283 research outputs found

    DNN adaptation by automatic quality estimation of ASR hypotheses

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    In this paper we propose to exploit the automatic Quality Estimation (QE) of ASR hypotheses to perform the unsupervised adaptation of a deep neural network modeling acoustic probabilities. Our hypothesis is that significant improvements can be achieved by: i)automatically transcribing the evaluation data we are currently trying to recognise, and ii) selecting from it a subset of "good quality" instances based on the word error rate (WER) scores predicted by a QE component. To validate this hypothesis, we run several experiments on the evaluation data sets released for the CHiME-3 challenge. First, we operate in oracle conditions in which manual transcriptions of the evaluation data are available, thus allowing us to compute the "true" sentence WER. In this scenario, we perform the adaptation with variable amounts of data, which are characterised by different levels of quality. Then, we move to realistic conditions in which the manual transcriptions of the evaluation data are not available. In this case, the adaptation is performed on data selected according to the WER scores "predicted" by a QE component. Our results indicate that: i) QE predictions allow us to closely approximate the adaptation results obtained in oracle conditions, and ii) the overall ASR performance based on the proposed QE-driven adaptation method is significantly better than the strong, most recent, CHiME-3 baseline.Comment: Computer Speech & Language December 201

    Apprentissage discriminant des modèles continus en traduction automatique

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    Over the past few years, neural network (NN) architectures have been successfully applied to many Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications, such as Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Statistical Machine Translation (SMT).For the language modeling task, these models consider linguistic units (i.e words and phrases) through their projections into a continuous (multi-dimensional) space, and the estimated distribution is a function of these projections. Also qualified continuous-space models (CSMs), their peculiarity hence lies in this exploitation of a continuous representation that can be seen as an attempt to address the sparsity issue of the conventional discrete models. In the context of SMT, these echniques have been applied on neural network-based language models (NNLMs) included in SMT systems, and oncontinuous-space translation models (CSTMs). These models have led to significant and consistent gains in the SMT performance, but are also considered as very expensive in training and inference, especially for systems involving large vocabularies. To overcome this issue, Structured Output Layer (SOUL) and Noise Contrastive Estimation (NCE) have been proposed; the former modifies the standard structure on vocabulary words, while the latter approximates the maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) by a sampling method. All these approaches share the same estimation criterion which is the MLE ; however using this procedure results in an inconsistency between theobjective function defined for parameter stimation and the way models are used in the SMT application. The work presented in this dissertation aims to design new performance-oriented and global training procedures for CSMs to overcome these issues. The main contributions lie in the investigation and evaluation of efficient training methods for (large-vocabulary) CSMs which aim~:(a) to reduce the total training cost, and (b) to improve the efficiency of these models when used within the SMT application. On the one hand, the training and inference cost can be reduced (using the SOUL structure or the NCE algorithm), or by reducing the number of iterations via a faster convergence. This thesis provides an empirical analysis of these solutions on different large-scale SMT tasks. On the other hand, we propose a discriminative training framework which optimizes the performance of the whole system containing the CSM as a component model. The experimental results show that this framework is efficient to both train and adapt CSM within SMT systems, opening promising research perspectives.Durant ces dernières années, les architectures de réseaux de neurones (RN) ont été appliquées avec succès à de nombreuses applications en Traitement Automatique de Langues (TAL), comme par exemple en Reconnaissance Automatique de la Parole (RAP) ainsi qu'en Traduction Automatique (TA).Pour la tâche de modélisation statique de la langue, ces modèles considèrent les unités linguistiques (c'est-à-dire des mots et des segments) à travers leurs projections dans un espace continu (multi-dimensionnel), et la distribution de probabilité à estimer est une fonction de ces projections.Ainsi connus sous le nom de "modèles continus" (MC), la particularité de ces derniers se trouve dans l'exploitation de la représentation continue qui peut être considérée comme une solution au problème de données creuses rencontré lors de l'utilisation des modèles discrets conventionnels.Dans le cadre de la TA, ces techniques ont été appliquées dans les modèles de langue neuronaux (MLN) utilisés dans les systèmes de TA, et dans les modèles continus de traduction (MCT).L'utilisation de ces modèles se sont traduit par d'importantes et significatives améliorations des performances des systèmes de TA. Ils sont néanmoins très coûteux lors des phrases d'apprentissage et d'inférence, notamment pour les systèmes ayant un grand vocabulaire.Afin de surmonter ce problème, l'architecture SOUL (pour "Structured Output Layer" en anglais) et l'algorithme NCE (pour "Noise Contrastive Estimation", ou l'estimation contrastive bruitée) ont été proposés: le premier modifie la structure standard de la couche de sortie, alors que le second cherche à approximer l'estimation du maximum de vraisemblance (MV) par une méthode d’échantillonnage.Toutes ces approches partagent le même critère d'estimation qui est la log-vraisemblance; pourtant son utilisation mène à une incohérence entre la fonction objectif définie pour l'estimation des modèles, et la manière dont ces modèles seront utilisés dans les systèmes de TA.Cette dissertation vise à concevoir de nouvelles procédures d'entraînement des MC, afin de surmonter ces problèmes.Les contributions principales se trouvent dans l'investigation et l'évaluation des méthodes d'entraînement efficaces pour MC qui visent à: (i) réduire le temps total de l'entraînement, et (ii) améliorer l'efficacité de ces modèles lors de leur utilisation dans les systèmes de TA.D'un côté, le coût d'entraînement et d'inférence peut être réduit (en utilisant l'architecture SOUL ou l'algorithme NCE), ou la convergence peut être accélérée.La dissertation présente une analyse empirique de ces approches pour des tâches de traduction automatique à grande échelle.D'un autre côté, nous proposons un cadre d'apprentissage discriminant qui optimise la performance du système entier ayant incorporé un modèle continu.Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que ce cadre d'entraînement est efficace pour l'apprentissage ainsi que pour l'adaptation des MC au sein des systèmes de TA, ce qui ouvre de nouvelles perspectives prometteuses

