2,311 research outputs found

    An Intelligent System For Arabic Text Categorization

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    Text Categorization (classification) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content. In this paper, an intelligent Arabic text categorization system is presented. Machine learning algorithms are used in this system. Many algorithms for stemming and feature selection are tried. Moreover, the document is represented using several term weighting schemes and finally the k-nearest neighbor and Rocchio classifiers are used for classification process. Experiments are performed over self collected data corpus and the results show that the suggested hybrid method of statistical and light stemmers is the most suitable stemming algorithm for Arabic language. The results also show that a hybrid approach of document frequency and information gain is the preferable feature selection criterion and normalized-tfidf is the best weighting scheme. Finally, Rocchio classifier has the advantage over k-nearest neighbor classifier in the classification process. The experimental results illustrate that the proposed model is an efficient method and gives generalization accuracy of about 98%

    Pre Processing Techniques for Arabic Documents Clustering

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    Clustering of text documents is an important technique for documents retrieval. It aims to organize documents into meaningful groups or clusters. Preprocessing text plays a main role in enhancing clustering process of Arabic documents. This research examines and compares text preprocessing techniques in Arabic document clustering. It also studies effectiveness of text preprocessing techniques: term pruning, term weighting using (TF-IDF), morphological analysis techniques using (root-based stemming, light stemming, and raw text), and normalization. Experimental work examined the effect of clustering algorithms using a most widely used partitional algorithm, K-means, compared with other clustering partitional algorithm, Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. Comparison between the effect of both Euclidean Distance and Manhattan similarity measurement function was attempted in order to produce best results in document clustering. Results were investigated by measuring evaluation of clustered documents in many cases of preprocessing techniques. Experimental results show that evaluation of document clustering can be enhanced by implementing term weighting (TF-IDF) and term pruning with small value for minimum term frequency. In morphological analysis, light stemming, is found more appropriate than root-based stemming and raw text. Normalization, also improved clustering process of Arabic documents, and evaluation is enhanced

    Text Classification for Arabic Words Using Rep-Tree

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    The amount of text data mining in the world and in our life seems ever increasing and there’s no end to it. The concept (Text Data Mining) defined as the process of deriving high-quality information from text. It has been applied on different fields including: Pattern mining, opinion mining, and web mining. The concept of Text Data Mining is based around the global Stemming of different forms of Arabic words. Stemming is defined like the method of reducing inflected (or typically derived) words to their word stem, base or root kind typically a word kind. We use the REP-Tree to improve text representation. In addition, test new combinations of weighting schemes to be applied on Arabic text data for classification purposes. For processing, WEKA workbench is used. The results in the paper on data set of BBC-Arabic website also show the efficiency and accuracy of REP-TREE in Arabic text classification

    Mining Twitter for crisis management: realtime floods detection in the Arabian Peninsula

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of Philosophy.In recent years, large amounts of data have been made available on microblog platforms such as Twitter, however, it is difficult to filter and extract information and knowledge from such data because of the high volume, including noisy data. On Twitter, the general public are able to report real-world events such as floods in real time, and act as social sensors. Consequently, it is beneficial to have a method that can detect flood events automatically in real time to help governmental authorities, such as crisis management authorities, to detect the event and make decisions during the early stages of the event. This thesis proposes a real time flood detection system by mining Arabic Tweets using machine learning and data mining techniques. The proposed system comprises five main components: data collection, pre-processing, flooding event extract, location inferring, location named entity link, and flooding event visualisation. An effective method of flood detection from Arabic tweets is presented and evaluated by using supervised learning techniques. Furthermore, this work presents a location named entity inferring method based on the Learning to Search method, the results show that the proposed method outperformed the existing systems with significantly higher accuracy in tasks of inferring flood locations from tweets which are written in colloquial Arabic. For the location named entity link, a method has been designed by utilising Google API services as a knowledge base to extract accurate geocode coordinates that are associated with location named entities mentioned in tweets. The results show that the proposed location link method locate 56.8% of tweets with a distance range of 0 – 10 km from the actual location. Further analysis has shown that the accuracy in locating tweets in an actual city and region are 78.9% and 84.2% respectively

    New techniques for Arabic document classification

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    Text classification (TC) concerns automatically assigning a class (category) label to a text document, and has increasingly many applications, particularly in the domain of organizing, for browsing in large document collections. It is typically achieved via machine learning, where a model is built on the basis of a typically large collection of document features. Feature selection is critical in this process, since there are typically several thousand potential features (distinct words or terms). In text classification, feature selection aims to improve the computational e ciency and classification accuracy by removing irrelevant and redundant terms (features), while retaining features (words) that contain su cient information that help with the classification task. This thesis proposes binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) hybridized with either K Nearest Neighbour (KNN) or Support Vector Machines (SVM) for feature selection in Arabic text classi cation tasks. Comparison between feature selection approaches is done on the basis of using the selected features in conjunction with SVM, Decision Trees (C4.5), and Naive Bayes (NB), to classify a hold out test set. Using publically available Arabic datasets, results show that BPSO/KNN and BPSO/SVM techniques are promising in this domain. The sets of selected features (words) are also analyzed to consider the di erences between the types of features that BPSO/KNN and BPSO/SVM tend to choose. This leads to speculation concerning the appropriate feature selection strategy, based on the relationship between the classes in the document categorization task at hand. The thesis also investigates the use of statistically extracted phrases of length two as terms in Arabic text classi cation. In comparison with Bag of Words text representation, results show that using phrases alone as terms in Arabic TC task decreases the classification accuracy of Arabic TC classifiers significantly while combining bag of words and phrase based representations may increase the classification accuracy of the SVM classifier slightly