12 research outputs found

    Generating Distractors for Reading Comprehension Questions from Real Examinations

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    We investigate the task of distractor generation for multiple choice reading comprehension questions from examinations. In contrast to all previous works, we do not aim at preparing words or short phrases distractors, instead, we endeavor to generate longer and semantic-rich distractors which are closer to distractors in real reading comprehension from examinations. Taking a reading comprehension article, a pair of question and its correct option as input, our goal is to generate several distractors which are somehow related to the answer, consistent with the semantic context of the question and have some trace in the article. We propose a hierarchical encoder-decoder framework with static and dynamic attention mechanisms to tackle this task. Specifically, the dynamic attention can combine sentence-level and word-level attention varying at each recurrent time step to generate a more readable sequence. The static attention is to modulate the dynamic attention not to focus on question irrelevant sentences or sentences which contribute to the correct option. Our proposed framework outperforms several strong baselines on the first prepared distractor generation dataset of real reading comprehension questions. For human evaluation, compared with those distractors generated by baselines, our generated distractors are more functional to confuse the annotators.Comment: AAAI201

    Automatic Distractor Generation for Multiple Choice Questions in Standard Tests

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    To assess the knowledge proficiency of a learner, multiple choice question is an efficient and widespread form in standard tests. However, the composition of the multiple choice question, especially the construction of distractors is quite challenging. The distractors are required to both incorrect and plausible enough to confuse the learners who did not master the knowledge. Currently, the distractors are generated by domain experts which are both expensive and time-consuming. This urges the emergence of automatic distractor generation, which can benefit various standard tests in a wide range of domains. In this paper, we propose a question and answer guided distractor generation (EDGE) framework to automate distractor generation. EDGE consists of three major modules: (1) the Reforming Question Module and the Reforming Passage Module apply gate layers to guarantee the inherent incorrectness of the generated distractors; (2) the Distractor Generator Module applies attention mechanism to control the level of plausibility. Experimental results on a large-scale public dataset demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms existing models and achieves a new state-of-the-art.Comment: accepted by COLING202

    Knowledge-Driven Distractor Generation for Cloze-style Multiple Choice Questions

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    In this paper, we propose a novel configurable framework to automatically generate distractive choices for open-domain cloze-style multiple-choice questions, which incorporates a general-purpose knowledge base to effectively create a small distractor candidate set, and a feature-rich learning-to-rank model to select distractors that are both plausible and reliable. Experimental results on datasets across four domains show that our framework yields distractors that are more plausible and reliable than previous methods. This dataset can also be used as a benchmark for distractor generation in the future.Comment: To appear at AAAI 202

    Knowledge Questions from Knowledge Graphs

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    We address the novel problem of automatically generating quiz-style knowledge questions from a knowledge graph such as DBpedia. Questions of this kind have ample applications, for instance, to educate users about or to evaluate their knowledge in a specific domain. To solve the problem, we propose an end-to-end approach. The approach first selects a named entity from the knowledge graph as an answer. It then generates a structured triple-pattern query, which yields the answer as its sole result. If a multiple-choice question is desired, the approach selects alternative answer options. Finally, our approach uses a template-based method to verbalize the structured query and yield a natural language question. A key challenge is estimating how difficult the generated question is to human users. To do this, we make use of historical data from the Jeopardy! quiz show and a semantically annotated Web-scale document collection, engineer suitable features, and train a logistic regression classifier to predict question difficulty. Experiments demonstrate the viability of our overall approach

    Question Generation from Knowledge Graphs

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