    Joint morphological-lexical language modeling for processing morphologically rich languages with application to dialectal Arabic

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    Language modeling for an inflected language such as Arabic poses new challenges for speech recognition and machine translation due to its rich morphology. Rich morphology results in large increases in out-of-vocabulary (OOV) rate and poor language model parameter estimation in the absence of large quantities of data. In this study, we present a joint morphological-lexical language model (JMLLM) that takes advantage of Arabic morphology. JMLLM combines morphological segments with the underlying lexical items and additional available information sources with regards to morphological segments and lexical items in a single joint model. Joint representation and modeling of morphological and lexical items reduces the OOV rate and provides smooth probability estimates while keeping the predictive power of whole words. Speech recognition and machine translation experiments in dialectal-Arabic show improvements over word and morpheme based trigram language models. We also show that as the tightness of integration between different information sources increases, both speech recognition and machine translation performances improve

    English Broadcast News Speech Recognition by Humans and Machines

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    With recent advances in deep learning, considerable attention has been given to achieving automatic speech recognition performance close to human performance on tasks like conversational telephone speech (CTS) recognition. In this paper we evaluate the usefulness of these proposed techniques on broadcast news (BN), a similar challenging task. We also perform a set of recognition measurements to understand how close the achieved automatic speech recognition results are to human performance on this task. On two publicly available BN test sets, DEV04F and RT04, our speech recognition system using LSTM and residual network based acoustic models with a combination of n-gram and neural network language models performs at 6.5% and 5.9% word error rate. By achieving new performance milestones on these test sets, our experiments show that techniques developed on other related tasks, like CTS, can be transferred to achieve similar performance. In contrast, the best measured human recognition performance on these test sets is much lower, at 3.6% and 2.8% respectively, indicating that there is still room for new techniques and improvements in this space, to reach human performance levels.Comment: \copyright 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    The THISL SDR system at TREC-8

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    This paper describes the participation of the THISL group at the TREC-8 Spoken Document Retrieval (SDR) track. The THISL SDR system consists of the realtime version of the ABBOT large vocabulary speech recognition system and the THISLIR text retrieval system. The TREC-8 evaluation assessed SDR performance on a corpus of 500 hours of broadcast news material collected over a five month period. The main test condition involved retrieval of stories defined by manual segmentation of the corpus in which non-news material, such as commercials, were excluded. An optional test condition required required retrieval of the same stories from the unsegmented audio stream. The THISL SDR system participated at both test conditions. The results show that a system such as THISL can produce respectable information retrieval performance on a realistically-sized corpus of unsegmented audio material

