7 research outputs found

    Distance graphs with maximum chromatic number

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    Let DD be a finite set of integers. The distance graph G(D)G(D) has the set of integers as vertices and two vertices at distance dDd ∈D are adjacent in G(D)G(D). A conjecture of Xuding Zhu states that if the chromatic number of G(D)G (D) achieves its maximum value D+1|D|+1 then the graph has a clique of order D|D|. We prove that the chromatic number of a distance graph with D={a,b,c,d}D=\{ a,b,c,d\} is five if and only if either D={1,2,3,4k}D=\{1,2,3,4k\} or D={a,b,a+b,a+2b}D=\{ a,b,a+b,a+2b\} with a0(mod2)a \equiv 0 (mod 2) and b1(mod2)b \equiv 1 (mod 2). This confirms Zhu's conjecture for D=4|D|=4

    Packing Chromatic Number of Distance Graphs

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    The packing chromatic number χρ(G)\chi_{\rho}(G) of a graph GG is the smallest integer kk such that vertices of GG can be partitioned into disjoint classes X1,...,XkX_1, ..., X_k where vertices in XiX_i have pairwise distance greater than ii. We study the packing chromatic number of infinite distance graphs G(Z,D)G(Z, D), i.e. graphs with the set ZZ of integers as vertex set and in which two distinct vertices i,jZi, j \in Z are adjacent if and only if ijD|i - j| \in D. In this paper we focus on distance graphs with D={1,t}D = \{1, t\}. We improve some results of Togni who initiated the study. It is shown that χρ(G(Z,D))35\chi_{\rho}(G(Z, D)) \leq 35 for sufficiently large odd tt and χρ(G(Z,D))56\chi_{\rho}(G(Z, D)) \leq 56 for sufficiently large even tt. We also give a lower bound 12 for t9t \geq 9 and tighten several gaps for χρ(G(Z,D))\chi_{\rho}(G(Z, D)) with small tt.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    On Packing Colorings of Distance Graphs

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    The {\em packing chromatic number} χρ(G)\chi_{\rho}(G) of a graph GG is the least integer kk for which there exists a mapping ff from V(G)V(G) to {1,2,,k}\{1,2,\ldots ,k\} such that any two vertices of color ii are at distance at least i+1i+1. This paper studies the packing chromatic number of infinite distance graphs G(Z,D)G(\mathbb{Z},D), i.e. graphs with the set Z\mathbb{Z} of integers as vertex set, with two distinct vertices i,jZi,j\in \mathbb{Z} being adjacent if and only if ijD|i-j|\in D. We present lower and upper bounds for χρ(G(Z,D))\chi_{\rho}(G(\mathbb{Z},D)), showing that for finite DD, the packing chromatic number is finite. Our main result concerns distance graphs with D={1,t}D=\{1,t\} for which we prove some upper bounds on their packing chromatic numbers, the smaller ones being for t447t\geq 447: χρ(G(Z,{1,t}))40\chi_{\rho}(G(\mathbb{Z},\{1,t\}))\leq 40 if tt is odd and χρ(G(Z,{1,t}))81\chi_{\rho}(G(\mathbb{Z},\{1,t\}))\leq 81 if tt is even

    The lonely runner with seven runners

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    Suppose k+1k+1 runners having nonzero constant speeds run laps on a unit-length circular track starting at the same time and place. A runner is said to be lonely if she is at distance at least 1/(k+1)1/(k+1) along the track to every other runner. The lonely runner conjecture states that every runner gets lonely. The conjecture has been proved up to six runners (k5k\le 5). A formulation of the problem is related to the regular chromatic number of distance graphs. We use a new tool developed in this context to solve the first open case of the conjecture with seven runners

    On the independence ratio of distance graphs

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    A distance graph is an undirected graph on the integers where two integers are adjacent if their difference is in a prescribed distance set. The independence ratio of a distance graph GG is the maximum density of an independent set in GG. Lih, Liu, and Zhu [Star extremal circulant graphs, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 12 (1999) 491--499] showed that the independence ratio is equal to the inverse of the fractional chromatic number, thus relating the concept to the well studied question of finding the chromatic number of distance graphs. We prove that the independence ratio of a distance graph is achieved by a periodic set, and we present a framework for discharging arguments to demonstrate upper bounds on the independence ratio. With these tools, we determine the exact independence ratio for several infinite families of distance sets of size three, determine asymptotic values for others, and present several conjectures.Comment: 39 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    Distance graphs with maximum chromatic number

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    Let D be a finite set of integers. The distance graph G(D) has the set of integers as vertices and two vertices at distance d ∈ D are adjacent in G(D). A conjecture of Xuding Zhu states that if the chromatic number of G(D) achieves its maximum value |D | + 1 then the graph has a clique of order |D|. We prove that the chromatic number of a distance graph with D = {a, b, c, d} is five if and only if either D = {1, 2, 3, 4k} or D = {a, b, a + b, a + 2b} with a ≡ 0 (mod 2) and b ≡ 1 (mod 2). This confirms Zhu’s conjecture for |D | = 4