8,798 research outputs found

    Discriminative Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Classification

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    Supervised learning is difficult with high dimensional input spacesand very small training sets, but accurate classification may bepossible if the data lie on a low-dimensional manifold. GaussianProcess Latent Variable Models can discover low dimensional manifoldsgiven only a small number of examples, but learn a latent spacewithout regard for class labels. Existing methods for discriminativemanifold learning (e.g., LDA, GDA) do constrain the class distributionin the latent space, but are generally deterministic and may notgeneralize well with limited training data. We introduce a method forGaussian Process Classification using latent variable models trainedwith discriminative priors over the latent space, which can learn adiscriminative latent space from a small training set

    Score Function Features for Discriminative Learning: Matrix and Tensor Framework

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    Feature learning forms the cornerstone for tackling challenging learning problems in domains such as speech, computer vision and natural language processing. In this paper, we consider a novel class of matrix and tensor-valued features, which can be pre-trained using unlabeled samples. We present efficient algorithms for extracting discriminative information, given these pre-trained features and labeled samples for any related task. Our class of features are based on higher-order score functions, which capture local variations in the probability density function of the input. We establish a theoretical framework to characterize the nature of discriminative information that can be extracted from score-function features, when used in conjunction with labeled samples. We employ efficient spectral decomposition algorithms (on matrices and tensors) for extracting discriminative components. The advantage of employing tensor-valued features is that we can extract richer discriminative information in the form of an overcomplete representations. Thus, we present a novel framework for employing generative models of the input for discriminative learning.Comment: 29 page

    Latent Fisher Discriminant Analysis

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    Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is a well-known method for dimensionality reduction and classification. Previous studies have also extended the binary-class case into multi-classes. However, many applications, such as object detection and keyframe extraction cannot provide consistent instance-label pairs, while LDA requires labels on instance level for training. Thus it cannot be directly applied for semi-supervised classification problem. In this paper, we overcome this limitation and propose a latent variable Fisher discriminant analysis model. We relax the instance-level labeling into bag-level, is a kind of semi-supervised (video-level labels of event type are required for semantic frame extraction) and incorporates a data-driven prior over the latent variables. Hence, our method combines the latent variable inference and dimension reduction in an unified bayesian framework. We test our method on MUSK and Corel data sets and yield competitive results compared to the baseline approach. We also demonstrate its capacity on the challenging TRECVID MED11 dataset for semantic keyframe extraction and conduct a human-factors ranking-based experimental evaluation, which clearly demonstrates our proposed method consistently extracts more semantically meaningful keyframes than challenging baselines.Comment: 12 page

    Unsupervised Learning with Imbalanced Data via Structure Consolidation Latent Variable Model

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    Unsupervised learning on imbalanced data is challenging because, when given imbalanced data, current model is often dominated by the major category and ignores the categories with small amount of data. We develop a latent variable model that can cope with imbalanced data by dividing the latent space into a shared space and a private space. Based on Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models, we propose a new kernel formulation that enables the separation of latent space and derives an efficient variational inference method. The performance of our model is demonstrated with an imbalanced medical image dataset.Comment: ICLR 2016 Worksho
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