31 research outputs found

    Author index volume 221 (1999)nce

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    CHARDA: Causal Hybrid Automata Recovery via Dynamic Analysis

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    We propose and evaluate a new technique for learning hybrid automata automatically by observing the runtime behavior of a dynamical system. Working from a sequence of continuous state values and predicates about the environment, CHARDA recovers the distinct dynamic modes, learns a model for each mode from a given set of templates, and postulates causal guard conditions which trigger transitions between modes. Our main contribution is the use of information-theoretic measures (1)~as a cost function for data segmentation and model selection to penalize over-fitting and (2)~to determine the likely causes of each transition. CHARDA is easily extended with different classes of model templates, fitting methods, or predicates. In our experiments on a complex videogame character, CHARDA successfully discovers a reasonable over-approximation of the character's true behaviors. Our results also compare favorably against recent work in automatically learning probabilistic timed automata in an aircraft domain: CHARDA exactly learns the modes of these simpler automata.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for IJCAI 201

    Analysis of Non-Linear Probabilistic Hybrid Systems

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    This paper shows how to compute, for probabilistic hybrid systems, the clock approximation and linear phase-portrait approximation that have been proposed for non probabilistic processes by Henzinger et al. The techniques permit to define a rectangular probabilistic process from a non rectangular one, hence allowing the model-checking of any class of systems. Clock approximation, which applies under some restrictions, aims at replacing a non rectangular variable by a clock variable. Linear phase-approximation applies without restriction and yields an approximation that simulates the original process. The conditions that we need for probabilistic processes are the same as those for the classic case.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2011, arXiv:1107.074

    Approximate probabilistic verification of hybrid systems

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    Hybrid systems whose mode dynamics are governed by non-linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are often a natural model for biological processes. However such models are difficult to analyze. To address this, we develop a probabilistic analysis method by approximating the mode transitions as stochastic events. We assume that the probability of making a mode transition is proportional to the measure of the set of pairs of time points and value states at which the mode transition is enabled. To ensure a sound mathematical basis, we impose a natural continuity property on the non-linear ODEs. We also assume that the states of the system are observed at discrete time points but that the mode transitions may take place at any time between two successive discrete time points. This leads to a discrete time Markov chain as a probabilistic approximation of the hybrid system. We then show that for BLTL (bounded linear time temporal logic) specifications the hybrid system meets a specification iff its Markov chain approximation meets the same specification with probability 11. Based on this, we formulate a sequential hypothesis testing procedure for verifying -approximately- that the Markov chain meets a BLTL specification with high probability. Our case studies on cardiac cell dynamics and the circadian rhythm indicate that our scheme can be applied in a number of realistic settings

    The Reach-Avoid Problem for Constant-Rate Multi-Mode Systems

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    A constant-rate multi-mode system is a hybrid system that can switch freely among a finite set of modes, and whose dynamics is specified by a finite number of real-valued variables with mode-dependent constant rates. Alur, Wojtczak, and Trivedi have shown that reachability problems for constant-rate multi-mode systems for open and convex safety sets can be solved in polynomial time. In this paper, we study the reachability problem for non-convex state spaces and show that this problem is in general undecidable. We recover decidability by making certain assumptions about the safety set. We present a new algorithm to solve this problem and compare its performance with the popular sampling based algorithm rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT) as implemented in the Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL).Comment: 26 page

    Weak Singular Hybrid Automata

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    The framework of Hybrid automata, introduced by Alur, Courcourbetis, Henzinger, and Ho, provides a formal modeling and analysis environment to analyze the interaction between the discrete and the continuous parts of cyber-physical systems. Hybrid automata can be considered as generalizations of finite state automata augmented with a finite set of real-valued variables whose dynamics in each state is governed by a system of ordinary differential equations. Moreover, the discrete transitions of hybrid automata are guarded by constraints over the values of these real-valued variables, and enable discontinuous jumps in the evolution of these variables. Singular hybrid automata are a subclass of hybrid automata where dynamics is specified by state-dependent constant vectors. Henzinger, Kopke, Puri, and Varaiya showed that for even very restricted subclasses of singular hybrid automata, the fundamental verification questions, like reachability and schedulability, are undecidable. In this paper we present \emph{weak singular hybrid automata} (WSHA), a previously unexplored subclass of singular hybrid automata, and show the decidability (and the exact complexity) of various verification questions for this class including reachability (NP-Complete) and LTL model-checking (PSPACE-Complete). We further show that extending WSHA with a single unrestricted clock or extending WSHA with unrestricted variable updates lead to undecidability of reachability problem

    Safe Schedulability of Bounded-Rate Multi-Mode Systems

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    Bounded-rate multi-mode systems (BMMS) are hybrid systems that can switch freely among a finite set of modes, and whose dynamics is specified by a finite number of real-valued variables with mode-dependent rates that can vary within given bounded sets. The schedulability problem for BMMS is defined as an infinite-round game between two players---the scheduler and the environment---where in each round the scheduler proposes a time and a mode while the environment chooses an allowable rate for that mode, and the state of the system changes linearly in the direction of the rate vector. The goal of the scheduler is to keep the state of the system within a pre-specified safe set using a non-Zeno schedule, while the goal of the environment is the opposite. Green scheduling under uncertainty is a paradigmatic example of BMMS where a winning strategy of the scheduler corresponds to a robust energy-optimal policy. We present an algorithm to decide whether the scheduler has a winning strategy from an arbitrary starting state, and give an algorithm to compute such a winning strategy, if it exists. We show that the schedulability problem for BMMS is co-NP complete in general, but for two variables it is in PTIME. We also study the discrete schedulability problem where the environment has only finitely many choices of rate vectors in each mode and the scheduler can make decisions only at multiples of a given clock period, and show it to be EXPTIME-complete.Comment: Technical report for a paper presented at HSCC 201

    Reasoning about transfinite sequences

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    We introduce a family of temporal logics to specify the behavior of systems with Zeno behaviors. We extend linear-time temporal logic LTL to authorize models admitting Zeno sequences of actions and quantitative temporal operators indexed by ordinals replace the standard next-time and until future-time operators. Our aim is to control such systems by designing controllers that safely work on ω\omega-sequences but interact synchronously with the system in order to restrict their behaviors. We show that the satisfiability problem for the logics working on ωk\omega^k-sequences is EXPSPACE-complete when the integers are represented in binary, and PSPACE-complete with a unary representation. To do so, we substantially extend standard results about LTL by introducing a new class of succinct ordinal automata that can encode the interaction between the different quantitative temporal operators.Comment: 38 page