectral estimation approaches. The solution to the problem minimizes a suitable divergence index with respect to an a priori spectral density. We derive a new divergence family between multivariate spectral densities which takes root in the prediction theory. Under mild assumptions on the a priori spectral density, the approximation problem, based on this new divergence family, admits a family of solutions. Moreover, an upper bound on the complexity degree of these solutions is provided

    A new family of high-resolution multivariate spectral estimators

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    In this paper, we extend the Beta divergence family to multivariate power spectral densities. Similarly to the scalar case, we show that it smoothly connects the multivariate Kullback-Leibler divergence with the multivariate Itakura-Saito distance. We successively study a spectrum approximation problem, based on the Beta divergence family, which is related to a multivariate extension of the THREE spectral estimation technique. It is then possible to characterize a family of solutions to the problem. An upper bound on the complexity of these solutions will also be provided. Simulations suggest that the most suitable solution of this family depends on the specific features required from the estimation problem

    Representation and Characterization of Non-Stationary Processes by Dilation Operators and Induced Shape Space Manifolds

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    We have introduce a new vision of stochastic processes through the geometry induced by the dilation. The dilation matrices of a given processes are obtained by a composition of rotations matrices, contain the measure information in a condensed way. Particularly interesting is the fact that the obtention of dilation matrices is regardless of the stationarity of the underlying process. When the process is stationary, it coincides with the Naimark Dilation and only one rotation matrix is computed, when the process is non-stationary, a set of rotation matrices are computed. In particular, the periodicity of the correlation function that may appear in some classes of signal is transmitted to the set of dilation matrices. These rotation matrices, which can be arbitrarily close to each other depending on the sampling or the rescaling of the signal are seen as a distinctive feature of the signal. In order to study this sequence of matrices, and guided by the possibility to rescale the signal, the correct geometrical framework to use with the dilation's theoretic results is the space of curves on manifolds, that is the set of all curve that lies on a base manifold. To give a complete sight about the space of curve, a metric and the derived geodesic equation are provided. The general results are adapted to the more specific case where the base manifold is the Lie group of rotation matrices. The notion of the shape of a curve can be formalized as the set of equivalence classes of curves given by the quotient space of the space of curves and the increasing diffeomorphisms. The metric in the space of curve naturally extent to the space of shapes and enable comparison between shapes.Comment: 19 pages, draft pape