4 research outputs found

    Some non-existence results for distance-jj ovoids in small generalized polygons

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    We give a computer-based proof for the non-existence of distance-22 ovoids in the dual split Cayley hexagon H(4)D\mathsf{H}(4)^D. Furthermore, we give upper bounds on partial distance-22 ovoids of H(q)D\mathsf{H}(q)^D for q∈{2,4}q \in \{2, 4\}.Comment: 10 page

    On the intersection of distance-jj-ovoids and subpolygons in generalized polygons

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    De Wispelaere and Van Maldeghem gave a technique for calculating the intersection sizes of combinatorial substructures associated with regular partitions of distance-regular graphs. This technique was based on the orthogonality of the eigenvectors which correspond to distinct eigenvalues of the (symmetric) adjacency matrix. In the present paper, we give a more general method for calculating intersection sizes of combinatorial structures. The proof of this method is based on the solution of a linear system of equations which is obtained by means of double countings. We also give a new class of regular partitions of generalized hexagons and determine under which conditions ovoids and subhexagons of order (s′,t′)(s',t') of a generalized hexagon of order intersectinaconstantnumberofpoints.Iftheautomorphismgroupofthegeneralizedhexagonissufficientlylarge,thenthisisthecaseifandonlyif=s′t′ intersect in a constant number of points. If the automorphism group of the generalized hexagon is sufficiently large, then this is the case if and only if =s't'. We derive a similar result for the intersection of distance-2-ovoids and suboctagons of generalized octagons

    Some contributions to incidence geometry and the polynomial method

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