    A detection-based pattern recognition framework and its applications

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    The objective of this dissertation is to present a detection-based pattern recognition framework and demonstrate its applications in automatic speech recognition and broadcast news video story segmentation. Inspired by the studies of modern cognitive psychology and real-world pattern recognition systems, a detection-based pattern recognition framework is proposed to provide an alternative solution for some complicated pattern recognition problems. The primitive features are first detected and the task-specific knowledge hierarchy is constructed level by level; then a variety of heterogeneous information sources are combined together and the high-level context is incorporated as additional information at certain stages. A detection-based framework is a â divide-and-conquerâ design paradigm for pattern recognition problems, which will decompose a conceptually difficult problem into many elementary sub-problems that can be handled directly and reliably. Some information fusion strategies will be employed to integrate the evidence from a lower level to form the evidence at a higher level. Such a fusion procedure continues until reaching the top level. Generally, a detection-based framework has many advantages: (1) more flexibility in both detector design and fusion strategies, as these two parts can be optimized separately; (2) parallel and distributed computational components in primitive feature detection. In such a component-based framework, any primitive component can be replaced by a new one while other components remain unchanged; (3) incremental information integration; (4) high level context information as additional information sources, which can be combined with bottom-up processing at any stage. This dissertation presents the basic principles, criteria, and techniques for detector design and hypothesis verification based on the statistical detection and decision theory. In addition, evidence fusion strategies were investigated in this dissertation. Several novel detection algorithms and evidence fusion methods were proposed and their effectiveness was justified in automatic speech recognition and broadcast news video segmentation system. We believe such a detection-based framework can be employed in more applications in the future.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Lee, Chin-Hui; Committee Member: Clements, Mark; Committee Member: Ghovanloo, Maysam; Committee Member: Romberg, Justin; Committee Member: Yuan, Min

    Phoneme Recognition on the TIMIT Database

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    Support Vector Machines for Speech Recognition

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    Hidden Markov models (HMM) with Gaussian mixture observation densities are the dominant approach in speech recognition. These systems typically use a representational model for acoustic modeling which can often be prone to overfitting and does not translate to improved discrimination. We propose a new paradigm centered on principles of structural risk minimization using a discriminative framework for speech recognition based on support vector machines (SVMs). SVMs have the ability to simultaneously optimize the representational and discriminative ability of the acoustic classifiers. We have developed the first SVM-based large vocabulary speech recognition system that improves performance over traditional HMM-based systems. This hybrid system achieves a state-of-the-art word error rate of 10.6% on a continuous alphadigit task ? a 10% improvement relative to an HMM system. On SWITCHBOARD, a large vocabulary task, the system improves performance over a traditional HMM system from 41.6% word error rate to 40.6%. This dissertation discusses several practical issues that arise when SVMs are incorporated into the hybrid system

    Two-pass Decoding and Cross-adaptation Based System Combination of End-to-end Conformer and Hybrid TDNN ASR Systems

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    Fundamental modelling differences between hybrid and end-to-end (E2E) automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems create large diversity and complementarity among them. This paper investigates multi-pass rescoring and cross adaptation based system combination approaches for hybrid TDNN and Conformer E2E ASR systems. In multi-pass rescoring, state-of-the-art hybrid LF-MMI trained CNN-TDNN system featuring speed perturbation, SpecAugment and Bayesian learning hidden unit contributions (LHUC) speaker adaptation was used to produce initial N-best outputs before being rescored by the speaker adapted Conformer system using a 2-way cross system score interpolation. In cross adaptation, the hybrid CNN-TDNN system was adapted to the 1-best output of the Conformer system or vice versa. Experiments on the 300-hour Switchboard corpus suggest that the combined systems derived using either of the two system combination approaches outperformed the individual systems. The best combined system obtained using multi-pass rescoring produced statistically significant word error rate (WER) reductions of 2.5% to 3.9% absolute (22.5% to 28.9% relative) over the stand alone Conformer system on the NIST Hub5'00, Rt03 and Rt02 evaluation data.Comment: It' s accepted to ISCA 202