6 research outputs found

    Discriminating word senses with tourist walks in complex networks

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    Patterns of topological arrangement are widely used for both animal and human brains in the learning process. Nevertheless, automatic learning techniques frequently overlook these patterns. In this paper, we apply a learning technique based on the structural organization of the data in the attribute space to the problem of discriminating the senses of 10 polysemous words. Using two types of characterization of meanings, namely semantical and topological approaches, we have observed significative accuracy rates in identifying the suitable meanings in both techniques. Most importantly, we have found that the characterization based on the deterministic tourist walk improves the disambiguation process when one compares with the discrimination achieved with traditional complex networks measurements such as assortativity and clustering coefficient. To our knowledge, this is the first time that such deterministic walk has been applied to such a kind of problem. Therefore, our finding suggests that the tourist walk characterization may be useful in other related applications

    Comparing the writing style of real and artificial papers

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    Recent years have witnessed the increase of competition in science. While promoting the quality of research in many cases, an intense competition among scientists can also trigger unethical scientific behaviors. To increase the total number of published papers, some authors even resort to software tools that are able to produce grammatical, but meaningless scientific manuscripts. Because automatically generated papers can be misunderstood as real papers, it becomes of paramount importance to develop means to identify these scientific frauds. In this paper, I devise a methodology to distinguish real manuscripts from those generated with SCIGen, an automatic paper generator. Upon modeling texts as complex networks (CN), it was possible to discriminate real from fake papers with at least 89\% of accuracy. A systematic analysis of features relevance revealed that the accessibility and betweenness were useful in particular cases, even though the relevance depended upon the dataset. The successful application of the methods described here show, as a proof of principle, that network features can be used to identify scientific gibberish papers. In addition, the CN-based approach can be combined in a straightforward fashion with traditional statistical language processing methods to improve the performance in identifying artificially generated papers.Comment: To appear in Scientometrics (2015

    Probing the topological properties of complex networks modeling short written texts

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    In recent years, graph theory has been widely employed to probe several language properties. More specifically, the so-called word adjacency model has been proven useful for tackling several practical problems, especially those relying on textual stylistic analysis. The most common approach to treat texts as networks has simply considered either large pieces of texts or entire books. This approach has certainly worked well -- many informative discoveries have been made this way -- but it raises an uncomfortable question: could there be important topological patterns in small pieces of texts? To address this problem, the topological properties of subtexts sampled from entire books was probed. Statistical analyzes performed on a dataset comprising 50 novels revealed that most of the traditional topological measurements are stable for short subtexts. When the performance of the authorship recognition task was analyzed, it was found that a proper sampling yields a discriminability similar to the one found with full texts. Surprisingly, the support vector machine classification based on the characterization of short texts outperformed the one performed with entire books. These findings suggest that a local topological analysis of large documents might improve its global characterization. Most importantly, it was verified, as a proof of principle, that short texts can be analyzed with the methods and concepts of complex networks. As a consequence, the techniques described here can be extended in a straightforward fashion to analyze texts as time-varying complex networks

    Using a high-dimensional model of semantic space to predict neural activity

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    This dissertation research developed the GOLD model (Graph Of Language Distribution), a graph-structured semantic space model constructed based on co-occurrence in a large corpus of natural language, with the intent that it may be used to explore what information may be present about relationships between words in such a model and the degree to which this information may be used to predict brain responses and behavior in language tasks. The present study employed GOLD to examine genera relatedness as well as two specific types of relationship between words: semantic similarity, which refers to the degree of overlap in meaning between words, and associative relatedness, which refers to the degree to which two words occur in the same schematic context. It was hypothesized that this graph-structured model of language constructed based on co-occurrence should easily capture associative relatedness, because this type of relationship is thought to be present directly in lexical co-occurrence. Additionally, it was hypothesized that semantic similarity may be extracted from the intersection of the set of first-order connections, because two words that are semantically similar may occupy similar thematic or syntactic roles across contexts and thus would co-occur lexically with the same set of nodes. Based on these hypotheses, a set of relationship metrics were extracted from the GOLD model, and machine learning techniques were used to explore predictive properties of these metrics. GOLD successfully predicted behavioral data as well as neural activity in response to words with varying relationships, and its predictions outperformed those of certain competing models. These results suggest that a single-mechanism account of learning word meaning from context may suffice to account for a variety of relationships between words. Further benefits of graph models of language are discussed, including their transparent record of language experience, easy interpretability, and increased psychologically plausibility over models that perform complex transformations of meaning representation