20 research outputs found

    Display blindness? Looking again at the visibility of situated displays using eye tracking

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    Observational studies of situated displays have suggested that they are rarely looked at, and when they are it is typically only for a short period of time. Using a mobile eye tracker during a realistic shopping task in a shopping center, we show that people look at displays more than would be predicted from these observational studies, but still only short glances and often from quite far away. We characterize the patterns of eye-movements that precede looking at a display and discuss some of the design implications for the design of situated display technologies that are deployed in public space

    People Watcher: an app to record and analyzing spatial behavior of ubiquitous interaction technologies

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    In this paper we argue that interfaces embedded in the world, one of the core objectives of ubiquitous computing, require interaction designers and researchers to have a stronger understanding of the environment as an aspect of the interaction process. We suggest that the interaction community needs new tools to accurately record and, as importantly, analyze interaction in space. We present one solution: People Watcher, a freely downloadable, iPad Application, specifically designed to address the ‘usability in space’ issues. The paper reports a case study of the software’s use. We go on to encourage researchers to adopt this tool as part of the wider process of understanding the effect of the spatial context in interaction design

    Public HMDs: Modeling and Understanding User Behavior Around Public Head-Mounted Displays

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    Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) are becoming ubiquitous; we are starting to see them deployed in public for different purposes. Museums, car companies and travel agencies use HMDs to promote their products. As a result, situations arise where users use them in public without experts supervision. This leads to challenges and opportunities, many of which are experienced in public display installations. For example, similar to public displays, public HMDs struggle to attract the passer-by's attention, but benefit from the honeypot effect that draws attention to them. Also passersby might be hesitant to wear a public HMD, due to the fear that its owner might not approve, or due to the perceived need for a prior permission. In this work, we discuss how public HMDs can benefit from research in public displays. In particular, based on the results of an in-the-wild deployment of a public HMD, we propose an adaptation of the audience funnel flow model of public display users to fit the context of public HMD usage. We discuss how public HMDs bring in challenges and opportunities, and create novel research directions that are relevant to both researchers in HMDs and researchers in public displays

    New challenges in display-saturated environments

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    EyeScout: Active Eye Tracking for Position and Movement Independent Gaze Interaction with Large Public Displays

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    While gaze holds a lot of promise for hands-free interaction with public displays, remote eye trackers with their confined tracking box restrict users to a single stationary position in front of the display. We present EyeScout, an active eye tracking system that combines an eye tracker mounted on a rail system with a computational method to automatically detect and align the tracker with the user's lateral movement. EyeScout addresses key limitations of current gaze-enabled large public displays by offering two novel gaze-interaction modes for a single user: In "Walk then Interact" the user can walk up to an arbitrary position in front of the display and interact, while in "Walk and Interact" the user can interact even while on the move. We report on a user study that shows that EyeScout is well perceived by users, extends a public display's sweet spot into a sweet line, and reduces gaze interaction kick-off time to 3.5 seconds -- a 62% improvement over state of the art solutions. We discuss sample applications that demonstrate how EyeScout can enable position and movement-independent gaze interaction with large public displays

    Gesture elicitation study on how to opt-in & Opt-out from interactions with public displays

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    Public interactive displays with gesture-recognizing cameras enable new forms of interactions. However, often such systems do not yet allow passers-by a choice to engage voluntarily or disengage from an interaction. To address this issue, this paper explores how people could use different kinds of gestures or voice commands to explicitly opt-in or opt-out of interactions with public installations. We report the results of a gesture elicitation study with 16 participants, generating gestures within five gesture-types for both a commercial and entertainment scenario. We present a categorization and themes of the 430 proposed gestures, and agreement scores showing higher consensus for torso gestures and for opting-out with face/head. Furthermore, patterns indicate that participants often chose non-verbal representations of opposing pairs such as ‘close and open’ when proposing gestures. Quantitative results showed overall preference for hand and arm gestures, and generally a higher acceptance for gestural interaction in the entertainment setting

    The anti-influence engine:escaping the diabolical machine of pervasive advertising

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    New Challenges in Display-Saturated Environments

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    We live in a world in which our physical spaces are becoming increasingly enriched with computing technology. Pervasive displays have been at the forefront of this progression and are now commonplace. In this paper, we focus on the natural end-point of this trend and consider the case when displays become truly ubiquitous and saturate our physical environments. We use as motivation a state-of-the-art display deployment in which mobile users navigating the space are simultaneously exposed to many hundreds of displays within their field of view and we highlight a number of new research challenges

    Digital screen use for a road safety campaign message was not associated with attitudes or knowledge of passers-by: an experimental study

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    Introduction: Recent evidence suggests fatality risks for cyclists may be increasing in Britain. Understanding how to increase levels of cycling while keeping risk low is paramount. Educating drivers about cyclists may help with road safety, and mass-media messaging is a possible avenue, potentially utilizing digital displays screens in public areas. However, no studies have examined the use of these screens for road safety campaigns.  Methods: A quasi-experiment was conducted to examine if digital screens may be effective to raise awareness of a campaign message and encourage recall of car drivers. A digital campaign image was selected that encouraged car drivers and cyclists to ‘look out for each other,’ and stated than 80% of cyclists owned a driving license. Views and knowledge on driver priorities around cyclists were examined before (control) and after campaign exposure (intervention), and tested using regression modelling.  Results: 364 people were interviewed over five days. Those interviewed on intervention days were more likely to rank ‘Look out for cyclists’ as being more important compared to those interviewed on control days (OR 1.20), but this was not statistically significant (p = 0.355). Those who said they had seen the image did not rank ‘Look out for cyclists’ higher than those who said they had not seen it (p = 0.778). The disparity between reported and displayed percentage of cyclists with a driving license did not differ between intervention and control days, but was 8% higher amongst those who claimed to have seen the image (p = 0.026).  Conclusions: We did not find strong evidence that use of an image on digital screens increased public awareness or recall of a casualty reduction campaign message. Work is needed to investigate the effects of longer-term exposure to road safety images. Practical Applications: Short-term use of digital signage is not recommended for raising awareness of road safety campaigns

    Situating Media Infrastructure: Understand the Role of Public Space Characteristics in Influencing Public Interaction with Media Infrastructure

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    Media Architecture scholars have outlined the importance of considering the urban design perspective in informing the deployment of digital media in public space. In this paper, we build on their work and provide a detailed account based on the knowledge from urban design theories coupled with literature from Human-computer Interaction research. Specifically, we address the role of location- its physical and spatial characteristics and situated human activities- in influencing public interaction with media infrastructure. We aim to provide a framework for understanding the complex relationship between media infrastructure and urban public spaces, and explore the impact of locations on how people interact with media infrastructure by: 1) developing an initial framework of public space characteristics based on urban design knowledge, 2) conducting a case study of InLinkUK network with detailed field study and analysis on 3 selected sites in London. We discuss the initial outcome of the case study analysis and report on the next stages of this research. This paper addresses the question: how media architecture can contribute to a sense of place and provide a detailed account based on a case study in London. It attempts to broaden and extend existing calls by media architecture scholars to consider urban design knowledge in informing the deployment of digital media infrastructure in public spaces