11,006 research outputs found

    The magnetic field structure in CTA 102 from high-resolution mm-VLBI observations during the flaring state in 2016-2017

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    CONTEXT: Investigating the magnetic field structure in the innermost regions of relativistic jets is fundamental to understanding the crucial physical processes giving rise to jet formation, as well as to their extraordinary radiation output up to γ-ray energies. AIMS: We study the magnetic field structure of the quasar CTA 102 with 3 and 7 mm VLBI polarimetric observations, reaching an unprecedented resolution (∼50 μas). We also investigate the variability and physical processes occurring in the source during the observing period, which coincides with a very active state of the source over the entire electromagnetic spectrum. METHODS: We perform the Faraday rotation analysis using 3 and 7 mm data and we compare the obtained rotation measure (RM) map with the polarization evolution in 7 mm VLBA images. We study the kinematics and variability at 7 mm and infer the physical parameters associated with variability. From the analysis of γ-ray and X-ray data, we compute a minimum Doppler factor value required to explain the observed high-energy emission. RESULTS: Faraday rotation analysis shows a gradient in RM with a maximum value of ∼6 × 104⁴ rad m⁻² and intrinsic electric vector position angles (EVPAs) oriented around the centroid of the core, suggesting the presence of large-scale helical magnetic fields. Such a magnetic field structure is also visible in 7 mm images when a new superluminal component is crossing the core region. The 7 mm EVPA orientation is different when the component is exiting the core or crossing a stationary feature at ∼0.1 mas. The interaction between the superluminal component and a recollimation shock at ∼0.1 mas could have triggered the multi-wavelength flares. The variability Doppler factor associated with such an interaction is large enough to explain the high-energy emission and the remarkable optical flare occurred very close in time.Accepted manuscrip

    Predicting the readability of transparent text

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    Will a simple global masking model based on image detection be successful at predicting the readability of transparent text? Text readability was measured for two types of transparent text: additive (as occurs in head-up displays) and multiplicative (which occurs in see-through liquid crystal display virtual reality displays). Text contrast and background texture were manipulated. Data from two previous experiments were also included (one using very low contrasts on plain backgrounds, and the other using higher-contrast opaque text on both plain and textured backgrounds). All variables influenced readability in at least an interactive manner. When there were background textures, the global masking index (that combines text contrast and background root mean square contrast) was a good predictor of search times (r = 0.89). When the masking was adjusted to include the text pixels as well as the background pixels in computations of mean luminance and contrast variability, predictability improved further (r = 0.91)

    Future Directions in Astronomy Visualisation

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    Despite the large budgets spent annually on astronomical research equipment such as telescopes, instruments and supercomputers, the general trend is to analyse and view the resulting datasets using small, two-dimensional displays. We report here on alternative advanced image displays, with an emphasis on displays that we have constructed, including stereoscopic projection, multiple projector tiled displays and a digital dome. These displays can provide astronomers with new ways of exploring the terabyte and petabyte datasets that are now regularly being produced from all-sky surveys, high-resolution computer simulations, and Virtual Observatory projects. We also present a summary of the Advanced Image Displays for Astronomy (AIDA) survey which we conducted from March-May 2005, in order to raise some issues pertitent to the current and future level of use of advanced image displays.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Preferences and tolerances in color image reproduction

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    Observer preferences in the color reproduction of pictorial images have been a topic of debate for many years. Through a series of three psychophysical experiments we are trying to better understand the differences and trends in observer preferences for pictorial images, determine if cultural biases on preference exist, and finally generate a set of preferred color reproduced images for future experimentation and evaluation. The first experiment was a survey of observers rating the importance of commonly used image characteristics terms in correlation to color image quality. The data collected demonstrated that observer preferences remain relatively constant while judging color attributes between different media and for various image content. Experiment I also aided in the decision to utilize five dimensions of manipulation to generate preferred color reproductions, for Experiments II and in. The dimensions were, lightness (gamma adjustment to L*), contrast (sigmoid adjustment to L*), chroma (multiplicative factor on Cab* at a given hab), hue rotation, and color balance (additive adjustments to a* and b*). The second experiment was a rank order of image preference conducted at several research facilities around the world. The results yielded that statistical difference between peak preferences of image quality between cultures may exist but that the cultural difference is most likely not of practical significance for most applications. Furthermore, the shape of the preference curves across cultures is very similar so any cultural bias present is small. The final experiment was an adjustment experiment, in which observers were asked to generate the most preferred image possible. The observer variability (inter-observers) and repeatability (intra-observer) in generating preferred images were analyzed. The analysis of Experiment HI yielded that the intra-observer repeatability of an observer is about half of the variation between observers. Furthermore the analysis demonstrated that preferences on images with faces have a much tighter range of preference in comparison to images without faces. Finally, a cross analysis of Experiment II and HI was completed by the generation of preferred image sets from the results of the two experiments. The resultant images proved to be a good visualization of the range of variability in making preferred images from the color dimensions provided, and also visually demonstrated that the two techniques, (making one color adjustment at a time verses compounding color adjustments) of generating preferred images result in similar solutions

    Image-Processing Techniques for the Creation of Presentation-Quality Astronomical Images

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    The quality of modern astronomical data, the power of modern computers and the agility of current image-processing software enable the creation of high-quality images in a purely digital form. The combination of these technological advancements has created a new ability to make color astronomical images. And in many ways it has led to a new philosophy towards how to create them. A practical guide is presented on how to generate astronomical images from research data with powerful image-processing programs. These programs use a layering metaphor that allows for an unlimited number of astronomical datasets to be combined in any desired color scheme, creating an immense parameter space to be explored using an iterative approach. Several examples of image creation are presented. A philosophy is also presented on how to use color and composition to create images that simultaneously highlight scientific detail and are aesthetically appealing. This philosophy is necessary because most datasets do not correspond to the wavelength range of sensitivity of the human eye. The use of visual grammar, defined as the elements which affect the interpretation of an image, can maximize the richness and detail in an image while maintaining scientific accuracy. By properly using visual grammar, one can imply qualities that a two-dimensional image intrinsically cannot show, such as depth, motion and energy. In addition, composition can be used to engage viewers and keep them interested for a longer period of time. The use of these techniques can result in a striking image that will effectively convey the science within the image, to scientists and to the public.Comment: 104 pages, 38 figures, submitted to A

    A Colorimetric investigation of soft proofing

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    The color proof has become one of the most important tools for quality control in the printing industry today3. Customers, publishers, separators, and printers depend upon its accuracy for indicating the quality of separations. The color proof is the most practical method for communicating how the color should appear and is easy to understand and use for comparison. The analog color proof is compared to the original to determine if the desired result has been achieved. The proof is sent to the customer to indicate how the image will appear when printed. If this proof is accepted, it is sent to the press room to indicate what is expected in the final reproduction. The color proof visually simulates how a set of films will print on the final production press with the production inks and stock. However, all too often, what is seen on the proof is not what the customer receives